Hello Beloved,

Congratulations on completing the Divine Feminine Archetypal Quiz! All of the archetypes that you just met are part of the 13 Moon Mystery School™ lineage, and I am so honoured to share them with you!

There is just one more step to take to access your quiz results and download your deepening printable PDF for your highest and lowest archetypes.

Please check your email inbox and click on the confirmation link. This will activate your subscription and allow us to send you your results and logins to the private temple space.

Please allow up to 30min to receive your email; sometimes the emails can take some time to arrive.

Please be sure to check your spam folders and any email filters in case we have landed there.

If you have already confirmed your address with us previously no need to do again – your results will go straight to your inbox.

Based on the 13 Moon Mystery School Lineage

All images from the 13 Moon Oracle

Copyright © 2017 Elayne Kalila Doughty