Beloved, thank you for taking precious time to share your answers with us.
We are deeply honored.


The Mystic

As her highest self, she embodies being the vessel, quintessence, and dreaming new realities.

In particular, She wants us to amplify our soul voice and create new mythic realities …
to dream into what is possible for ourselves and our planet.

This may pose a challenge because the
Mystic’s shadows include: distrusting your intuition and discrediting your sensitive gifts.

When we are able to embody the Mystic,
we can amplify her gifts of:

Intuition, oracle
Simple heart-knowing
Humor and irreverence
Communicates in simplest terms
Visionary Storyteller: Good at structuring stories, ideas, visions
Ability to put the nebulus into form
Comfortable in new paradigms

Your free, gorgeous Mystic PDF will arrive in your inbox within 30 minutes

Love, please check your inbox for a more in-depth and beautiful PDF
about the Mystic and amplifying Her in your life.
Please be sure to check your email filters (and spam) for the results.

In your PDF, you’ll discover your:

Primary priestess archetype(s)
Allies: tools, elements, animals
Leadership strengths & style
Siddhi(s)—your spiritual gift

Next Step: Embodying & Amplifying the Mystic

Sister, you are human and divine.

You are a priestess of ancient and modern lineages. You are complex, living in this earthly time of transition so new stories can be written upon the leylines of our planet.

Many of us feel disconnected, separate, and unsure of who we are in these shifting times. We yearn for a new way ... where we feel intimately in communion with others and abundantly resourced.

But how?

It starts by standing more fully in our authentic presence, passion, and power, then connecting our human experiences to our spiritual truths ... with others.

We are being urged to show up in our daily lives and lead in the ways that come most naturally to us.

That can feel daunting at times. So, I imagine the Mystic may be showing up in your life in these ways:

Beloved, the Mystic is here to help you take action in the ways that utilize your natural leadership style and gifts so that you can help guide others through these times of the Unknown.

If you feel called to go deeper with Her and

discover more about your leadership gifts, what kinds of circles you’d be naturally drawn to holding, potential careers you might be attracted to, and even possible leadership challenges,

then I’d love to invite you to explore the Mystic Deepening Package.

Guided Meditation

To meet the Mystic as She lives in you (so that you receive an imprint of what it feels like to fully feel your natural gifts and talents).

Altar Card

With daily invocation to the Mystic (so that you begin taking practical self-care steps that awaken your natural gifts and talents while deepening your personal connection to Her).

Mini eBook on the Mystic

Where you’ll deepen in how She lives within you, your natural leadership gifts and challenges, the types of circles you’d be drawn to
leading, the careers you might be attracted to, and how Her sacred wounds show up (so that you can trust yourself, become aware of old patterns of limiting beliefs, and open your heart to more intimate communion).

So, beloved, as an expression of our gratitude,

for just today, we are gifting you with 75% off our regular heart contribution for the Mystic’s Deepening

a very special package that we do not offer anywhere else within the temple.


Bonus Gifts…. Just for You
Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 beautiful bonuses when you choose to deepen with your result.


—Usually $33

A 2-part audio journey to discover your soul’s sacred calling and unlock your personal gifts.

You will:

  • Access your personal inner light language and symbolism
  • Receive tools to decipher what your Essence is communicating to you
  • Be guided to the SEEDS (gifts) that waiting to be consciously connected to you
  • Activate your sacred gifts


—Usually $10

This is the temple’s heart-opening and provocative #1 best-selling book.
Gorgeously designed and in full color, you’ll receive within this digitized book:

  • Interactive rituals
  • Meditations
  • Video
  • Relevant spiritual guidance for the modern-day priestess
  • Deeply raw, personal stories
  • New archetypal myth



—Usually $49

A powerful 3-part video series to initiate, catalyze, and illuminate your sacred calling.

You will:

  • Discover three powerful sacred technologies (tools)
  • Receive support to truly polish the jewel of your purpose
  • Be activated to step into greater service and leadership in the world

Sister the total value of the 3 bonuses comes to $92. When you chose to deepen with your leadership result you get INSTANT ACCESS to all 3 beautiful bonuses and your deepening leadership package.

Your special sacred exchange -$11

(Regular sacred exchange—$33)

Sister, if you are not truly happy with your deepening package, email us within the first 7 days, and you’ll receive a full refund.
No questions asked.

We are so excited to share this beautiful, accessible, deepening package with you today ... we don’t know how long this will be available for $11.

The Mystic invites you to connect with and receive this gift! Love them!
I know that the Mystic’s Deepening will bring you closer to your leadership strengths, intimate communion, and resourced abundance so you can passionately serve others.

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