You are invited to enjoy one, two, three, or all of the upcoming Masterclasses in our Empower series.
In each Masterclass, you’ll receive practical—yet elegant—support to move your sacred offerings online with confidence, simplicity, and ease. This will help you to achieve more than if you were to ‘go at it’ alone.
The intention of this Masterclass Series is to empower you to:
- Get clear about your gifts
- Design an offering aligned with your loving intention and highest vision
- Build the structures you need—with ease & grace
- Invite your community in an aligned way
- Release/launch your offering
Masterclass 1: Create
How To Create Online Temples
(Pre recorded)
During this 90 minute masterclass, I’ll share the following so you can bring all of your work—not just temple work—online:
- What the internet is from a mythic perspective
- How to move through the initiation of holding space in an online temple environment
- How to work with technology as a sacred tool (how to make technology your ally)
- How to handle wobbles, disconnections, and when the gremlins get in the system (which they do and will!)
- Handy Zoom tools
- How to be on camera in an aligned way (this is a learnable skill, I promise)
- Your role: teacher, counselor, coach, witness, guide?
- The difference between presenting and transmitting your content/offering
- Guidelines & protocols I use to curate transformational spaces
- How to develop curriculum/classes people really want to attend
- My practices to create a resonant online space
- Behind the scenes skills
- How to help others share quintessentially from their hearts versus long, egoic stories that become unfocused
- Structures to help initiate others to share their truth
- Written Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 2: Design
How To Create A Sacred Curriculum

During this 90 minute Masterclass on Sacred Curriculum Design, you will learn:
- An archetypal structure to hold transformational space—applicable to any kind of offering, whether it’s an hour class, a day-long retreat, or a long course.
- How to use oracle and archetypal guidance to provide a powerful lensing when designing your offering.
- Sacred Geometry as a way to hold your offering—how to work with this more effectively.
- How to use mythic, ritual containers in order to deepen your online, transformational work. This includes:
- The Hero/Heroine’s Journeys—their phases and how they provide a structure and story arc for your offerings
- The 7 Gateways, like in Inanna’s Journey (this is at the heart of Eleusinian Mysteries & holds a blueprint for the feminine mysteries)
- How to Feeling Navigate the tempo and cadence of your offerings.
- How to create your own structural flow & curriculum that offers a deep, transformational space for your clients.
- Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass:
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 3: Invite
How To Create Clear & Aligned, Heartfelt Copy
With Rebecca Cavender & Elayne Kalila
(Pre recorded)
During this 90 minute Masterclass on the art of invitation, you will:
- Learn the alchemy of copywriting & marketing
- Connect to your offering’s energetic structure
- Begin clarifying your “North Star”/Core Message so others can embrace not only your specific offering, but also your sacred business as a whole
- Be given a 5 step template to structure your sales page—the same template Rebecca uses for the temple
At the end of the Masterclass, you’ll feel empowered to:
- Write & talk about your offering—with clarity & confidence
- Create a harmonious offering that honors your beautiful heart & your beautiful mind
- Invite others to your offerings without being “too salesy” or “pushy”
- Feel aligned with your offering’s message
- Create a resonant and coherent invitation/sales page that is simple, heartfelt, and effective
- Magnetize the most aligned people to your sacred work so they feel embraced and you feel soulfully authentic
- Let go … trust the process (much of the alchemy comes from this part, from trusting)
- Written Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
- Sales Page Template for Aligned Copy
- Exercise to Clarify Your Message
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 4: Build
How To Create A Sustainable, Online Business
With Emily Bodenham & Elayne Kalila
(Pre recorded)
During this 90 minute Masterclass, you will learn:
- Simple back-end systems so that you don’t get lost in over-complication
- A matrix that helps you determine what kind of offerings to share with your community at the different financial/time/commitment levels of your community
- The temple’s best ‘performing’ funnels
- How quizzes can support your business to grow
You’ll discover simple tech for:
- Building pages
- Receiving payment
- Delivering content
- Different funnels
- Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 5: Birth
How To Create A Launch Event
(Pre recorded)
During this 90 minute Masterclass on how to announce/birth your offering, you will learn:
- Good preparation, agreement fields, expectations, and follow-up so your clients get the most out of the experience
- Ways to design and set up an event to enroll others into your class/event.
- Blueprint of how to think about the birthing event/announcement so it directly speaks to your offering
- How to reverse-engineer/plan your event
- Examples of birthing events we’ve done—some that were well-matched to the offering and some that were not
- How to think about this event in the funnel of your other offerings
- Creative, fun, joyful announcement ideas that are a magnetic attractor for those interested in your offering
- How to apply the 7 steps archetypal process we learned in the “Design” masterclass
- 9 essential practices of online business to use as a template you can repeat over and over
- How to use the same structure to apply to different idea or archetypal energy
- Written Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 7: Visualize
Create A Brand for your Temple Business or Offering
With Astara Jane Ashley & Elayne Kalila
During this 90 minute Masterclass on the art of visual branding, you will:
- Create a foundational energetic structure for your visual brand—encode your brand with sacred geometry!
- Capture your brand essence in:
- Color
- Symbols/logo
- Typography
- Imagery
- Learn how to create coherence and resonance via visual consistency in your brand—across all communications and platforms
- Understand the importance of readability, ease of use, & simplicity of your brand for your ideal client
At the end of the Masterclass, you’ll feel empowered to:
- Take action to authentically brand your temple offering
- Uplevel your visual presence online—with clarity & confidence
- Magnetize the most aligned people to your sacred work through the resonance and coherence of your visual brand
- Let go … trust the process as you allow your brand to evolve with you
- Written Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
- Flower of Life Press Branding Questionnaire
- Brand Creation Resources
- Priestess Presence Brand Board Template
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
Masterclass 8: Transmit
How to Create a Transformational Experience
With Elayne Kalila
Friday, October 23rd
12pm PST (recording available if you cannot come live)
During this 90 minute Masterclass on how to create transformational offerings, you will:
- Learn the difference between teaching, coaching, and transmitting … and why this matters
- Understand what it means to embody your teachings rather than present them
- How embodying your teachings makes everything in your work feel more alive and vibrant
- Understand what transformation and transmission really are
- Learn about the importance of simplicity and quintessence in your offerings
- Discover how to create the coherent fractal of your work in everything that you do. This one is really crucial!
At the end of the Masterclass, you’ll feel empowered to:
- Embed all of your offerings with the essence of your work, so that they carry a simple message out through every aspect of your offering; this will make your work much more effective, impactful, and also memorable
- Learn some of my favorite tools for creating a coherent, focussed space in the online world
- Harness the power of the internet as a mythic space so that it carries your biggest, most important message
- Set up the energetic space of your offering so that those who attend are already in the agreement field of transformation
- Use the camera to expand, amplify, and deepen your presence
- Written Transcript
- PDF of the Masterclass
Value: $497
Your Heart Contribution:
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