Moonly Heart Salon
Live, Online Gathering
Join us on Thursday, September 13th 12-1 p.m. PST
You are invited to a live, online gathering to nurture and enrich your tender heart.
When life feels challenging, we need prayers and blessings … a space to just be held.
As a temple, part of our work is to offer healing and wholing.
So many of you share the you live in areas that seem isolated and it’s challenging to gather with other sisters in a heartfelt way; you yearn and ache for a space to be in a circle of support…
So, each moon, we can now join together, realign our hearts, support one another–and the collective.
Simply bring your challenges and questions, and we’ll hold them from the lens of initiatory soul growth…
Will you join us to receive guidance
so you may enrich, nurture,
and attune your heart?
During our consecrated and loving
Heart Salon, we’ll bring our:
Open hearts and feel into what matters most to us
Initiations and challenges to receive support
Deepening questions and queries about how to live a sacred life
Tenderness and vulnerability in the private Zoom gathering
Willingness to see our aching hearts as sacred
What to expect:
Enter a sacred agreement field
Be mentored on specific topics
Receive prayers and blessings
Offer prayers and blessings to others in the gathering and in the world
Do you desire prayers, blessings, and witnessing, beloved? Does your heart yearn to support other sisters and offer your love to them?
Click the aligned heart contribution to join us
What They’re Saying…
Thank you so much for this…it was exactly the medicine my soul needed!
Deep Nourishment, Beloveds! Thank you Kalila-Beauty for holding this Powerful, HearFull Space for us all….as I felt for yourself. It was So touching and Wonderful to meet you all and to share Heart! Thank you!
I live in an isolated place where I have no sisters so this is literally a life line thank you.
I have been wanting to be a part of a circle of sisters and yearning for more connection this was an amazing way to be in connection with the temple in a deeper more intimate way. Thank you!
Hearing all your stories today reminded me I am not alone and it was so powerful to just listen and feel part of a circle. My heart is so full.
The SEED words I received this year are: enrichment, nurturance, and renewal. From these gifted words, I became aware of how much I yearn for a place to drop-in, unmask, open, and become vulnerable while feeling the hearts of my sisters.
I know I’m not alone in this desire. Sisters tell us over and over that what they want from the temple is intimacy, connection, sisterhood, and to feel seen, heard, and received.
So, once a month, for one hour, we will gather together and share our open, vulnerable heart. It’s our loving of one another that makes this temple vibrant and alive.
Save the date–upcoming Heart Salons:
September 13th (12-1 p.m. PST)-full moon
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