Why Training Matters & How
it Makes a Difference

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Curious about our 12 month priestess training?
Are you called to priestess as a vocation?
Would you benefit from being held at this initiatory gateway?
Click below to schedule a free, 20 minute clarification call.

Curious about our 12 month priestess training?
Are you called to priestess as a vocation?
Would you benefit from being held at this initiatory gateway?
Click below to schedule a free, 20 minute clarification call.

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Catalyze. Initiate. Liberate. Illuminate.

The Invitation

A Year Long Online Initiation Starting January 2019



Never before has there been such an urgent, yet ecstatic,
cry for our Presence.

We are being called across the planet and from every cell in
our bodies to be here now.


We are in times of the Unknown, times of a great paradigm
shift, ushering in a new way of living on our planet.

It’s uncomfortable. It’s constricted.

As priestesses, as a sisterhood, and as a planet, we are at the crucial moment of birth:
A birth filled with great possibility, but requiring great surrender.

We are being called to birth ourselves — and each other — over and and over again.

What do you choose to birth?
How do you choose to stand?

Our inherent Divine Feminine leadership, steeped in ancient gnosis, is carried within
our bones and intricately tied to our collective awakening so we may live in
communion with ourselves, Gaia, and one another.

It is time to stand.
It is time to immerse in Her ancient mysteries.
It is time to embody our lineage.

Sister, the Divine Feminine initiatory mysteries are alive with each of us.
They are encoded and living within our DNA, in our sacred body temples.
They are as old as the ancient hills, yet as current as a thousand years into the future.
Will you remember?


Are you willing to listen to the calling in your heart?
Are you willing to set aside everything you “know” and step
inside a new paradigm?

Can you feel the Priestess move through you?
Will you embrace Her?

We are here to serve the world in loving, devoted service.
We are here to transmute pain with the universal dream of
unconditional Love.

It is time to uplift humanity.
It is time to transform through Oneness.
Come, be a beacon of hope and loving feminine leadership.

Enter the Mystery of the 13 Moon Lineage™…


This 12 Month Mystery School is a tantric path with direct embodiment
to receive the faces of the Goddess, in gnosis. As such, there
is no “teaching,” but rather a deep and profound remembrance,
catalyzed by being within a skillfully held alchemical crucible.

You will open your vessel wider — and clearer — to receive Her energy.

Through an alchemical process and direct embodiment, you will
transform shadow into light; fear into Love; lead into gold.

This Mystery asks that you enter the Unknown — through your inner
knowing — and anchor your Priestess skills and training in a specific lineage.

Here, divine remembrance moves you from AWAKENING the 13 faces
of the Divine Feminine archetypes to EMBODYING them, unlocking the
sacred technology of what it means to walk as Priestess in your
daily life.

The initiation is to become a vessel of coherent and resonant
unconditional Love.

Do you feel called to immerse and deeply commit to Her alchemy? Are you willing to step onto the Path of Priestess Ordination?

You Will Be Initiated

…Because LIFE is the initiation. This is the organizing principle at
the heart of the Mystery School.

When you enter the 13 Gateways of Initiation, you will encounter diverse faces of
the Divine Feminine, each representing challenges and initiations …
opportunities to lift the veils of your Divine Essence.

Your sacred calling in the world (your work!) and your relationships with:
the Divine; your family; those you’re intimate with; your health;
and your finances are initiatory gateways that you face many times
each day.

Choosing this path is saying a clear yes to being initiated and challenged
in your life, so that you become aligned with your purpose,
from a place of sovereignty.

It is a choice.

How will these challenges show up in your life? This is unknown.
You are asked to trust. To surrender to the alchemy.

What IS known is that it will not always be comfortable. Initiations rarely are.
Yet … they will liberate you.
Expand you.
Illuminate you.


During this year long initiation, you will be held in a sacred, sealed
crucible dedicated to the sacred mystery technologies of the
Alchemical Priestess.

You will be supported, loved, and initiated to bring the gift of who you
truly are to the world.

Sisterhood is the crucible we enter to awaken the mystery of that
which we came here to be.

Our world needs circles of sisters who are highly trained and initiated
into the ancient-future mysteries and sacred technologies of the
Priestess lineages. With these skills and practices, we not only heal
ourselves, but become catalysts for healing the world.

Together, we remember, and are able to more deeply offer ourselves
in service through fiercely vulnerable, tender, and truthful leadership.


As you enter this sisterhood, imagine walking through the temple doors
and being greeted by a Gatekeeper … a sister you recognize from eons ago,
across all time and space.

You feel the sense of having arrived “home” to a place that you remember
through the veils and mists of time immemorial.

You realize this is the temple dedicated to the “ancient-future” Priestess.

You are received into a circle devoted to individually and collectively
freeing our beautiful Essence so that we can ALL walk as Love in the world.

Take your place at a magnificent table and feel the support of your sisters
as you are initiated into embodying your shining, iridescent light.

While being deeply held in this sacred circle, your soul is seen in
all its magnificent colors: There will be no way for you to
not stand as the gift that you are.

This Initiation Program is a sacred space for you to access the
Priestess and all 13 faces of the Divine Feminine so that you can step
into your deeper Essence while being held in a beautiful,
intimate sisterhood.


Many of us are being called to walk in loving service as the Divine
Feminine ushers in a new reality, a new paradigm shift for our world.

We are being called to remember our ancient-future lineages of
Divine Feminine practice.

It is safe now for us to come out into the light, emerge from between the
veils, and bring our inner wisdom with us. And, sister, we are needed.
More than ever.

Beloved sister, you are asked to shine so brightly that your luminescent light and outrageous beauty are recognized and felt.

Come, walk as the embodiment of Divine Feminine leadership,
affecting everything and everyone by being a vessel of Her love.

It is time to awaken the remembrance of your luminous Essence.
It is time to serve the world.

liberate Many of us are being called to walk in loving service as the Divine Feminine ushers in a new reality, a new paradigm shift for our world. We are being called to remember our ancient-future lineages of Divine Feminine practice. It is safe now for us to come out into the light, emerge from between the veils, and bring our inner wisdom with us. And, sister, we are needed. More than ever. Beloved sister, you are asked to shine so brightly that your luminescent light and outrageous beauty are recognized and felt. Come, walk as the embodiment of Divine Feminine leadership, affecting everything and everyone by being a vessel of Her love.

It is time to awaken the remembrance of your luminous Essence. It is time to serve the world.

Who is This Initiation Circle For?

Sister, this is for you if you are…

  • Ready to live your life as the initiation.
  • Willing to love your shadow as your light.
  • Yearning to immerse in a sacred, online temple initiation, enter into a deep transformational chrysalis, and emerge more embodied in the fullness of who you are.
  • Called to receive initiation and training on your Priestess path from within a powerful, timeless mystery school.

Do you…

  • Feel the call to co-create the potent, fertile, safe and deeply holding cocoon where you dissolve who you were to allow the beauty of your truest Essence to emerge in Her ripe fullness?
  • Know yourself to be a messenger, one who is being called to walk as the living temple?

Sister, if you are drawn to go deeper into the Mystery and if you have a sense
that this path may lead you to the point where you choose to walk as a
13 Moon Ordained Priestess, then this circle is for you.

This powerful Mystery School is not a workshop.
It is a potent Soul Essence journey,
calling you closer to the heart of your being,
activating you in devoted service
as an emissary
of Her Divine Love…

The Journey. The Choices.

There are two paths upon which you can choose to journey…

  • ONLINE ONLY: The Sapphire Circle – entirely online and does not require you to travel in person.
  • ONLINE + 1:1 COACHING: The Citrine Circle – entirely online and includes monthly 1:1 mentoring with Kalila. If you are interested in Citrine circle, please go ahead and register for the Sapphire circle and look out for the thank you page where you will be given the option to apply.

Online Only

By application and interview


  • Deep, initiatory dive
  • 3 live, online temple transmissions per moon
  • Video and audio recordings and transcripts.
  • Private Facebook Temple
  • Sister Confidant
  • 4 Deepening Q&A Calls
  • Bonus meditations and videos
  • Beautifully detailed handouts
  • Illustrated Deep Dive Online Journal
  • Online Membership to Priestess Presence Mothership

Online Only + 1:1 Coaching with Kalila

By application and interview


  • ALL the benefits of the entire Sapphire Circle
  • SEED Activation Session
  • 8 one-on-one personal coaching sessions
  • Personal email access to Kalila
  • Special Citrine Sister Circle
  • Being a Devoted Sister of the Temple

“When she introduced me to the world of the goddess, a whole new way of being and experiencing my life opened up for me. When I moved to San Francisco from NYC, I was completely lost. My business was stagnant. My relationship wasn’t flowing. I felt insecure and lonely. Kalila was the light that helped me to climb out of that hole and create an amazing life, marriage and relationship with myself.



During this year long journey, you will be exquisitely held in a potent crucible that includes the following:

26 POWERFUL, LIVE, ONLINE TEMPLE INITIATIONS 3 initiatory temples/month devoted to one of the 13 faces of the Divine Feminine archetypes. Each temple is unique and offers an experience of direct connection and embodiment with each archetype.These live initiations are at the heart of the Mystery School, opening a profound portal to awaken Her as She lives in you. Enjoy recordings of every live temple on the Mothership.

PRIVATE FACEBOOK TEMPLE A dedicated, intimate Facebook group filled with unconditional love, sisterhood, and support. This powerful crucible offers a web of potent connection where we share our deepest challenges and transformations through poetry, art, and song. Think of this as us gathered around the temple hearth, offering heart listening and unconditional witnessing.

4 LIVE, ONLINE BONUS Q+A TEMPLES Similar to group coaching sessions, these additional calls allow you to integrate, share, and deepen into a themed topic/query. We dive deep into whatever is arising within us as a temple. In this fluid and open time, together, we delight in the journey – simultaneously giving and receiving – in a space where you can ask questions and practice core priestessing skills.

WALKING AS THE DIVINE FEMININE MEDITATION PROGRAM 26 bonus audios and supporting practices offering a gateway to deepen in each of the 13 archetypes. These powerful audio guided journeys and deepening practices are an intimate way for you to take a deeper dive into each of the 13 faces of the Goddess. Imagine each one of these portals as potent medicine that you can self select, guided by your intuition. These sacred offerings are not available outside this program.

DEEPENING PRACTICES Beautifully designed and detailed handouts for each temple with deepening practices to further your exploration, focusing on the shadow and light of each archetype. This is “mindfood” invites you to contemplate each face of the Goddess through sacred geometry, mudra, mantra, yantra, flowers, herbs, crystals, sacred tools and much more!

DEEP DIVE JOURNAL Gorgeously designed online, interactive journal for each of the 13 archetypes so you may further your exploration and practice. This includes an invitation to cycle with the new and full moons, enter into communion with each archetype, journal about your dreams, and deepen your personal connection with the Goddess.

SACRED SISTER CIRCLE Intimate group Sister Circle gathering occurs online, once per month, to deepen into the skills and practices of each archetype. We provide sacred guidelines and deepening queries. This is a sacred opportunity for you to become more intimate with a smaller circle of sisters who will hold you in beauty, support, and love as you travel the 13 moons together.

ONLINE MOTHERSHIP Private membership site to access to all your deepening materials, bonuses, journals, and the recordings (audio and video) of every live temple. All of this is in one beautiful space, exquisitely organized so that you can lay your hand and heart upon any of the materials whenever you choose!  Access to this membership site is evergreen/eternal, across all time and space!


The Sapphire Circle is for you if feel called to deepen into an online only
initiate circle and immerse yourself into a potent, rich temple journey. You will
receive all the of the Enter the Mystery Foundation Curriculum.

If you are here, you may have been yearning for a committed and sealed
alchemical crucible that will hold you for a profound cycle of 12 moons … a space
that intentionally leads you through an entire gestational period.


The Citrine Circle is for you if you desire an online program with the
potent opportunity to have 1:1 coaching with me to hold you in deep
accountability during your initiations. In this circle you will receive
all of the Enter the Mystery Foundation Curriculum AND we meet every
moon so that I have a powerful way of holding you across the duration of
your journey.

The Citrine Circle — which requires an application and interview — you
receive everything in the Sapphire program, PLUS:

  • SEED Activation: A 90 minute, live 1:1 session with Kalila to activate the seeds — your personal gifts — that you are here to bring on the planet; this includes a personal altar created just for you. A recording of the session will be sent to you. (This session alone has the regular heart contribution of nearly $500.) We invite you to redeem this session before March 1st; it will help propel you deeper into the Initiation.
  • 8 one-on-one personal coaching sessions — 60 minutes each. We recommend these be spaced monthly; they must be completed by December 2018. Personal email access to Kalila between sessions for quick heart check-ins or support.
  • Special Citrine Sister Circle — facilitated by a “Sister in Devotion” (who is on the path of ordination) — so that you can bring the value of your 1:1 mentoring to each other.
  • Being a Devoted Sister of the Temple — where you are an energetic space holder to help open the portal to call in sisters who are looking for this temple.


  If you are interested in Citrine circle, please go ahead and apply for the Sapphire circle and check the box on the application form to express your interest in Citrine

The temple doors are opening.
We are gathering together again.
She is awakening, igniting within us.
You are being called to take your place in this hallowed circle.
The time is now.
Are you willing to surrender?

Benefits + Transformation you will be:

  • Initiated into a potent Divine Feminine Mystery School lineage which will awaken and ignite your remembrance to walk as a vessel of Her love in your life.
  • Birthed into the fullness of your radiant soul Essence.
  • Awakened to your true roles here on earth.
  • Unconditionally received in your shadow and light.
  • Seen and held in your wholeness and Essence.
  • Held in a resonant field of archetypal wisdom and unconditional Love.
  • Guided to listen from your deep belly wisdom and heart knowing.
  • Opened to the 13 different frequencies of the Divine Feminine as She lives in you.
  • Challenged to embody all Her faces and dissolve what “appears” to be in the way of your fullest expression of Her within you.
  • Moved into the greater mythic story of your wholeness, self-adoration, and empowered presence.
  • On the path of Priestess Ordination within the 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage. (To learn more about this read here.)
  • Part of an intimate circle that meets live, three times each moon.
  • Guided to remember the power of working with the lunar cycle as a tool of alignment and feminine manifestation.
  • Initiated and challenged to step into the fullness of who you are while alchemizing your wounds for the benefit of the collective.
  • Her hands, Her heart, Her eyes, Her words in Love and action.
  • Witnessed and held accountable to the ”sacred contracts” that you are called to create as you travel this initiatory journey.
  • Invited to embody and collectively dream the birthing of a new archetype of the Divine Feminine in the form of the Alchemical Priestess.
  • Claiming and remembering your birthright: your sacred technology (priestess practices and skills).
  • Led to remember what it means to stand as a ceremonial leader in the community.
  • Empowered to embody and hold positions in a new paradigm of feminine leadership.
  • Guided to awaken and align with your core passions.
  • A 12 month journey to birth yourself.
  • Deepening into your remembrance of this lineage.

Hear What The Sisters Say

This is more than a one year program…

The Options

You can join for just one year or stay on for multiple years, as different curricula/pathways are offered in this training.

…Many of our sisters are entering their 4th year!

There are a few different ways—and heart contribution rates—you can be part of Enter the Mystery.

  • Online only (no extra coaching; we call this “Sapphire”)
  • 1:1 mentoring + online (we call this “Citrine”)
Extra Opportunities:
  • In-person weekend retreats (there will be 4 weekend retreats at Kalila’s home temple throughout 2019; choose to attend one, two, three, or all four!)

As mentioned, we have additional pathways to deepen in your training after you’ve completed year one.

After Year 1 or beyond, choose from any the following curriculum:
  • Art + Alchemy of Manifestation—a focused, intimate sub-group to help you manifest your desires as you follow the moon cycle. Includes extra, monthly group coaching.
  • Sacred Tools—focus on the following arts with bonus offerings each month: oracle, sacred geometry, sacred movement, and archetypal tools for each face of the Goddess.
  • Sacred Business Mentorship—1:1 business mentoring.
  • Returning Initiate—returning, online only, without an additional curriculum stream.


It is time to step into being the Living Temple.
It is time to be a vessel of Love.
It is time to embody your Essence.

“Walking the path of the Priestess under the sacred guidance of Elayne Kalila has been one of the most profound awakenings of my life.

The moment I began this work, there was a sense of coming home to something I’ve always known.

Entering into Entering the Temple, I stripped away in a matter of days patterns and beliefs I’d tried shaking for years. I was given the tools to tackle everything, not just on the surface, but on higher planes. I feel incredible power behind the work I do. I am more divinely held and connected than ever. Every step I take closer to love is not just for me; it’s for the planet.”


13 Moon Journey

Temple Gateways and Initiations

Beloved, this is what awaits you if you choose to answer
the call to enter the Path of the Priestess — a dedicated
Online Initiation Temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage.

Enter the Temple of the Great Mother


She Who Nurtures and Sustains.


“I am the path of unconditional love. I am the energy of deep nurturance and sustainability. I am the feeling of unerring support that lives in you always, no matter what. I ask you to let go of all patterns of over doing, over responsibility, and scarcity. I invite you to enter into my deep embrace that is eternal. I am your source, your divine holding, and connection to all of life. I am here with you now.”

You Will

  • Enter into the mystery of “I surrender/I receive” as a state of being.
  • Open to the Great Mother as she lives within you.
  • Deepen into the practice of unconditional love.
  • Feel Her presence and embrace.
  • Work with your maternal lineage lines to embrace your ancestry to heal and whole all places of disconnect.
  • Awaken your blood lineages and spiritual lineages.
  • Deepen into the blood mysteries as a path of creation wisdom.
  • Create a sacred bloodline tool to honor your cycle of feminine magnetism and manifestation.
  • Embrace presence, emptiness, and resonance as words that create an opening for you to embody the Divine Feminine.
  • Cultivate the womb of silence.
  • Remember how to drop into emptiness and “sit” in the center of yourself no matter what is happening in the outside world.
  • Deepen your ability to be.
  • Empty out your mind and access your intuition as wise counsel for how to take passionate action in the world.
  • Access your ability to “hold space” so your organic wisdom emerges.
  • Deepen your connection to the lunar cycle as a feminine tool of embodied creative manifestation.

Enter the Temple of the Goddess of Compassion


She Who Enfolds in Mercy, Forgiveness, and Compassion.


“All reality is seeded from our consciousness, that we are divinely responsible for all that is created in the world. I am the path of embodied compassion and forgiveness. I challenge you to recognize that whatever you may judge in another is first seeded in self. I call you into the deeper mystery of knowing that there is only one of us here. I am the seed of Mother Mary as She lives in your heart, and the tears of Quan Yin who feels all the suffering of the world. I challenge you to open your heart, to forgive and let go of resentments and to feel where you are being called to more fully love.”

You Will

  • Enter the mystery of “I recognize, I seed.”
  • Open to the inner knowing that all things are created through your conscious embodiment of yantra, mantra, and mudra.
  • Open to the Goddess of Compassion as she lives within you.
  • Feel Her presence as she awakens your capacity to sit in the heart of forgiveness and neutrality.
  • Ignite the violet triple flames of Love, compassion and wisdom as essential tools for walking as the temple of compassion.
  • Deepen into compassion practices and be challenged to embody this in your daily life.
  • Be initiated into the practice of pooling the “milk” of human kindness, mercy, and humility within your heart.
  • Awaken practices of forgiveness and self-acceptance.
  • Open to an increased sense of worthiness.
  • Release yourself from the bonds of perfection, judgment, and criticism so that you can be free to offer your gifts more fully in the world.
  • Embrace the shadow places within yourself that you habitually hide from.
  • Initiate a deep practice of self forgiveness.

Enter the Temple of the Priestess


She Who Is Keeper of the Keys and Guardian of the Mysteries.


“I am the path of deep intuition and listening. I have the ability to tune in and amplify all that I receive from the multiple dimensions of knowing. I walk the path of the mystic – able to part the veils and walk between the worlds. I am a translator of the Divine and the quality of centered and still presence. I challenge you to connect with your inner well-spring of knowing and to enter into direct communion with your intuition.”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of ‘I amplify in stillness” as a pathway to awakening your intuition.
  • Open to the Priestess as she lives within you.
  • Deepen into working with the Chalice as a tool of amplification.
  • Learn how to hold space for others by becoming the “still mirror.”
  • Remember how to pool silence within yourself so that no matter what is happening out there in the world, you can sit in a space of grace and find the courage to stay centered in your heart.
  • Enter the realm of coherency and resonance as primary states of deep transmutation.
  • Practice the art of “quieting” yourself in devotion to a deeper “listening in” for the symbols, images, and metaphors that are emerging within you at this time.
  • Awaken your specific ‘channels of perception.”
  • Deepen your personal practice with your chosen divination tool. Examples might include: Oracle cards, scrying, runes, dowsing, etc.

Enter the Temple of Kali


She Who Gives and Takes Away.


“I am here to free you from all the half-truths that you continue to tell yourself. I delight in ripping away the false masks that you use to still hide behind. I am here to exalt and challenge you to liberate yourself from anything that no longer serves you. I am your power to destroy create and preserve. I am here to challenge any stuck patterns that you have been living in- and to unhinge your limitations.”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of “I focus, I create.”
  • Open to the three faces of the Creator-Destroyer-Preserver as She lives within you.
  • Deepen your capacity to sit with chaos and destruction as ONE face in the cycle of birth, life ,and death.
  • Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs, and behaviors that stop you from stepping into your powerful, radiant fullness.
  • Connect with and transmute the places where you are still hiding out behind false masks that you have created as a ways to “survive” in your life.
  • Connect with the elements of earth, air, water, fire, and ether as co-creating partners in your life.
  • Access the power of the Crystal Skull as a tool of focus and creation.
  • Co-create in a potent ritual of liberation to free yourself from the limitations and obstacles that are blocking your evolution.
  • Be challenged to cut away the “dead wood” in your life, including: habits; relationships; or ways of being that are not aligned with your greatest expression.

Enter the Temple of The Lady of Communion


She Who is Guardian of All Life.


“I am the path of the spiritual warrior. I have the divine ability to hold an intention and the skill to manifest it. I walk the path of impeccability; I ask you to tune into what your true motivations are – and I invite you to step into your power from the centered and grounded place of this. I am your strength and commitment to fulfill your sacred calling. I challenge you to live in your impeccability.”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of “I intend, I empower” as the pathway to your inner sovereignty.
  • Open to the Lady of Communion as She lives in you.
  • Deepen into your calling to manifest from your soul essence.
  • Immerse in a powerful re-balancing of your inner feminine and masculine in sacred union.
  • Deepen into your core motivations and intentions for how you are being called into devoted service at this time.
  • Be challenged to clear and alchemize the shadow of your ego/essence desires.
  • Access the power of the Light Shield as a tool of radiant essence.
  • Connect with Mother Gaia and tune into the ways that She is calling for your dedicated support and commitment at this time.
  • Awaken the power of Sovereign Communion as a commitment in your every day life.
  • Remember how to embody the essence of your nobility, impeccability, and love.
  • Take your place as a vanguard and steward of a new paradigm for Divine Feminine Leadership on the planet.
  • Sit upon your throne of sovereignty, claiming the responsibility and humility to be a force of embodied love.

Enter The Temple Muse


She Who Inspires and Energizes.


“I am the path of epiphany, that sudden magical knowing of essential truth. I dance and flow through all of life; I am the divine wonder of the lights as it hits the rose petals. I revel in all creation. I flutter in your heart and disarm you to move into deep innocence, wonder, and awe. I invite you embody the divine creativity that flows through you. Here, here! Now, now! All things are possible!”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of “I Play, I Inspire” as a pathway to liberating your divine innocence.
  • Dance with the Muse as She lives in you.
  • Open to embracing Her childlike awe and wonder.
  • Access the places where your Divine Child may have been hijacked and kept captive.
  • Learn how to sing the “Wonderful Me” song.
  • Remember how to access your spontaneity, imagination, and creativity as the crucial ingredient for creating a life filled with freedom and joy.
  • Clear out any areas where you feel contracted and “apparently” limited in your capacity to dream and believe that: “Here, here! Now, now! All things are possible!”
  • Play with the wand as the “power tool” of creative genius.
  • Giggle and wiggle your way to remembering how to create out-of-thin-air.
  • Use the “Magic If” wand to serve all your creations in the world.
  • Embrace your ability to turn everything on its head and see things from new perspectives.
  • Be challenged to live your life from joy, lightheartedness, and humor.

Enter the Temple of the Goddess of Love


She Who Embraces in Beauty and Love.


“I am here to embrace you and inspire your passion. I offer eternal fulfillment through love and sensual ecstasy. I see you as the Divine Lover. I invite you to deepen into your senses, your pleasure, and your capacity to expand. I intoxicate you so that you can see through the eyes of love, seeing only the Beloved in everyone you meet. I soften you so that you can open to vulnerability and intimacy.”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of “I Feel, I Respond, I Beautify” in devotion to expanding pleasure in every aspect of your life.
  • Open to the Goddess of Love as She lives within you.
  • Accept Her invitation to feel Her juicy aliveness in your everyday life.
  • Open to ecstasy, pleasure, and beauty as a pathway to becoming radically and unapologetically alive.
  • Discover how you shut down or block your sensuality and pleasure in favor of getting things done.
  • Remember the art of living in overflowing abundance.
  • Enter the mystery of giving as receiving.
  • Expand and embrace your capacity to sit in the heart of vulnerability as a devoted practice.
  • Heal and whole any wounds of comparison, competition, and judgment that may be keeping your stuck in your evolutionary development.
  • Enter Beauty as a pathway to the Divine.
  • Develop the art of living in overflowing abundance.
  • Practice seeing your life as abundant in all ways.
  • Awaken your sensuality as a radical Path of Priestess Presence in your daily life.
  • Learn divine practices to embody pleasure and sensuality.
  • Remember how to walk your sensuality as a gift to the world around you.
  • Awaken your blissful Presence.
  • Open your heart and yoni to receiving Her.
  • Delight in the Goddess of Love in Her emanations as Aphrodite, Lakshmi, and Lalita, Goddess of Bliss.
  • Awaken Her, embrace Her, and live Her in all aspects of your life.

Enter the Temple of the Primal Goddess


She Who is Natural, Instinctual, Untamed and Free.


“I am your wild instinctual freedom. I am the untrammeled Primal Goddess, the source of creativity. I am the passionate gypsy, the intoxicating priestess who initiates all She meets with Her outrageously alive Shakti power. I don’t care what others think of me. I don’t play by the rules. I challenge and empower you to free up your wild, untamed spirit. I am here to re-wild you.”

You Will

  • Enter the mystery path of “I Fuel, I Consume” to ignite your raw, primal fire in service to your freedom.
  • Open to the unbridled passion of the Primal Goddess as She lives in you.
  • Uncover that your presence is your Shakti – centered, flowing, alive, passionate, still, delightful, free, blissful, incisive, clear, outrageous.
  • Let go of being concerned with what anyone else thinks of you.
  • Embrace being bold and unconventional.
  • Color outside the lines.
  • Release energy so that your projects and life can be vitalized, impassioned, and freed up.
  • Give yourself permission to get of the box!
  • Learn when to break the rules and when to play by your own rules.
  • Get comfortable with being “messy” and be willing to drop the “good girl” to embrace your inner SHE animal.
  • Reclaim your instinctual, erotic alive body from all and any messages of shame.
  • Be supported to step into your instinctual freedom.
  • Immerse into working with the tool of lightening.
  • Open to how you are called to walk as a presence of sensual aliveness in your world.
  • Receive the Shakti Presence Archetypal Challenge. It will literally rock your world!
  • Create a vision of what our world becomes when we shine the light of beauty and Shakti onto all beings that we meet in our daily lives.

Enter the Temple of the Initiator


She Who Empowers and Offers Second Birth.


“I am the way of truth; I acknowledge and empower you through challenge. I am She who prunes to encourage growth and catalyzes change. I am here to expand your perception and ripen your potential. I align with your essential truth and I challenge you to keep in harmony with it. I am here offer you my discernment, discrimination, and clarity: I am here to cut away anything that is obscuring your Essence.”

You Will

  • Enter the mystery of “I challenge, I clarify, I align” to hone your eagle-eyed perception of what is real.
  • Open to the Initiator as She lives within you.
  • Feel Her crystal clear perception and powerful voice of truth.
  • Feel what it is like to be in your fierce feminine, speaking up when it would be more comfortable to stay silent.
  • Find your courage to speak up in support of other women so no woman ever has to stand alone.
  • Practice being able to call others into authentic being through your astute clarity.
  • Use this skill to free yourself and others to be more potent, powerful, and embodied.
  • Work directly with the potent tool of the Sword.
  • Apply this deeper, essential knowing to real life decision-making.
  • Identify the difference between Essence-based and Ego-based decisions.
  • Experience accessing a state of alignment so you can open your Inner Knowing and receive “what is real” with current decisions that you face in your life.
  • Deepen Essence by ensuring you are in alignment with what is real within you.
  • Claim the essential power of speaking your truth in a clear, direct, clean and clarifying way.

Enter the Temple of the Wise Woman


She Who Sees, Heals and Shows the Way.


“I see through the perception of everything as sacred. I reconnect you to your sacred purpose by teaching you to seek alignment with the Divine. I see you as perfect. You are whole. I show you how to resonate with the part of you that is already complete. I have the ability to recognize what is real. I am here to empower you with my crazy wisdom, my heart-knowing wisdom. I am here for you to finally let go of your ego story and step into the wisdom of who you actually are. I am here for you to remember that your very presence changes those around you. I invite you to step into the simple profound truth of your heart knowing…”

You Will

  • Enter the Mystery of “I Resonate, I Simplify.”
  • Open to the Wise Woman as She lives in you.
  • Experience the powerful liberation from attachment to who you think you “needed” to be.
  • Reveal the light of your Essence.
  • Deepen into working with the tool of the Staff of Resonant Authority.
  • Feel into wisdom that can support you to walk in the world as a humble servant of Her Love.
  • Embrace the wisdom of laughter as a way to cajole your consciousness out of places of over attachment and seriousness.
  • Dissolve the barriers in the world of duality to create unity.
  • Experience a profound shift in consciousness.
  • Embrace the core wounded story that you continue to tell yourself and alchemize it in the profound healing of your deeper heart knowing.
  • Remember how to walk AS the resonant field of unconditional love and simple heart knowing.
  • Deepen your ability to soul guide others from a place of simple atunement.

Enter the Temple of the Weaver Dreamer


She who weaves the conscious dream.


“I see the cosmic weaving of the bigger story of your life. I hold the thread to your soul story, the light thread that you came here to weave into the collective story this lifetime. I invite you to feel and bring into conscious awareness your powerful capacity to dream the world into being. I hold the mystery of the point of singularity out of which everything is born. I am the part of you that knows that there is a bigger story that is asking to be woven at this time into our collective. I receive through dreams, visions and a deep connection to the quantum field of our shared reality.”

You Will

  • Enter in the mystery path of I Dream/ I Connect.
  • Open to the Weaver Dreamer as She lives in you, spinning Her light web across your soul lifetime.
  • Deepen with the Light Loom as a tool of collective consciousness, connecting us to the One consciousness out of which everything is born.
  • Awaken the Conscious Dreamer within you, for we are the dreamers and the dream!
  • Step into the bigger mythic story of devoted service and love that you came to embody in this cycle of your life.
  • Immerse yourself in lucid dreaming as a practice.
  • Listen to your dreams for collective symbols and images.
  • Remember who you are, why you are here, and how to live in integrity with your soul.

Enter the Temple of the Queen of Death


She Who Leads the Descent Within.


“One thing becomes another in the realm of the Mother. I am the path of deep release and trust. I stand at the portal between the worlds. I am a midwife of death. I lovingly take back the parts of your ego that are dying and compost them into the darkness of the underworld. I am the path of unmasking and unveiling. I strip your ego, cleaning all illusions of the false self. I am here to lead you into the underworld to retrieve the gifts that await you there. I am here to offer you the depth of my trust and my quiet release so that you can finally let go of that which no longer lives in you.”

You Will

  • Enter the mystery path of I Trust/I Release.
  • Open to the Queen of Death as she lives within you.
  • Tune into the rhythm of your cyclical nature.
  • Find the natural rhythms that are asking to unfold within you.
  • Ease into comfort with the process of dying and letting go.
  • Cultivate a practice of sitting in the Unknown, the stillness, and the dark.
  • Embrace the quiet time when nothing seems to be happening.
  • Deepen into your inner sanctuary, allowing time for things to be completed, metabolized, and internalized.
  • Celebrate the cycle of birth/death/rebirth in your life.
  • Immerse in the tool of the Death Shroud.
  • Practice living your everyday life in an intimate embrace with death.

Enter the Temple of the ALCHEMICAL GODDESS


She Who Shapeshifts


“I am all faces of the Goddess as she moves through you. I am the path of harvesting the alchemical gold of your being. I am here to herald the deep beauty of all that you are. I bring to you the exalted grace of fluidity, acceptance of what is, while staying perfectly poised in the present moment. I offer you a portal to the perfection of every imperfection as seen through the eyes of wholeness. I celebrate you as perfect and whole and here now.”

You Will

  • Enter the mystery path of I am Freedom/I am Union/I am Grace.
  • Open to the Alchemical Goddess as She lives in you.
  • Hold the full spectrum of all your experiences, wounds, gifts, and challenges.
  • Enter the rainbow frequency of union.
  • Feel all aspects of Her as living within you.
  • Embrace impermanence and cultivate a comfort with the ever-changing nature of your life.
  • Deepen into the tool of the peacock feather to transmute anything less than love.
  • Embrace your life as an initiation.
  • Choose to celebrate all that has been healed into “wholeness” while being open to begin the cycle of refinement yet again.
  • Claim the polished gem of your Essence being in service to standing as “whole” in the world.

We are gathering together again.
She is awakening, igniting within us.
You are being called to take your place
in this hallowed circle.
The time is now.
Are you willing to surrender?

Join Us

We are Priestess sisters being called to
bring our full PRESENCE in the world.

Are you are ready to enter this sacred Initiation Circle?

Are you ready to stand centered and clear as you
embody the ancient wisdom of our collective priestess
sisterhood in devoted service to the world?

Sister, to secure your place at this year’s Enter the Mystery, purchase below.

Yes! Please reserve my space in the circle.

12 payments x $197

12 payments $600

By application only

Beloved, because this is a 12 month intensive training, we only offer it once a year.

Leading You On This Journey Letter from Elayne Kalila

I am Elayne Kalila, Gatekeeper and Focalizer of the Priestess Presence Temple, a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon™ Mystery School. I believe walking the Priestess Path is about being willing to dedicate ourselves to deepening our practice so that we can be present and serve the world. I am passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern lives so we can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

Because of the teachings of the Divine Feminine through the 13 Moon™ Mystery School, I have been able to priestess in some of the most dangerous and violent areas of the world, like the Congo. In those places, I have supported women to activate and remember their truth and power. I offer a real path of presence, empowerment, and transformation through awakening the Priestess within you.

That is why I am delighted and honored to invite you to join me.If you have secretly (or not so secretly!) wondered about the Path of the Priestess, how to deepen in Her sacred realms, and bring the Goddess into the modern-day context of your life, this special program is for you.

Elayne Kalila Doughty


For being a “Clear Yes,” we are delighted to bestow upon you the following Gift Basket:


Artful Priestess Rose Circle — Bonus when you join

This is our temple’s monthly subscription sister-hive for priestesses to commune, rejuvenate, and receive abundant connection.

This circle is designed to offer you weekly practical tools so that you can live a sacred life as a woman.

Each Month, Receive the Following Archetypally Themed Offerings:

  • Live archetypal transmissions in temple with Elayne Kalila
  • Sacred pleasure teachings and practices
  • Guidance from elders
  • Rituals and transmissions to make your daily life more sacred
  • Qi-Gong practices
  • Moon honoring
  • Private Facebook temple “hive” with sister Queen Bees from across the globe
  • Personal Sacred Library
  • Beautiful membership area to access resources and offerings

Coming soon: Priestess Directory!

Regular sacred exchange: $997


Answer the Call (Instant Access)

9 alchemical practices of the Priestess that offer you a way to ground your understanding and inner knowing of what it means to walk the path of the Priestess. Each teaching invites you to expand your capacity to walk in priestess presence through:

  • grounded, embodied practices
  • Self-reflection
  • Connection with your essence

As you take each step on this path, you’ll be supported to heal and release that which no longer serves—making way to birth something anew—so that you can transmute old stories and come to a place of harmonic wholeness as you embody your divinely human Essence.

Regular sacred exchange: $197


Answer the Call (Instant Access)

9 alchemical practices of the Priestess that offer you a way to ground your understanding and inner knowing of what it means to walk the path of the Priestess. Each teaching invites you to expand your capacity to walk in priestess presence through:

  • grounded, embodied practices
  • Self-reflection
  • Connection with your essence

As you take each step on this path, you’ll be supported to heal and release that which no longer serves—making way to birth something anew—so that you can transmute old stories and come to a place of harmonic wholeness as you embody your divinely human Essence.

Regular sacred exchange: $99

Join Us

HEART SHARING FROM ARIEL SPILSBURY Founder of The 13 Moon Mystery School

In Avalon, to become a fully ordained 13 Moon™ Priest/ess required a commitment of 13 years. We are not living in Avalon; however, the same deep commitment and devotion that was required then, is still required now.

The 13 Moon™ Mystery School is not a “rubberstamp-you-too-can-become-a-priestess-in-sixty-days” offering. It is stepping into recognizing your whole life as a spiritual initiation and thus choosing to operate from that place.

This rigorous 13 Moon™ Priest/ess lineage and path is not for everyone. There are many different thresholds and stages of initiation that are crossed in the process of becoming a fully ordained Priest/ess of the 13 Moon™ lineage.

Though many beings work with the Divine Feminine curriculum that is offered in The 13 Moon Oracle and The Alchemy of Ecstasy, few actually become fully ordained in this work and thus certified as Focalizers by the 13 Moon Mystery School. And that seminal difference is like the difference between pointing at the moon and becoming it.

This work is about direct experience and direct transmission of archetypal frequency; that requires deep mentoring, devoted commitment, and time to mature on all levels. For Focalizers, it implies a willingness to deeply look at and transmute unfinished wounding and shadow pieces so that they can stand as clearly as possible and model that for others.

Right now, in the 13 Moon™ Lineage, there are six beings who have walked and completed this rigorous full ordination path to become a Focalizer of this work. Elayne Kalila Doughty is one of them. Each of these beings has a specialty as a Priest/ess.

From my lens, Elayne Kalila has a specialty in offering herself as an Initiator — a perceptual truth teller — through the tender lens of the Goddess of Love. She is very skilled at feeling navigation and acting on its intuitive promptings to awaken awareness and to inspire growth and wholing in initiates blessed to be in her loving embrace.

I am in the waning Crone phase of my life; and as I pass the torch of this 13 Moon™ lineage on to those few whom I feel can carry it with the Love, clarity, integrity, wisdom, devotion and coherence to the transmission that was moved through me — as my life’s work — I am honored to endorse my 13 Moon Temple sister, Elayne Kalila Doughty and the work she offers in Her name.

In Devotion

In Her Name …

ariel spilsbury

Join Us


Your satisfaction with this course is my highest priority! AND we highly encourage you to enter into a deep meditation about whether you are called to this path at this time.

If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Enter the Mystery – The Path of the Alchemical Priestess with Elayne Kalila Doughty, or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know BEFORE the 28th January 2019 and you will receive a full refund of monies paid MINUS the $300 admin fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your satisfaction with this course is my highest priority! AND we highly encourage you to enter into a deep meditation about whether you are called to this path at this time. If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Enter the Mystery – The Path of the Alchemical Priestess with Elayne Kalila Doughty, or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know BEFORE the 28th January 2019 and you will receive a full refund of monies paid MINUS the $300 admin fee.  
All temple sessions are offered on live stream video via your computer. These sessions are recorded so that if you cannot attend live, you can access the recording. During the live sessions you will be able to ask questions via the live chat.

This is a private Facebook group that is only for members of the Enter the Mystery Initiation Circle. You will be able to meet and dialogue with your sisters all over the world. Elayne Kalila will be an active member of this group, so you can ask questions and garner her support in this forum as well.

Our usual class schedule will be Tuesday at noon PST. There will be some weeks where we will shift this schedule to accommodate the times we have deepening practices. During those weeks, we will not meet live so that you can truly integrate your practices. We will have some breaks that are designated as “Alchemical Integration” time. The program will run January – December 2019 ( 12 Months)

Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all temple sessions on the Enter the Mystery page on the Priestess Presence membership site, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full sisterhood on the private online temple (on Facebook).

Please visit the Customer Support section on the homepage where you should be able to find help, whatever your question. And if you can’t, please submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you. The email address again is: [email protected]. We aim to respond to people within 48hrs but we don’t work weekends. If you do not get a response in that timeframe please resend your email.


The Priestess Presence LLC “Enter the Mystery – Sapphire Circle” 13 Moon Mystery School is an initiatory process for spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

Each initiate is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. The Priestess Presence LLC Enter the Mystery – Sapphire Circle/ The 13 Moon Mystery School and its founder, Ariel Spilsbury, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

Join Us

A Dedicated Initiation Temple of 13 Moon™ Mystery School Lineage

Copyright ©2017 Priestess Presence. All rights reserved.