stand up and be seen.
It is time to liberate the remembrance of your luminous Essence.
It is time to serve the world.
More than ever,
YOU are needed.
Free the shackles of fear.
Burn, cut away what no longer
serves you.
Enter ceaseless change.
Enter your freedom!
In Her three faces, She holds the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. Her energy clears away that which no longer serves—dying a shamanic death—so that we may be reborn to our true Essence.
When you look at what’s happening in our world with the pattern of destruction being shown over and over—mass attacks, war, crumbling of patriarchal systems and the dismantling of systemic racism—we see Kali Ma (one example of this Goddess) very much alive.
And it’s here that She cries for us to see that there is no difference between apparent destruction and creation: that which is burned makes room for the new.
So, sister … that you are here is no mistake.
She is calling you. She is calling all of us.
She furiously and unconditionally awakens an unconditional, intense love that will not allow you to continue hiding behind half-truths.
The Creator/Destroyer/Preserver embodies the divine principle of liberation. In particular, She wants us to understand that ceaseless change is freedom.
This may pose a challenge because Creator/Destroyer/Preserver’s sacred wounding and old story is: rage, chaos, and control.
How has this affected your life?
When we begin to embody the
Creator/Destroyer/Preserver, we emanate Her gifts of:
and how She may be showing up in your life?
Are you drawn to understand how you can embody Her and
the transformative gifts She has to offer?
Do you recognize yourself in some of the following wounds?
If you feel called to go deeper with Her, then we’d love to invite you to do so.
Creator, Destroyer, Preserver’s Deepening
Journey to the Temple of Creator Destoyer Preserver
Kali Ma Diety Practice
with you today.