Anam Cara Practicum:
Scent Priestess in Sacred Service

A mentorship training with Jacquie Eva Rose

By application & interview

Are you ready to deepen on the path of the Anam Cara?

Anam Cara is a Gaelic term meaning “soul friend.” John O’Donohue tells us that in earlier Celtic times, an Anam Cara was a teacher, companion, or spiritual guide.

In this devotional track, you’ll learn the skills and tools to be in sacred service as a soul friend—an Anam Cara—and mentor sisters in Rosa Mystica with a wide-open heart.

These are practices you’ll be able to apply not only as a mentor, but in your daily life as a Scent Priestess, lovingly guiding others through life’s initiations, unafraid to show up … because Scent Priestesses are the Wayshowers.

You’ll remember how to gather others into safe spaces where they can lay down long-held wounds, unfurl their rose hearts, and unite in true sisterhood.

As an Anam Cara mentor, you’ll place the candles at the altar, sit in devotion by your sisters’ side, be a witness to their stories, hold the cascades of tears as they fall, breathe with and be the light in the darkness, and call them home.


Throughout the year, you’ll deepen your skills of service to hold the vibration of the rose in full bloom—who has been through the bud and opening initiations in devotion to self, and can emit to sisters the frequency and messages from the Divine of trust in the process of awakening.

This path is for you if desire to become a Rosa Mystica mentor and you:

  • Yearn to expand your space holding skills online & in-person
  • Wish to awaken your inner Anam Cara
  • Are called to be ordained as a Scent Priestess (this training is mandatory for ordination)
  • Yearn to expand your space
         holding skills online & in
  • Wish to awaken your inner
         Anam Cara
  • Are called to be ordained as a
         Scent Priestess (this
         training is mandatory for

In this powerful experience, you’ll continue to deepen with the core teachings of the 13 Scent Priestess lineages—just like in year one—and you’ll be initiated to space hold & mentor others as an Anam Cara

As you’re guided to assist a seasoned mentor and co-lead sister circles together, you’ll be exquisitely held by Jacquie, who will be your anam cara, guiding and teaching you each step of the way.

You’ll be held in a deep container of love with other sisters in-training and continue to put into practice the Way of Love as it unfolds within you.

As you’re mentored by Jacquie in the ways of the Anam Cara, you’ll:

  • Assist in guiding & co-leading first year Rosa Mystica sisters, alongside a fully trained mentor
  • Lovingly witness your sisters on their journeys, without judgment
  • Practice expanding your capacity to love & accept yourself (and others) unconditionally
  • Hold the frequency of Rosa Mystica as safe space for others
  • Create intentional & sacred relationships with your sisters
  • Show up—with clarity, a soft heart, and authenticity
  • Communicate from the heart womb, encouraging your sisters to do the same
  • Assist in guiding & co-
         leading first year Rosa
         Mystica sisters, alongside
         a fully trained mentor
  • Lovingly witness your sisters
          on their journeys, without
  • Practice expanding your
         capacity to love & accept
         yourself (and others)
  • Hold the frequency of Rosa
         Mystica as safe space for
  • Create intentional & sacred
         relationships with your
  • Show up—with clarity, a soft
         heart, and authenticity
  • Communicate from the
         heart womb, encouraging
         your sisters to do the same

Bring your unwavering light & loving presence during rites of passage

Scent Priestesses have always ministered to others during birth, death, celebrations, and all rites of passage.

As Scent Priestesses, we look to Mary Magdalene as an example of an embodied Anam Cara. In devotion, she regularly tended to others’ wounds, and her resolute presence during the crucifixion speaks directly to the archetype of the Anam Cara.

Imagine having the capacity to hold unwavering love during the passing of a loved one.

Mary Magdalene showed us how: She was Yeshua’s soul companion and without looking away, she stayed fully present for him as he died. She tenderly washed and anointed his body, then stood vigil at his tomb until he ascended and was born again.

This beautiful story reflects each of our journeys into the underworld—where we die to the person we were, letting go of our shadow material to be reborn into someone new.

Initiates of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School also experience a rite of passage into the underworld. As Anam Cara mentors, we hold the light, tending the body and soul of sisters on the spiral-rose path of their spiritual awakening … not just in our sister circles, but in our personal lives, too.



When I stepped into the Rosa Mystica mentor program, I had years of experience as an art teacher and a retreat and pilgrimage leader. Within those roles, I often incorporated ceremony, which I have always loved. However, I had little experience leading a sacred temple or mentoring sisters through a year-long journey of spiritual devotion and expansion. Now, I feel that I am home. This experience has awakened in me a deep soul-knowing of myself as a Priestess from many lifetimes and many lineages.

The training material is excellent, and Jacquie does an exceptional job training us to feel prepared and empowered, allowing us the freedom to find our wings while providing the security and support to know that we are always held in a safe and loving container. 

More About Katherine..

I have never felt so prepared to lead a temple as I have after receiving Jacquie’s beautiful and thorough training. She graciously and expertly shepherds us home to the embodiment of our true priestess selves. I am so grateful.

Truly, the love and support, holding and honoring, witnessing and celebrating are absolutely beautiful, nourishing, and heart-healing. I’m amazed at the level of deep care, love, and connection that developed so quickly between us. I attribute this to Jacquie’s beautiful, loving heart and masterful guidance, as well as the deep soul connection between all of us. I feel strongly that we have all walked this path together for many lifetimes. The recognition of each other on a soul level and the pure joy and delight of our reunion ripples through our interactions, strengthening our heart-bond and lifting all of us to the highest version of ourselves.

After each temple, I feel what I can only describe as the pure joy of coming home–home to my heart, home to my sisterhood, home to my lineage as a Priestess of the Rose, home to my soul purpose as an embodiment of love. This experience has given me trust in my connection with Mother Gaia and with the Divine. I feel more embodied as a priestess and more confident in my ability to channel the inspiration and love of Spirit, trusting that I will be guided to speak the words that are most needed in the moment for the expression and fulfillment of the highest good. What a joyous blessing to feel this deep alignment with my soul purpose, with my lineage, and with the Magdalene. This connection gives me the freedom, confidence, and inspiration to expand my gifts beyond what I ever thought possible, knowing they are in service to the One Heart.

Katherine Witteman

Immerse in an embodied study of Scent Priestess in sacred service

Explore how the Scent Priestess rolls up her sleeves and personally tends to others, in devoted service.

You’ll have opportunities to:

  • Dissolve any wounds of “not-enoughness” that hold you back from being the light to others
  • Be given direct training & support–everything you need to confidently assist & co-lead circles
  • Learn sacred technology for holding online circles
  • Be deeply seen, loved, witnessed, and supported on your journey as an Anam Cara
  • Be fully in devotion to sisterhood
  • Experience deep bonding with your other Anam Cara mentor sisters
  • Be ushered through initiations of worth, value, boundary setting, and responsibility

Explore how the Scent Priestess rolls up her sleeves and personally tends to others, in devoted service.

You’ll have opportunities to:

  • Dissolve any wounds of “not-
         enoughness” that hold you
         back from being the light to
  • Be given direct training &
         support–everything you
         need to confidently assist &
         co-lead circles
  • Learn sacred technology for
         holding online circles
  • Be deeply seen, loved,
         witnessed, and supported on
         your journey as an Anam Cara
  • Be fully in devotion to
  • Experience deep bonding with
         your other Anam Cara mentor
  • Be ushered through initiations
         of worth, value, boundary
         setting, and responsibility

How You’ll Be Held:
Mentorship with Jacquie Eva Rose

You’ll be part of an intimate group of Anam Cara sisters also on this track (curriculum).

Each moon, you’ll have a 2 hour sister circle and laser coaching with Jacquie as you deepen your relationship with the art of sacred service as a Scent Priestess. You’ll be held in a powerful circle as you discover how to mentor from the lens of the Anam Cara.

Jacquie, a Senior Priestess, Rosa Mystica faculty, and Temple Guide, holds this space, bringing her unique and potent gifts to you, so you can step more fully into yours. You’ll meet for 12 priceless circles and 2 additional live calls to deepening in the way of the Anam Cara. You’ll receive plentiful orientation and training.

By the end of this experience, you’ll:

  • Continue deepening your relationship with the oils and their arias from a personal & leadership/way shower
  • Experience assisting circles & co-mentoring sisters (alongside an already trained mentor) through a year-long journey of spiritual devotion & expansion
  • Gain clarity & confidence to show up lovingly & authentically as an Anam Cara & leader, not just within Rosa Mystica but your community, too
  • Be tech proficient in WhatsApp Groups, Zoom basics, FB Lives, and all the tools for holding online circles with groups
  • Form powerful & life-long bonds with your other Anam Cara sisters
  • Experience true sisterhood
  • Have skills to be a confident mentor & space holder for the rest of life
  • Hold beautiful space for women in the Rosa Mystica sister circles
  • Continue deepening your
         relationship with the oils and
         their arias from a personal &
  • Experience assisting circles &
         co-mentoring sisters
         (alongside an already trained
         mentor) through a year-long
         journey of spiritual devotion
         & expansion
  • Gain clarity & confidence to
         show up lovingly &
         authentically as an Anam
         Cara & leader, not just
         within Rosa Mystica but
         your community, too
  • Be tech proficient in
         WhatsApp Groups, Zoom
         basics, FB Lives, and all the
         tools for holding online circles
         with groups
  • Form powerful & life-long
         bonds with your other Anam
         Cara sisters
  • Experience true sisterhood
  • Have skills to be a confident
         mentor & space holder for
         the rest of life
  • Hold beautiful space for
         women in the Rosa Mystica
         sister circles

Are you ready to embody the magic of the Anam Cara?

I have learned so much from being mentored by Jacquie. She leads so beautifully. I feel held beyond measure. She never tries to fix us, she reflects what she sees and gently guides us to our own knowing. She thinks of everything and seems to never be overwhelmed. The time spent with Jacquie and the other Mentors has been so special to me. I was on the edge of my power and my confidence before I stepped in- NOW, I feel this sisterhood SEES me, because I have allowed them to see me AND I SEE ME.

I am leading women’s sacred circles/moon circles here in Montclair. I have to say that I am seeing more improvement in this arena. I am showing up so clearly and authentically as the leader that I am and my priestess flag is waving.

Connie Viglietti

The mentor program has absolutely exceeded any expectation I had. Jacquie brings unwavering strength and softness to leadership. Her ability to track details both logically and intuitively is an exquisite skill. Her humility and connection to source are well noted. I am awe inspired and seek to emulate these qualities I see in my mentress.

The holding we receive is like nothing I’ve ever known and I am blossoming within Rosa Mystica’s embrace. My enjoyment of being a mentor has notably increased, my heart has released long held armor. Competitive feelings are becoming a thing I can occasionally witness with compassion and age old armor is melting away. I am making soul sister bonds that will span across lifetimes. I am grateful beyond.

Dee Holden


Jacquie is incredible and has been such a support and loving guide for me and the other mentor sisters.  She holds so much and does it with such grace, love and care.  She holds our monthly mentor circle calls so beautifully and I really feel like I am being seen, loved and so supported by her and the other mentors both in my own Rosa Mystica  journey and also in what emerges as a Mentor.  I feel more integrated into the work because of our mentorship sister circle and feel like I am creating real lasting friendships.

Mentoring other sisters on their journey of Rosa Mystica has been joyful and my sisters are incredible, powerful and loving women!  I know it is serving me in the work I do outside of Rosa Mystica and the circles I will soon be leading locally too!  

Michaela Cullen

What You Will Receive…

all of the foundation/1st year offerings (value $3,497)

Another circling of every live temple & remembering your Scent Priestess lineages

full set of emerald temple anointing oils (value $550)

12 holy oils mailed to your home: Courage, Intimacy, Honor, Compassion, Truth, Vision, Wisdom, Priestess, Prosperity, Release, Passage, Peace

orientation training

Explore the in-depth orientation & preparation materials available on the Mothership before Rosa Mystica begins
  • Welcome video
  • Sacred homework to activate your Inner Temple
  • Mentorship Guide (PDF) with video tutorials on tech (zoom, lighting, backgrounds, etc.); outlines on flow, boundaries, sacred agreements; and so much more
  • Training on Core Anam Cara skills (series of videos)
  • Training on How to Hold Circle as an Anam Cara (series of videos)


Explore the in-depth orientation & preparation materials available on the Mothership before Rosa Mystica begins

  • Welcome video
  • Sacred homework to
         activate your Inner
  • Mentorship Guide (PDF)
         with video tutorials on
         tech (zoom, lighting,
         backgrounds, etc.);
         outlines on flow,
         boundaries, sacred
         agreements; and so
         much more
  • Training on Core Anam
         Cara skills (series of
  • Training on How to Hold
         Circle as an Anam Cara
         (series of videos)

live orientation training call with jacquie (2.5 hrs)

Join Jacquie in December to practice anam cara skills from the orientation training

live temple pillar activation call (october 24)

Experience a beautiful call with Diana and Jacquie to be temple pillars of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, holding space for sisters called to the Scent Priestess path to join the school

live monthly
anam cara sister circles & Mothership training (2 hrs/1x monthly)

In these live, two-part calls, you’ll first be held & witnessed in your initiations with your Anam Cara mentor sisters; then you’ll receive laser-coaching & support from Jacquie to address any challenges arising in your circles

intimate group chat (value $1,000)

With your other Anam Cara sisters & Jacquie on WhatsApp, where you can be personally witnessed for your journey & receive additional training, holding, and support for your circles

Facebook Temple for Rosa Mystica (Value $1,000)

Continued access to 24/7 support from all the sisters, Elayne Kalila, Diana, Jacquie, and mentors in the Facebook temple group dedicated to Rosa Mystica

Heart Contribution

Pay in Full


12 Payments

Per Month

Get Started Here


Do you also want 1:1 Mentorship?

Contact Jacquie directly after registration

Everything in Anam Cara plus 6 x 1-1 Sessions $6997  12 x 588

Get Started Here



The Priestess Presence Temple LLC and the Emerald Temple are combined as the Rosa Mystica Mystery School. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

Each initiate is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. The Priestess Presence LLC /The Emerald Temple and its founder, Diana Dubrow, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

A Dedicated Initiation Temple of 13 Moon™ Mystery School Lineage

Copyright ©2017 Priestess Presence. All rights reserved.