The Initiator
Come to the purple doors of this Goddess.
Align with Her sword of initiation.
This challenge is your life.
This is the path of devotion to truth—
to have the Goddess penetrate you with Her eyes.
This is the lightning path of initiation.
Choose the left-eyed path of Horus.
See your life as such.
The Initiator invites you to dive deeper with Her, to explore Her crystalline sword and discover the gifts She has for you…
Her archetypal energy invites us to feel our authentic power—to be empowered—to start over again. To be reborn—in truth, clarity, and alignment.
In our world, we have people now standing up straight, voices clear, eyes bright, speaking what is true—from the past and now. We see this in the #metoo and #blm movements. We see it in the disruption of our patriarchal systems. And we’re being asked to continue doing this from a place of love.
…That you are here is no mistake.
She is calling you.
The Initiator embodies the divine principle of clarity, alignment, and challenge—from a position of love. In particular, She wants us to be clear vessels of service by using our voice. To speak out. To resonate the power that comes through us as a hollow reed … knowing this power does not belong to us, but is sourced through us.
This may pose a challenge because the Initiator’s sacred wounding and old story is: power hungry or, alternately, compliant silence.
How has this affected your life?
When we begin to embody the Initiator, we clarify Her gifts of:
Eagle-eye perception
Truth detector
Heart of compassion whilst speaking truth
No need for approval from others
Motivated by visions that build systems for the highest good of all
See both the big picture and recognize patterns
Embracing difficult conversations
Uncloaked from traditional positions of power
Ability to prune away what no longer serves
Are you called to know more about the Initiator and how She may be showing up in your life?
Are you drawn to understand how you can embody Her and the transformative gifts She has to offer?
When we can transmute some of Her old stories, then we can illuminate Her light.
Do you recognize yourself in some of the following wounds?
Difficulty speaking up for what is true, for what you need
Fear of upsetting others, so stay silent
Perceived as being self-righteous
Take self too seriously
Seek recognition outside of self
May not always be diplomatic in how you speak your truth—others may take it as criticism
Beloved, the Initiator is here to help you heal these old wound and stories so that you can feel free and in the aligned clarity of life!
As you deepen your connection to the truth in your heart, you are able to wield your authentic power and “walk your talk” in the world.
This living embodiment of integrity is not a fixed system, it is a way of walking that observes and speaks the truth as it folds in each moment.
If you feel called to go deeper with Her, then we’d love to invite you to do so.
The Initiator Goddess’ Deepening
Meditation Journeys from Elayne Kalila. You’ll enter the Initiator Temple and be guided in an alchemical experience into the heart of clarity and integrity.
Video Oracle Training from Ariel Spilsbury where she shares her unique and potent perspective, empowering you to deepen your oracle card reading skills from the lens of the Initiator.
Initiation Deepening PDF to discover examples of the Initiator understand how to embody Her gifts, and recognize ways you can feel more free in your life.
Bonus: Initiator Altar Card with daily invocation so that you begin taking practical steps that awaken the Initiator while deepening your personal connection to Her.
Heart Contribution
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