Join us on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, AT 12 PM PST Enter your name and email to join us.

Welcome , Midwife sister. It’s such a blessing and joy that you’re here.

We’re living in extraordinary times; we’re being called to let go of old
leadership paradigms and systems built on hierarchical separation
where many of our sacred skills and talents have been either invisible or
completely devalued, keeping them suppressed.  

In this new, exciting era, we’re redefining and regenerating priestess
leadership styles—like the Midwife—sourced from maps, hidden within, that are
both ancient and (r)evolutionary.

Beloved, you’re part of this magnificent awakening … and it’s time for us to
fluidly expand into a renewed, abundant leadership that’s all about being in
sovereign communion and serving from our deepest, essence selves.

Let’s bring the next phase of our
work into light!

Enter your name and email to join us.

We’d love to invite you join us in a

potent, free, live online transmission with Elayne Kalila to experience the
priestess leadership style within you.

During this live transmission, you’ll:


  • Receive an embodied experience of the Midwife within
  • Experience what it feels like for you to have the Midwife support you
  • Explore the most important gifts the Midwife brings you
  • Identify the Midwife’s challenges and how they apply in your life
  • Receive an embodied experience of the Midwife within
  • Understand that you’re never just one face of the priestess leadership styles, but a combination of them (midwife, shaman, mystic, challenger, ecstatic)
  • Unveil your powerful, inner alchemical combination: Are you a Midwife Shaman, an Ecstatic Mystic, a Challenger Midwife?
  • Reveal the amazing map the Midwife offers you as a priestess leadership style
  • Discover more about this emerging body of work
  • Learn about the juicy ways you can continue deepening with all 5 priestess leadership styles

By the end of transmission, you’ll experience and witness the difference
talking about something and becoming it.

Let’s co-create and birth new paradigms
of Divine Feminine leadership in the world.

Enter your name and email to join us.
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