An 8 Week Incubator
To Manifest Your Sacred
Online Offerings
Begins August 9th
3 25 spaces available
An 8 Week Incubator
To Manifest Your Sacred
Online Offerings
Begins August 9th
8 spaces available
You’re invited to join us for a powerful, 2 month incubator to design an online offering, invite others to join, and grow your list.
With me, my team, and temple faculty by your side, you’ll receive all the simple skills/tools needed to elegantly design, birth (a pre-launch event), invite, share, and get launch ready.
Since you’re here, you probably have a beautiful idea to help others transform their lives.
Now, you’re compelled—even if a bit nervous—to birth it … but you’re not quite sure how.
Maybe you’ve led in-person gatherings, courses, or retreats. Perhaps you’re a bit skeptical that real, deep transformational work can happen online…
…Not to mention the very thought of being on camera scares the bejeezus out of you!
Or, maybe you’ve been working online awhile, but you become overwhelmed by details, structure, technology, writing, launching, funnels (oh my!), and social media. It just doesn’t bring you joy anymore and you’re tired of all the ‘formulas.’ (I get it!)
We love empowering sisters, like you, to step more fully into the sacred work they’re here to offer—in service to their personal and the collective’s awakening and evolution.
So, we’re inviting you to receive structure & expert support to lovingly help you propel your specific vision, moving your idea into actual fruition, and then confidently get launch ready.
Would extra support and resources from a team of knowledgeable, soulful ‘experts’ help you feel more confident so you’re finally prepared to share that beautiful creation you’ve been hiding in your heart?
That’s what you’ll find in the Empower Incubator:
A team of dedicated, creative pragmatists that have the systems, the experience, the clarity, and the heart to help you take an idea, give it form, then actually get ready to launch it … so that you feel prepared, confident, and aligned with your gifts.
We are calling you forward to increase
your online presence and
launch the catalytic, healing, renewing spaces
you already hold in person.
We are here to inspire you to lean in:
To listen intently and respond to the new earth
calling you to midwife her and her people.
Over two months, you’ll be held in a safe and structured sanctuary so you can intend and manifest your gifts with ease and grace (and, of course, by facing the inner obstacles and old world views that are ready to be transformed!).
We want to make this empowering, enlivening, deeply supportive, and affirming for you … so we’ll be by your side, step by every step.
- See & honor your innate priestess gifts
- Understand how you’re being called to serve during this time of profound transformation
- Get clear about your offerings & the motivation/intention behind them
- Move from having an idea to actually inviting & implementing an online, transformational event/class/retreat
This incubation period is intended as a bridge—so you can harmonize your visionary ideas with all the logistical details you need to know in order to competently and simply implement your online healing services.
We Understand Sacred Online Business
For the past years of having an online temple, my team and I have been initiated time and time again to stretch beyond the “old” paradigms of business—selling, marketing, urgency, and scarcity to name but a few.
We are truly an amazing team of pragmatic creatives that design and implement heart-aligned systems of sacred business. It’s been a deep, alchemical process.
Everything has been looked at—from the language of our offerings, to the way we invite sisters to participate, to how we think about sustainability, why we’re here, and who we are here to serve.
We know that sacred business helps rebalance our world in terms of diversity and access: so, from nuts and bolts to lofty visions, everything has to be run through the heart-alignment and soul-integrity monitor!
We are excited to support you if you’re grappling with the tectonic shifts happening in our world: the dismantling, the call for a deeper integrity in our sacred business, and the innovation of new ways to successfully and effectively be in community and connection—not competition with—each other…
Join Here
How Does This Work?
First, you’ll choose one sacred offering you want to launch … PLUS a pre-launch “birthing” event.
Over two months, we’ll guide you on a step-by-step journey, giving you support and expertise, so you can design a mythic curriculum, invite people to your offering, and get ready to birth/launch it online—while feeling aligned with your soul calling.
We’ll give you a beautifully balanced mix of mythology, visioning, and grounded practicality. That is the alchemy of a successful, soul-centered sacred business.
You’ll delve into 5 masterclasses, 5 group coaching sessions, + 5 laser Q&A sessions, providing you with a deep level of support from me and the Priestess Presence Team/Faculty.
5 Masterclass Topics:
- Mythic Curriculum Design
- Pre-Launch Event
- Heartfelt & Aligned Copywriting
- Soulful Social Media
- Launch Preparedness
Over our time together, you’ll be held within a coherent structure so that you’ll feel capable and resourced to step more fully your leadership. (Yes!!)
You’ll take action, have accountability, and by the end of the two months, be ready to share an online offering that’s deeply aligned with your soul mission.
You’ll receive all the tools you need to:
- Get clear about the best offering to launch
- Design an offering aligned with your heart
- Vision what your offering wants to ‘look’ like from a soul & human level
- Invite your community in an aligned way that doesn’t feel icky or pushy
- Create a birthing event (a pre-launch event) to announce your main offering
- Share your sacred gifts through social media, while magnetizing your ideal community
- Be prepared for a launch
Learn From My Amazing Team
As an Incubator member, you will benefit from two of the most amazing women that I am blessed to know; they have both been an integral part of building the Priestess Presence Temple for the past 7-8 years.
Rebecca Cavender, the temple oracle and scribe—with her outstanding gifts at creating aligned copy/marketing that feels aligned with higher purpose AND invitation/landing pages that not only inspire, but invite people to participate in our events and offerings.
Emily Bodenham, our technical wizard and back-end online business manager—who basically makes everything work. She is amazing at systems and making things simple and effective. In the second masterclass, you will have access to her wealth of knowledge about how to make this easy!
…AND Learn From the Temple’s Faculty
Flora Ware is a Priestess Presence Temple Guide and is in the deepest path of initiation within our Mystery School. She has a lineage gift of marrying deep transformational work with structures that are needed for us to manifest our visions. She stands at the crossroads between an idea and it coming into form as an offering.
- An archetypal structure to hold transformational space—applicable to any kind of offering, whether it’s an hour class, a day-long retreat, or a long course
- Good preparation, agreement fields, expectations, and follow-up so your clients get the most out of the experience
- Simple back-end systems so that you don’t get lost in over-complication: let’s make this simple!
- Ways to create a magnetizing pre-launch event to enroll others into your class/event
- Powerful ways to use social media to call-in your ideal community
- How to determine the financial value of your work and decide on a heart contribution that honors you and your community
- Use mythic, ritual containers in order to deepen your online, transformational work
- Create a resonant and coherent invitation/landing page that is simple and effective
- Design your own structural flow & curriculum that offers a deep transformational space for your clients
- Understand if you are offering 1:1 or group experiences
- Grow your email list
- Given direct feedback & suggestions on your online classes/events
- Held accountable to your stated intention for this Incubator
- Supported to think about what the most important and useful/effective guidance, tools, mentoring, coaching etc. that you can offer your clients at this time
- Held in laser coaching that supports you to move through the real time blocks
- Given practical & spiritual support if you experience any challenges or growth edges
Get Ready To Design an Offering, Invite Others to Join, and Grow Your Email List
- Are resourced emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially to step into serving others
- Already have a community—small or large—that you’ve been serving
- Feel called to step into the initiation of sharing your sacred work online
- Know this will stretch you outside your comfort zone
- Are ready to expand your capacity to hold transformational space online and have your classes be the most amazing they can be
Are You Ready to Share Your Gifts Online?
- 5 Masterclasses on: Curriculum Design; Pre-Launch Events; Copywriting; Social Media; and Launch Preparation ($2,485 value)
- 5 x 90min + Live Group Coaching ($1,500 value)
- 5 x 30min Laser Group Coaching after each masterclass ($750 value)
- 1 in-depth review of your pre-launch event opt-in page from the temple’s copywriter & oracle, Rebecca—including a card reading for your offering and suggestions for improvement ($497 value)
- 1 in-depth review of your main offering’s landing/invite page from Rebecca ($497 value)
- 1 in-depth review of your curriculum with feedback from Elayne Kalila ($497 value)
- Options for additional copywriting support and/or systems support from the temple’s copywriter & tech maven
- Members’ Only area to house all your incubator information—forever!
- Private FB Group to receive timely feedback, support, coaching, and encouragement ($997+ value)
$7,023 VALUE
Join Here
- Homework assignments
- PDF guides, templates, and worksheets
- 7.5+ hours of live, online group laser coaching
- Video recording of each laser coaching session
- Transcripts of each class
- …Plus AMAZING bonuses to propel your offering out into the world!
$7,023 value
Bonuses ($2,055 value)
Promotion of Your Offering Created In the Incubator & Grow Your Mailing List! ($997 value)
We will promote your pre-launch event (free offering) for the program you created during the Incubator, when deemed complete to a professional standard. We will do this through our weekly newsletter, sharing the video invitation you create from the mini video coaching session (see below) with Elayne Kalila. This is a powerful tool to help bolster your online community & introduce new sisters to you! (Whoo hoo!)
Mini Video Coaching Session with Elayne Kalila To Transmit Your Message More Powerfully! ($333 value)
Toward the end of the Incubator, receive a mini coaching session with Elayne Kalila where she’ll teach you how to invite people into your free, pre-launch event offering, in a 2-3 minute video. Together, you will record this video message and we will promote it to our engaged list … significantly helping you grow your mailing list! You will be given this video so you can share it with your community, too!
Your Priestess Leadership Style Guide & Map ($125 value)
Take our quiz and you’ll learn what your priestess leadership style and gifts are. We’ll also gift you the following about your archetypal leadership so that it’s activated with you and your offerings are aligned with your soul gifts. This includes an: eBook, altar card, and audio journey to activate this special leadership within you.
Transmit and Brand ($994 value)
You’ll Also Receive the Bonus Pre-Work Accelerator:
By the end of this 3 day intensive, you’ll gain clarity on:
- Who you’re serving
- What you’re offering
- How you’ll deliver it
This includes deciding on the following so that you can begin to create an offering:
- Your intentions & Spirit’s intentions
- A working title & subtitle
- Its curriculum (key transformations + milestones + lessons)
- Its contents
- Its value
- Tech: How it will be delivered
The 3 modules will help you:
- Choose your offering / attune
- Clarify your promise / deep-level
- Ground your offering / deliver value
You’ll receive:
- Blueprint of your sacred business
- 5 beautiful workbooks
- 3 modules with multiple video, step-by-step teachings from the team so you can decide on an offering & how you’ll deliver it
- Live group coaching & support from the Priestess Presence Team: Elayne, Rebecca, and Em
- Private FB group with support & office hours
$1,997 value
Heart Contribution
While greater mysteries “belong” to all of us, they are not free: They are priceless treasures and this particular training provides an accumulation of over 30+ years of my personal training and over 7 years of running a successful, online sacred business.
Thank you for your heartfelt contribution. We are in deep gratitude and invite you into this beautiful, transformative incubator.
Accelerator + Incubator + Bonuses:
$11,469 value
Your Early Bird Heart Contribution
6 installments of $450
Regular Heart Contribution Begins Tuesday, 27th July:
Apply now with a $300 refundable deposit.
Your satisfaction with this course is my highest priority! AND we highly encourage you to enter into a deep meditation about whether you are called to this path at this time.
If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Empower Business Incubator or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know BEFORE August 8th, 2021 and you will receive a full refund, including the $300 deposit.
If you choose to leave the Empower experience between August 9th-20th, 2021, then you may receive a refund LESS the $997 for the 3 day Accelerator. (If you had not yet invested $997 toward Empower, then you will be billed until the $997 is paid.)
No refunds are available after August 20th.
All sessions are offered on live stream video via your computer. These sessions are recorded so that if you cannot attend live, you can access the recording. During the live sessions you will be able to ask questions via the live chat.
This is a private Facebook group that is only for members of the Empower Business Incubator. You will be able to meet and dialogue with your sisters all over the world. Elayne Kalila will be an active member of this group, so you can ask questions and garner her support in this forum as well.
Absolutely! You can watch the recordings on the Empower Business Incubator page on the Priestess Presence membership site, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the sisterhood on the private online session (on Facebook).
Please visit the Customer Support section on the homepage where you should be able to find help, whatever your question. And if you can’t, please submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you. The email address again is: [email protected]. We aim to respond to people within 48hrs, but we don’t work weekends. If you do not get a response in that timeframe, please resend your email.
© 2020, Priestess Presence. All Rights Reserved.