Avalon Remembered Pilgrimage

Anointing the Christed-Magdalene Heart

A 7 Day Initiatory Journey of Sacred Union
5th – 12th July 2024

Glastonbury, England

Application close
We are full for this year – you can get on the list for next year.

Avalon is calling you…
She asks you to re-consecrate your holy vows,
to live as Love.

anoint your open heart,
enter a sacred union with your inner beloved.
Are you willing to remember?

You are invited to join us for an intimate priestess pilgrimage to activate your chalice of remembrance.

In Avalon, we will honor our ancient roots and lineages. We will experience Her direct transmission;
it is a holy place where the veils are thin and we feel the gatetways of the Mystery
open for personal and collective healing.

It is time to heal, through the holy art of anointing and ritual,
the wound of separation and receive the One Heart — the Christed-Magdalene Heart —
in sacred union, surrendering fully to the alchemy of the Masculine and the Feminine.

As we become vessels of Love, the codes of light from the lineages we carry
will be released and received as a gift and blessing to the world.

Come, enter this Mystery…
We are calling you home.


Beloved, over eight days, we will journey together
in a sanctified temple space, enter anointing rituals,
and deepen our practice at the following sacred sites:

  • The Tor
  • Red + White Springs
  • Chalice Well
  • The Magdalene Chapel
  • Avebury (guide tour)

I am deeply honored to guide you through a piece
of my homeland of England, deepening in Her Avalonian
lineage and remembrance … a remembrance that
awakens our Christed-Magdalene heart.

Come, honor yourself as Priestess and
reclaim your dignity and power.


Deepen with the holy art of anointing — accessing oils used by the
Magdalene and Sisters of the Red Veil
— with Scent Priestess, Diana DuBrow.

During our pilgrimage, you will become a temple keeper for a specific
holy oil whose frequency will be used to activate your remembrance.

As we awaken our hands of Light, we become Grail Maidens at the holy well
and sing our songs again.

In ancient times, Scent Priestesses gathered in sacred council and poured
precious drops of holy oil from their different temples into a vessel that
would contain one sanctified oil, called chrism.

The chrism was alive with their prayers and intentions as it alchemized
with the high frequency holy oils.

On this pilgrimage, we will unite in our hearts, as the Magdalene, and use
our chrism as a Priestess tool to anoint and heal not only ourselves but
also the collective by taking this beautiful chrism to different portals
around Avalon, blessing each sacred place.

Several times during our time together, we will return to this sacred art of
anointing…, including a full-day amointing ritual.

Pilgrimage Includes

  • All temple immersions, food, accommodation, entrance to sacred sites, and transportation during the retreat.

  • We will have one shuttle that is organized on the day of arrival to meet sisters at Castle Cary and bring them to EarthSpirit. We will give you the timing of this shuttle.

  • If you decide to arrive earlier or later than the shuttle, you will need to take a taxi to the retreat center.

  • On the day that we leave, we will organize a shuttle to return you to Castle Cary at an agreed upon time for the group.

What you are responsible for:

  • Travel to and from EarthSpirit (other than the arrangements that we have stated above


Chalice Well

Home to Red Spring of the Magdalene — Divine Feminine — stream. At the beginning and end of our pilgrimage, we’ll experience private rituals (evening and then morning) to awaken our inner chalice, adorn the well, then consecrate ourselves and our chrism.

Magdalene Chapel

Home to the healing heart of the Magdalene — a site where the poor and ill were received, treated, and offered healing. We will have private meditation time in this space to sound, activate, anoint, and heal the heart of the world.

The Tor

The nexus point of the Mary and Michael lines — the intersection of the masculine and feminine energies.

Experience a meditational walk at sunset and evening ritual where we’ll part the veils and access our ancient lineages while activating the sword and the chalice (the masculine and the feminine).

Priestess Baptism: White and Red Springs

Home to the white, masculine — Christ — energy; we will fully immerse in the waters and receive our holy baptism ritual, bringing to union the divine feminine and divine masculine within us.


Painting the Heart of Sacred Union

A powerful sacred art process with Kalila who will lead us in a deep exploration and integration of our ritual work.

Avebury Private Guided Tour

One full-day private tour to Avebury with Peter Knight, a renowned visionary guide of sacred sites in the UK, receiving his transmission and knowledge.

This includes visiting:

  • Avebury Henge/Stone Circles – the world’s largest Neolithic stone circle

  • West Kennet Avenue Long Barrow – 5,500 year old tomb

  • Silbury Hill – Europe’s tallest Neolithic pyramid

  • Sacred leylines (the St Michael line) – we shall dowse and feel the energies of the Great Mother

  • Simulacra + crop circles – Peter will show us faces and animals in the huge megaliths


  • Single Room with shared bathroom: $4,188
  • Deluxe Shared (with one other sister): These are private rooms with private bathroom facilities. $4,088
  • Standard Shared (with one other sister): $3,888 en suite bathroom accommodations

Remembrance is poetic.
It is felt in our bodies.
It is unlocked in moments of surrender and release.
It is during these times that we allow ourselves to move between the veils.

Take a moment to breathe this in, beloved sister.
Breathe in this temple.
Breathe in its grounds.

Breathe in the scents and the stones.


  • Arrive to EarthSpirit at 6 p.m.
  • Opening Dinner 
  • Welcome Ceremony
  • Activation of Pillars of Light and Remembrance of the Sisterhood of the Rose Ritual


We will:

  • Open the collective heart of the Magdalene
  • Enter remembrance of the ancient art of anointing: Who Were the Magdalenas as Scent Priestesses?
  • Enter the sacred art of anointing and receive our holy oils
  • Create a collective shared chrism: We will place our blessings and intentions through our oils frequencies to “create” a chrism that we will use to bless and sanctify our work for the rest of our time together.

Evening Ritual:

  • Private experience at the Chalice Well, including adorning the well and altar, then consecrate ourselves and our chrism
  • Awaken and activate the Inner Chalice.
  • Enjoy the beauty the sacred gardens
  • Open the portal to the gnosis and wisdom of the holy oil’s frequency that you have been gifted as a temple keeper.
  • Immerse in the sacred art of of anointing: Prepare to open the 9 gateways on the body.
  • With your Temple Oil sister, deepen into the intimacy of anointing by awakening your hands of light and activating the soul codes you carry in remembrance of the Magdalenas.
  • Reclaim your lineage as an ancient Sisterhood of the Rose, honoring yourself as sacred and holy in our work in the world.


We continue the immersion into the ancient art of anointing with your temple oil sister, just as we did the evening before.

Late Afternoon Ritual:

  • Private Ceremony at the Magdalene Chapel
  • Ritual of the Magdalene Healing Oil
  • Meditation: Healing the Heart of the World
  • Opening ceremony: Activating the Bridal Chamber of the Inner Christ and Christa.
  • Enter the portal of a powerful sacred art process to work with color alchemically; fully enter sacred union through ritual, art, music, dance, and song.

Afternoon Priestess Baptism:

  • Enter the White Spring christed waters
  • Full Priestess baptismal ritual: Bring together the red and white spring waters to balance the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine within you.

Full day:
Private tour to Avebury with Peter Knight, renowned visionary guide of sacred sites in the UK, receiving his transmission and knowledge.

We will travel to the main Avebury henge; West Kennet Avenue Long Barrow; Silbury Hill; sacred leylines (St Michael); simulacra + crop circles.

With Peter, we will experience a shamanic drumming ritual — an
afternoon of dreams as we walk in a a drum-led procession along the Kennet Avenue — before moving on to the 5,600 year-old West Kennet long barrow, where we witness the sunset before entering the dark chambers of the womb-tomb for chanting and drumming, didging and dancing!

Morning Anointing and Chalice Well:

  • Private visit at the Chalice Well so we can have more time soaking in her beauty and be the flow of ceremonial energy.
  • Temple experience to receive the full anointing of the Christed-Magdalene heart.
  • Ascend to the majestic Tor for final ritual celebration and anointing of the Michael and Mary ley lines.
  • Lunch in Glastonbury and time for shopping or visits to the Abbey.

Evening Ceremonial Dinner:

  • Mythic sharing, story telling, poetry, gifting of your sacred lineage, and be open to the creative flow.


  • Closing Ritual to be complete by 12 p.m.
  • Check out of EarthSpirit

Depart EarthSpirit by 3:00 p.m


Elayne Kalila Sophia Rose

Ordained Priestess + Focalizer of the
Priestess Presence Temple

There are certain places on our planet that hold deep significance, for they are portal spots — places where the veils between the worlds seem to thin and vibrational information is more freely shared.

Avalon has been one of the most potent of these places for me.

When I was in Avalon a year ago, I was powerfully called to create a potent ritual for The Sisterhood of the Rose. This was to activate the collective remembrance of our ancient lineages moving through us.

I received the image of a circle of sisters working with holy oils, circling between the ancient yew trees at the chalice well, being baptised in the holy waters at the white spring, meditating and healing the heart of the world at the Magdalene Chapel, and immersing in deep shamanic art to connect with Her as She lives in us.

…So it with great pleasure that I am called to convene an intimate potent circle of sisters to gather and literally drink from and bathe in the waters of remembrance. It beyond delights me to do so in my homeland of England.

And I am deeply honored to hold this space with my beloved sister, Diana DuBrow. Who else is better to support us in the anointing rituals that a Scent Priestess…

{More about Kalila}

Diana DuBrow,
Scent Priestess

Emerald Temple

Diana DuBrow is a living treasure — a rare and precious elder in our 13 Moon temple community.

Diana has offered her Priestess counsel in retreats and trainings for over 40 years. Through her Emerald Temple, she offers the incredible gift of sacred anointing.

I have had the amazing pleasure of receiving the bounty of her deep wisdom and gnosis with anointing; she has personally assisted me in some of my most challenging life transitions, including the miscarriage of my baby.

She has a fearless, compassionate heart with a rare and potent combination of divinity and humanity that takes your breath away…So when I started dreaming into this pilgrimage, I received very clear guidance to invite her to join us so that we can weave her amazing offerings into our sacred time together.

Since coming together in this vision, we have been co-creating the itinerary of this amazing journey.

{More about Diana}

We carry our collective remembrance in our DNA.
We understand this.
You can feel in your bones that we are one.

So, my sister,
You are at the gateway of your remembrance.
Will you surrender and remember?
Will you remember our sacred purpose?
To be holy vessels anointed and lit in Mother’s name?


Mirjam Visser


The mists of Avalon most certainly do exist and magic IS alive….

My 2017 journey to Avalon is not easy to describe in words.

For weeks after I returned I could not really explain in words what we, 20 sisters, priestesses of Avalon, had experienced together.

What I do know was that this week in Avalon was the most incredible week I ever experienced in my life so far (and my life until now has certainly not been boring….)

During this week, as we dived into temple space deeper and deeper, I experienced so much flow and effortlessness, I can only describe it as the ego-mind did not exist, I could literally step out of my mind and surrender myself to a bigger force, the force of life, flow, compassion, love. It felt like being in an alchemical vessel that was highly intoxicating and magical. Like a flock of birds flying in perfect synchronization. To me, we were all totally aligned and anything was possible in our circle.

How did it work? What was the recipe?? And will I ever experience this again???

I have done a lot of retreats and personal inner work, but the container that we held together was of a total different kind. What I do know NOW is that all the personal inner work that I have done over the past years was part of my training in order to be able to hold this high frequency (again), as I have done eons ago in Temple…
To be able to stand in my own power again as a woman and priestess and totally feel comfortable and at ease with who I am and loving myself passionately! and therefore also tuning in to the capacity of totally being in love with all the other incredible women… Every one of us was acknowledged for who she is, without judgement.
I was not there for my own personal gain, I was there to participate in a collective of unique women who were all called to be there in this specific time and place, for a higher purpose. And this shared call, together with the incredible anointing oils of Diana and both Kalila and Diana’s total dedication to this temple, activated an incredibly high frequency of energy, light, love, healing for all of us. It felt like every cell in my body was alive, vibrating, following the flow of my natural female body, whether it was laughing, crying, roaring, trembling, singing, silence and more…

To move out of my ego in empty presence and move within this collective of sisters felt like coming home to me. I WAS HOME. THE TEMPLE SPACE IS MY HOME. Being in sacred space and raising the frequency is my purpose. I remembered. I have done this before. It was like feeling where I belong and where my energies flow at its most potent power.

Deepest bow of gratitude to my participating sisters, we created this together, you supported me so much to remember and heal, without you I could not have experienced such power, such love, such healing magic for all of mamma Gaia.

Tanya Lynn


You know when something pulls on you and you can’t explain it other than you just have to follow the impulse?  That’s exactly how I felt about going to Avalon.  When I saw photos on Facebook from last year’s retreat, I immediately told Elayne that I needed to go to the next one.

Up until the last decade of my life, I had felt disconnected from my body and sexuality. And even after major shifts and giving natural birth to my two daughters, I still felt like something was missing. So many times I would check out and leave my body. I was tired of it. I wanted to come back home to my body. I wanted to find my WAY.

Coming home after the pilgrimage, I am beginning to integrate many deep profound lessons from Avalon.  The fullness of my passion has emerged … through the oil, through the stones, through the Magdalene. Full embodiment. Reclamation.

This deeper understanding was the next level of my feminine embodiment; it would not only serve my marriage, it would also increase my capacity to lead.

The Magdalene teaches us to walk as love, which requires resilience, courage and strength to shed light on our shadows from the past and step into the divine union that is our next evolution.

In trusting love – love for myself, love for my partner, love for my work – I know that more will open up and this trip will have an even more profound effect on my life and work than I’m even aware of.

Jacquie Eva Rose Shenton

I want to express my deepest gratitude for such a life changing experience stepping into the mists of Avalon. A once in a lifetime opportunity to fully disrobe all ego and step into timelessness.

Having been a sister of Priestess Presence for just over 2.5 years I knew this experience was going to be special but I didn’t realise just how special it would be. I was deeply called when I received the invitation and quite honestly blown away by the experience. Being in real time circle with sisters, Kalila and Diana was grounding, humbling and a delight all rolled into one.  

From the moment I stepped out of the car I was enveloped in sisters embraces. Every session we moved through was like falling into a safe cocoon of time and space to fold into. Remembering the threads of lifetimes spent together….feeling myself and seeing other sisters step into their truth and full bodied wisdom; opening like blooming flowers, step by step, experience by experience was so so special.

This retreat is a true remembrance. The gifts, connections and memories received from attending I will treasure for a lifetime. Deep bow for your presence, love and skills of space holding. There is no one else I would trust to hold such a portal for me. Kalila and Diana, your dedication to sacred awakening is second to none. I love you both deeply and am honoured to have been held by you, moved by you and awoken by you on the deepest of soul levels.

Sarah Devereux

Avalon remembered – I had planned to ’drop in, test the water, to try it out.’ I am a pragmatist and someone who does not ‘dive in’ or ‘take risks easily.’ Avalon remembered – I fell in, dove in and was held and illuminated by the most glorious experience of a circle of sisters, re-membering Avalon in love and blessings. I highly recommend this life changing and re-minding experience. Kalila and Diana’s exquisite holding and initiating created a sacred vessel in which the re-membering shone and glowed and burst into light and love. Avalon re – membered – I re-membered. This retreat was life changing and therefore words of recommendation are always going to be reductive so I invite you with joy and blessing to come and re-member. To the one heart.

Laine Love Dalby


“I felt a deep call to go on a pilgrimage to my ancestral lands 2 years ago, and when I saw the Avalon Remembered pilgrimage in the field I knew it was the opportunity I had been awaiting. It was only further confirmed when I watched the Q&A video for the journey and used up almost an entire box of tissues from all the tears of remembrance and full body chills and goosebumps telling me, YES, YOU MUST GO!! So, I heeded the call, and I’m so thrilled I did. There are no words that can adequately describe my Avalon experience with Elayne Kalila and Diana, especially since it was one of the most powerful weeks of my life. But here is an attempt: our temple gatherings were incomparable alchemical crucibles where we moved through profound healing for ourselves and the collective, the land was an indescribable portal to the underworld and ancient knowing, Diana’s holy oils were shamanic healers extracting from our systems all that no longer served and calling forward our innate destinies, the circle of women that answered the call to go was a powerful gathering of souls who have traveled together many times before, and the sacred sites we visited awakened our latent light codes, upgraded our DNA and enhanced every cell of our Being. Just when I thought the heights of Divine ecstasy couldn’t get any higher, we rose again to a whole new octave. Overall, I am forever changed and forever grateful for the opportunity. I am also forever humbled by this path my ancestors have called me to walk & for the Magdalenas who have traveled before us. THANK YOU BELOVEDS!”

Eásula Sedlmaier

AVALON 2018: Journeying Through the Portal

The ringing of the bells … distant bells, cherished bells all too long missed; the calling deep within my heart to re-visit Avalon came to me a year prior to its destined fulfillment.
Upon reading the first line’s of Kalila’s invitation 2016/2017 to be a part of the Avalon experience my heart and mouth attested an immediate ‘yes’. The longing and the call to go increased as time passed and the energetic threads of Avalon priesstessing weaved themselves into my life, expression and ways which became increasingly evident. Circumstance and Divine planning, however, would have it, that for me the portal of Avalon and its Light encoded gates wouldn’t open until the Quality of Consciousness formed and expressed itself through a specific ‘sistership constellation’. This came into blossoming in 2018.

Up through the time preceding our re-union and shared invoked re-membering I experienced a kind of humming, maybe even a thumping of Avalonian frequency guiding me to the ultimate gateway reunion in July 2018! This was definitely not meant to be a normal “wonderful vacation”, but rather a ‘wonder-filled’ one. Through Kalila’s orchestration with Diana Dubrow and all the participating priestess sisters an immediate dimensional shift revealed itself as we gathered together and looked into each others’ eyes after so many eons. This allowed and invited each of us to birth the aspects of Avalon, our priestesshood and our temple that we individually carry and have carried throughout time and space. All of us ascended into this etheric realm and were able to wander together during the following days in truely very deep ways, utilizing the inherent magic of Glastonbury, rituals and our own energetic interface to attain a re-memberance (calling back innumerous missing pieces) and healing which continues to echo long after my return to ‘ordinary life’. It was truely an enigmatic, morphogenetic field changer and heart-expander which escapes my ability to reduce it into a description.

It is in this very deep and rich context that I can say: “If you in any way feel a resonance with Avalon and the divine energy which Kalila embodies – then just follow this opening in your heart and go. Avalon’s message has already reached and invited you.”

Namaste … bowing in awe and gratitude for the beauty, empowerment, openness and great Heart energy which both Kalila and Diana exude. I close with the priestess kiss.


While the mysteries do not belong to any of us — but to all of us — paradoxically, they are are not free: They are priceless treasures. Your heart contribution to this pilgrimage is part of a sacred, loving, and energetic exchange that supports the work of the temple to create, hold, and tend all the programs and offerings available to you.

We have the following refund policy:

  • Your $500 deposit is non-refundable and required to secure your place. Of course if after your heart sit  – if we both feel that this pilgrimage is not for you then we will refund this deposit to you.
  • Your payment plan must be set up within 24 hours after the heart sit consultation.
  • Please note that due to the nature of the trip we can not offer any refunds. Once you have been invited, registered and secured your spot. We have made financial payments for bookings as far as 1 year in advance to secure lodging, food and transportation for this beautiful pilgrimage.

Thank you for your heartfelt contribution and understanding. We are deep gratitude and invite you into this beautiful, transformative mystery.


The Priestess Presence LLC and The Emerald Temple is an initiatory process for spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

Each initiate is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. The Priestess Presence LLC /The Emerald Temple and its founder, Diana Dubrow, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

Copyright © 2024 Priestess Presence Members. All rights reserved.