Awaken Your
Mythic Journey
Claim The 13 Gifts
of Initiation

9 Day, Free Online Experience to
See the “Bigger Story” of Your Life
& Express Your True Self


November 13th-21st

Join us! Enter your name and email below.

Your life is not a fixed point.
It is interwoven—
a delicate frequency of choice, after choice, after choice.

There is a pathway within you, embedded in your body,
harmonizing aspects of your life—and all life—when you attune to your truth.

Light spins along the wheel of life,
weaving new stories spun from golden threads
illuminating the dark:
starlight rising from old lava—
and you, transcendent and radiant,
a Transmitter of Love.

You are a Mythic Journeyer

We all are …
yet we often forget that the capacity to create our personal
Story of Life lives within us.
It is our birthright.
It is yours.

You are invited to travel with me on a 9 day, online experience to activate your unique Mythic Journey so that you can begin seeing the Bigger Story of your life— and in turn express your true self.


As you remember that you’re a Mythic Journeyer, here to grow through all of your experiences by loving the wounds enough so that you can acknowledge their gifts, you may ultimately feel free to share them with the world, as a service—an offering.

In every culture, there are the stories to help us heal the wounds we all endure in our human lives. They depict experiences that bind us together in our vulnerability, amazing resiliency, and incredible capacity to transform.

As a Mythic Journeyer, you consciously choose to return to that multi-layered process over and over again because you know it holds healing and reclamation.
It means seeing life as the initiation—always returning from the underworld the initiations with a gift to share and express.

During our 9 days together, you’ll awaken your inner Mythic Journeyer and claim 13 Gifts of Initiation.

Join us! Enter your name + email below to claim your gifts.

Reframing Experiences

When you remember you are a Mythic Journeyer, you’re able to reframe the perspective of your life’s experiences.

You begin to see life as an initiation … with the potential to reveal gifts along the way. Gifts you can share with others. Gifts that help you express your true self.

As you train your mind to consciously and lovingly witness (not dismiss!) your experiences of pain, wounds, disappointments, fear, and trauma, you simultaneously focus your awareness on the gifts they bring—the seeds of your innate gifts and soul talents that you came here to express this lifetime.

…And your expressed gifts are medicine for us all.

This perspective changes your inner landscape, your inner journey—the Bigger Story of your life.

This does not mean you are not impacted by external circumstances/experiences or that you:

Negate/bypass past challenges, traumas, and difficulties—or those in our collective, including all the myriad forms of systemic oppression

Will no longer experience challenges by suddenly remembering you’re a Mythic Journeyer (although you will be able to navigate them from a different perspective)

It does mean that awakening your Mythic Journey will:

Provide a map to help you recognize gifts held within painful experiences, and to have the space to heal them into wholeness

Support you to acknowledge challenges from a more empowered place

Help you identify the gifts of your initiations

Liberate you to express your true self and your gifts

The Path of Priestess Presence is an Initiation Journey that offers a structure—a map— to acknowledge the gifts of your initiations by seeing the “Bigger Story” of your life, and, ultimately, help you express your true self as you venture on your Mythic Journey.

Join us! Enter your name + email below.

The Journey

During our 9 day journey, you’ll travel within a sacred structure—a map—that will support you to reframe the way you see your life experiences so you can acknowledge the gifts they hold, focus on the Bigger Story wish to create, and express your true self.

Day 1

Attunement Ceremony
Live, Online

Day 2-8

13 Short Video Stories
delivered to your email

Day 6

13 Gift of Initiation Masterclas
Live, Online

Day 9

Closing Ceremony
Live, Online

The 13 Gifts of Initiation

There are 13 core gifts of initiation we train ourselves to recognize when we train as Priestesses.
You’ll discover these in short video stories delivered straight to your inbox on days 2-8of our journey.















Looking at your shadows and wounds without bypassing OR being ensnared by them

Discovering which intiatory gateways you have become stuck at on your journey toward soul/spiritual maturation

Honoring, loving, and transcending old stories and patterns that kept you feeling stuck

Attuning your innate gift as a transmitter, a visionary Mythic Journeyer

Understanding that what you choose to create is powerful and can be amplified in your personal life AND in the world

Understanding the 13 Gifts of Initiation

You’ll Receive, for Free:

1 live Attunement Ceremony to help you connect with your Mythic Journey

13 short archetypal video stories about the gifts of initiation—delivered straight to your inbox

PDFs with action steps to support you on your personal Mythic Journey

Handout with clues that you’re living your Mythic Journey

1 live Masterclass: The 13 Gifts of Initiation, to explore & deepen with the Priestess as a Mythic Journeyer

Day 1 / Nov. 13th (12 p.m. PST)

Live, online Attunement Ceremony—to help you connect with and remember your personal, unique priestess Mythic Journey

Days 2-8 / Nov. 14th-20th

13 short video stories—a series of emails that share the gifts of initiation from priestess sisters who are remembering they are Mythic Journeyers

Day 6 / Nov. 18th (12 p.m. PST)

Live, online Masterclass to explore the priestess path as a mythic journey are remembering they are Mythic Journeyers

*Doors will open to our year-long priestess initiation program that trains us to consciously enter shadow work without being stuck in it, while continuously focusing on what our soul wants us to create—all in service to love

Day 9 / Nov. 21st (12 p.m. PST)

Live, online Closing Ceremony

Join us! Enter your name and email below.

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