Getting Here Now

What is a Modern Day Priestess?

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Seven Meditations to support you deepen your

Empty Presence Meditation


Are you looking for a way to deepen your Presence?


This series is perfect if you are being called to deepen your inward journey and commit to a practice of coming to the present moment and becoming empty.


Empty Presence is the seminal practice and skill of this Priestess Presence Path. Remembering this place of emptiness is the first place that we begin; it is a practice that never ends.

It is the ability to empty your mind and drop your consciousness down into your heart and womb in order that you maybe a vessel to receiving the Mother. This simple and profound act of surrender is one that we practice every time that we enter into temple. Over and over again we practice coming to a place within that is empty and still. In this space, we stay with the moment and access the womb of silence out of which all images, words, sensations, and internal experiences arise.

Sometimes we need the added support of being guided. No matter how simple the practice, there are times we all need to be supported in creating space to deepen our presence.

In this series, I guide you through seven practices that together support you to deepen into an Empty Presence Practice.

  • Getting Here Now
  • Grounding
  • Golden Sphere
  • Expanding
  • Into Infinity
  • Detox on the Out Breath
  • Nourish on the In Breath

Each meditation is short and to the point so you can use them every day to support your practice!
