Ground Your Essence
Embody the Sacred Tools of the Goddess

Enter the Mystery of Deity Embodiment

The sacred tools of the Goddess are symbolic & carry power for us to unlock within ourselves…

From the cauldron, to the chalice, to the sword, and staff, these tools are powerful ways to deepen our access to the Divine Feminine mysteries.

Embodying these tools as states of consciousness is a path of maturation within the 13 Moon Mystery School; grounding them within you supports you to open portals to even more wisdom and gnosis.

This is the way of the 13 Moon Mystery School: a direct embodiment of archetypal tools, frequencies, and the Goddess.

For the last 1500-2000 years, women have experienced intense fear; practicing our sacred art of Divine Feminine embodiment was seen as heresy.

Thankfully, we’re now living through a Divine Feminine renaissance. The Goddess has risen again and as we safely access our inherent gifts, wisdom, and tools, our sacred practices are restored.

Let’s call upon the ancient symbols of the Goddess to activate her fractally embedded teachings, complete within these sacred tools.


–Ariel Spilsbury

In this track, you’ll continue to deepen with the core teachings of the 13 Divine Feminine archetypes–just like in year one–and explore the Goddess’ many sacred tools, allowing you to expand your knowledge and skills.

Experience this advanced training in the art of symbol, metaphor, oracle, and direct embodiment of the Goddess.

You’ll connect with each face of the Goddess through her sacred symbol, mudra, mantra, geometry, and oracular writings as tools and practices to gain wisdom from Her teachings.

As you encounter each symbol, mudra, mantra, yantra, and oracular writing—and embody it—you’ll connect directly with the mystery, becoming more fluid in shifting your consciousness.

How You’ll Be Held:
Mentorship with Flora Ware

You’ll be part of an intimate group of sisters on this track (curriculum).

Each moon, you’ll have a 90-minute sister circle with Flora to deepen your relationship with the 13 ancient tools of the Goddess. Together, you’ll ground your Essence and have a direct experience with how the Goddess lives within you.

Flora, a senior priestess, Enter the Mystery mentor, and Temple Guide, holds this space with you. She brings her potent priestess skills as a songstress and sacred singer of the mystery, invoking your ability to deepen with the practice of mantra and vibrational incantations.

In addition to the embodiment practices with each sacred tool in the curriculum, each moon, you’ll explore the mantra of the archetype. This deepening activation with Flora, through sacred sound, brings you directly into a resonant archetypal frequency, as well as provides energetic healing to your throat chakra … ultimately empowering your vocal channel.

Become the embodiment of the living sacred tools of the Goddess and singer of the mystery!

This is a deity embodiment track

Through conscious choice, we cultivate and nurture a more intimate and personal relationship with the Goddess through our inner experience. We invite Her to take shape within us through contemplation, imagination, and embodied practice.

During this journey of immanence, you’ll find yourself deepening your inquiry of what it means to become more fully embodied.

The path of the 13 Moon Mystery School brings us into this beautiful inquiry where you’ll feel and experience your embodied humanity as profoundly sacred.

You’ll remember 13 sacred symbols, 13 mudras and mantras, 13 sacred geometries, and 13 oracular embodiment practices.

Embody the Goddess’s tools: 13 geometries, symbols, sounds, movements, and oracular skills

You’ve come to know the 13 faces of the Divine Feminine through working with Her gateways of initiation and encountering your light and shadow qualities.

Now, you’ll learn to embody several tools that bring you to an expanded understanding of this path.

Learn 13 Sacred Geometry Teachings: Ariel Spilsbury

  • Spiral
  • Upward pointing triangle in a circle
  • Icosahedron and solar cross in a circle
  • Square with a circle around it
  • 3D Cube with a 2D inscribed circle around it
  • 2D triple triangle, 3D tetrahedron
  • Vesica Pisces
  • Five descending triangles within a circle
  • Octahedron, a diamond in a circle
  • Triple triangle
  • Eight-spoked wheel seen as a tube torus
  • Five-pointed star
  • Triquetra
  • Spiral
  • Upward pointing triangle in a
  • Icosahedron and solar cross in a circle
  • Square with a circle around it
  • 3D Cube with a 2D inscribed
         circle around it
  • 2D triple triangle, 3D
  • Vesica Pisces
  • Five descending triangles
         within a circle
  • Octahedron, a diamond in a
  • Triple triangle
  • Eight-spoked wheel seen as a
         tube torus
  • Five-pointed star
  • Triquetra

Laser Focus on 13 Living Tool Teachings: Elayne Kalila
(videos & handouts)

  • Cauldron: The Womb of All Creation
  • Mudra, Mantra, Yantra: The Building Blocks of Our
  • Chalice: The Art of Transmission & Oracle
  • Crystal Skull: The Art of Penetrating Laser Focus
  • Light Shield: The Art of Resonant Harmonic
  • Wand: The Art of Magic
  • Senses: The Art of Sensuality & Beauty
  • Lightning Bolt: The Art of Catalyzing Aliveness
  • Sword: The Art of Clarity & Discernment.
  • Staff: The Art of Attunement
  • Light Loom: The Art of Visioning & Weaving
  • Death Shroud: The Art of Release & Completion
  • Peacock Feather: The Art of Transmutation
  • Cauldron: The Womb of All
  • Mudra, Mantra, Yantra: The
         Building Blocks of Our
  • Chalice: The Art of
         Transmission & Oracle
  • Crystal Skull: The Art of
         Penetrating Laser
  • Light Shield: The Art of
         Resonant Harmonic
  • Wand: The Art of Magic
  • Senses: The Art of Sensuality &
  • Lightning Bolt: The Art of
         Catalyzing Aliveness
  • Sword: The Art of Clarity & Discernment.
  • Staff: The Art of Attunement
  • Light Loom: The Art of
         Visioning & Weaving
  • Death Shroud: The Art of
         Release & Completion
  • Peacock Feather: The Art of

13 Oracular Transmissions & Writing Skills: Rebecca Cavender
(audios/videos/handouts with archetypal transmissions & oracular writing prompts)

  • Womb
  • Triple Flame
  • Sacred Chalice
  • Kali’s Crystal Skull
  • Thunder Beat of Gaia
  • Star Code Lineage
  • Diamond Body Ecstasy
  • Erect Pleasure & Freedom
  • Clear Sight from the Temples of Egypt
  • Sacred Ancestry
  • Your Myth
  • Sacred Death Travel
  • Celebration of Wholeness
  • Womb
  • Triple Flame
  • Sacred Chalice
  • Kali’s Crystal Skull
  • Thunder Beat of Gaia
  • Star Code Lineage
  • Diamond Body Ecstasy
  • Erect Pleasure & Freedom
  • Clear Sight from the Temples
         of Egypt
  • Sacred Ancestry
  • Your Myth
  • Sacred Death Travel
  • Celebration of Wholeness

13 Sacred Movement & Sound Teachings: Eden Amadora
(archetypal video transmissions of sacred sound & deity yoga)

  • Great Mother
  • Goddess of Compassion
  • Priestess
  • Creator Destroyer Preserver
  • Lady of Communion
  • Muse
  • Goddess of Love
  • Primal Goddess
  • Initiator
  • Wise Woman
  • Weaver Dreamer
  • Queen of Death
  • Alchemical Goddess

When you join, you’ll have opportunities to:

  • Meet an extra 1x/month for a sister circle with Flora
  • Deepen with 13 sacred tools: symbols, mudras, mantras, yantras, and written oracle practices
  • Learn how to embody the metaphoric realm and ground them in your body/presence
  • Explore how these sacred tools are living mysteries, complete unto themselves
  • With Flora, explore additional live content: sounding as a gateway to directly enter a resonant archetypal frequency,
         providing energetic healing to your throat chakra and empowering your vocal channel
  • Meet an extra 1x/month for a
         sister circle with Flora
  • Deepen with 13 sacred tools:
         symbols, mudras,
         mantras, yantras, and
         written oracle practices
  • Learn how to embody the
         metaphoric realm and
         ground them in your body
  • Explore how these sacred
         tools are living mysteries,
         complete unto themselves
  • With Flora, explore additional
         live content: sounding as
         a gateway to directly enter
         a resonant archetypal
         frequency, providing
         energetic healing to your
         throat chakra and
         empowering your vocal

Are you ready to embody the mysteries of the 13 sacred living tools?

What You Will Receive…

Develop a sacred oracle writing practice to be in direct communion with your Essence and the Goddess, through archetypal audio transmissions and prompts
  • Remove so-called
         oracular & creative
         “blocks” by
         activating archetypal
         energy so that you
         can easily channel
         your writing/oracular
         skills (even if you
         don’t think you have
  • Embody each of the 13
         archetypal energies
         as Her emissary,
         words that are
         medicine to yourself
         & others
  • Be gifted a Sacred
Develop a sacred oracle writing practice to be in direct communion with your Essence and the Goddess, through archetypal audio transmissions and prompts
  • Remove so-called oracular &
         creative“blocks” by
         activating archetypal
         energy so that you can
         easily channel your writing
         /oracular skills (even if you
         don’t think you have them)
  • Embody each of the 13 archetypal
         energies as Her emissary,
         writing/transmitting words that
         are medicine to yourself & others
  • Be gifted a Sacred Writing
Explore sacred geometry (yantra) as a way to focus on each face of the Goddess
  • Unveil each temple of
         the Goddess
         through the lens of
         Her yantra/sacred
  • Contemplate the power
         of each sacred
         yantra as a potent
         metaphor that trains
         your consciousness
         in a specific capacity
  • Discover how sacred
         geometry can
         support you in your
Explore sacred geometry (yantra) as a way to focus on each face of the Goddess
  • Unveil each temple of the Goddess
         through the lens of Her yantra/
         sacred geometry
  • Contemplate the power of each
         sacred yantra as a potent
         metaphor that trains your
         consciousness in a specific
  • Discover how sacred geometry can
         support you in your embodiment
Discover each of the 13 Sacred Tools of the Goddess
  • Laser-focus on the
         specific tool &
         practice of each
         face of the
  • Deepen your
         connection to
         each of Her 13
  • Awaken & activate each
         sacred tool through
         an embodiment
         meditation that you
         can continue to use
         in your daily practice
Discover each of the 13 Sacred Tools of the Goddess
  • Laser-focus on the specific tool &
         embodiment practice of each
         face of the Goddess
  • Deepen your connection to each
         of Her 13 tools
  • Awaken & activate each sacred
         tool through an embodiment
         meditation that you can
         continue to use in your daily
Explore the mantra & mudra (sacred sound & deity yoga) of each face of the Goddess
  • Explore each temple of
         the Goddess
         through her mudra
         & mantra
  • Be guided in practices
         to deepen your
         connection with self
         and the Goddess
  • Discover how to access
         sacred sound &
         movement (deity yoga)
         to embody the
Explore the mantra & mudra (sacred sound & deity yoga) of each face of the Goddess
  • Explore each temple of the
         Goddess through her
         mudra & mantra
  • Be guided in practices to deepen
         your connection with self and
         the Goddess
  • Discover how to access sacred
         sound & movement (deity
         yoga) to embody the

Another circling of every live temple & being a priestess initiate

90mins each month

On WhatsApp

For an additional investment

Heart Contribution

Pay in Full

Full Price

Early bird

12 Payments

Per Month

Or email your preferences to [email protected]

Do you also want 1:1 Mentorship?

Contact Flora directly after registration


The Priestess Presence “Enter the Mystery – Sapphire Circle”/ 13 Moon Mystery School is an initiatory process for spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

Each initiate is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. The Priestess Presence Enter the Mystery – Sapphire Circle/ The 13 Moon Mystery School and its founder, Ariel Spilsbury, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

A Dedicated Initiation Temple of 13 Moon™ Mystery School Lineage

Copyright ©2017 Priestess Presence. All rights reserved.