Enter this temple of joy!
It is time to embrace spontaneity.
Let your curiosity and wonder entice you
Bring your effervescent light.
Sprinkle your magic as love.
Enter the mystery of play.
The Muse invites you to dive deeper with Her, to explore Her fiery air and discover the gifts She has for you…
She is the effusive, spontaneous translator of the Divine. Through playful creativity, she moves and transmutes stuck energy so that new stories, art, song, dance, and poetry can magically come into being—in service to the collective.
And don’t we know: Our world could really delight in some out-of-the-box ways of being!
…That you are here is no mistake.
She is calling you.
The Muse embodies the divine principle of joyful possibility. In particular, She wants us to express ourselves fully through our inherent creativity and live your life from a place of curiosity, inspiration, and wonder.
This may pose a challenge because the Muse’s sacred wounding and old story is:
limitation and control.
How has this affected your life?
When we begin to embody the Muse,
we sparkle Her gifts of:
Divine innocence
Playful wonder
Enthusiasm + delight
Seeing things from new + different perspectives
Freedom of your inner child
Adoration + connection with animals, children, nature
No separation between work + joy
Enlivened projects—with humor + lightheartedness
Thinking outside the box
Disarming—because of being so open hearted and expressive
Spontaneity, silliness, unpredictability
Are you called to know more about the Muse and how She may be showing up in your life?
Are you drawn to understand how you can embody Her and the transformative gifts She has to offer?
When can transmute some of Her old stories, then we can illuminate Her light.
Do you recognize yourself in some of the following wounds?
Seeking validation outside yourself
Belief that you had to “grow up” and put magical, “childish” things aside
Avoidance, procrastination, lack of focus, and feeling scattered
Overwhelmed with structure + those dreaded “deadlines”—or so attached to them, that you’re unwilling to become flexible
Fear of being the outsider and not being invited to “play”
Sensing dullness + boredom with life
Disbelief and mistrust of possibilities
Beloved, the Muse is here to help you heal these old wound and stories so that you can feel free and in the magical flow of life!
If you feel called to go deeper with Her, then we’d love to invite you to do so.
The Muse’s Deepening
2 Meditation Journeys from Elayne Kalila. In the first, you’ll enter the Muse Temple and be guided in an alchemical experience into the heart of Divine Innocence. In the second, you’ll enter a powerful self-guided practice of transforming limitation.
Video Oracle Training from Ariel Spilsbury where she shares her unique and potent perspective, empowering you to deepen your oracle card reading skills from the lens of the Muse.
Muse Deepening PDF to discover examples of the Muse, understand how to embody Her gifts, and recognize ways you can feel more free in your life.
Bonus: Muse Altar Card with daily invocation so that you begin taking practical steps that awaken your Inner Muse while deepening your personal connection to Her.
Heart Contribution
Return to these anytime you want, on your own time.
The Muse Journey
Muse Limitation
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