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Day 1, Oct. 28th, 12pm PST

Live Opening Ceremony with Diverse Priestess Council
Open the Portal: Embrace + Release Ritual

Join a council of diverse priestess sisters who hold a variety of spiritual, cultural, and blood lineages.

In the days before Samhian the veils begin to thin. We feel the call to be between the worlds. We feel the call of our ancestors.

Together, we open the journey by re-cohering our individual branches of the collective family tree to the ancient roots of our archetypal ancestry.

We have all been so changed by this year. We will call forward our ancestral and archetypal lineages so that we can feel the grounding of their embrace- that we are not alone as we deepen with all that we are being called to collectively release.

In this ceremony we will feel into all that has been unveiled this year – all that has been revealed and be with the depth of all the feelings. We will welcome ALL of it – so that we can release that which is ready to be laid to rest- and absorb the deep revelations into the deepest part of ourselves.

Together, we will call in the Midwife, Mystic, EdgeWalker, Challenger, and Ecstatic as She appears in a diversity of spiritual and blood lineages.

This will support us to:

  • Feel their grounding embrace
  • Know that we are not alone
  • Deepen with what we are being called to collectively release
  • Explore all that has been unveiled this year
  • Welcome ALL of our feelings so that we can release that which is ready to be laid to rest-, and absorb the deep revelations into the deepest part of ourselves

Day 2, Oct. 29th, 12pm PST

Ceremony 2 with Elder Council:
Centering the Portal : Stillpoint Ritual

Join an Elders Council of diverse priestess sisters who hold a variety of spiritual, cultural, and blood lineages.

During this ritual we will:

  • Embrace the Unknown – the space out of which everything is born.-
  • Enter – into the still point of the Void-
  • Embody the Priestess as Sacred Portal Holder-
  • Feeling what it is that lives in the darkness of the in-between world-
  • Listen to the stories & offerings of our elder sisters as they hold us in the ancient web of all life.-
  • Hold the space between what was (the world that is dying) and what is to be – (the world that is being birthed through us.)

Meet Midwife & Mystic in 2 Ancestral Videos

Beautiful PDFs

Ancestral Style Guide

Oracle from the Ancestors

Day 3, Oct. 30th 

Deepen in the Void

Meet Challenger and EdgeWalker in 2 Ancestral Videos

Beautiful PDFs

Ancestral Style Guide

Oracle from the Ancestors

Day 4, Oct. 31st, 12pm PST

Live Closing Ceremony On the Full Blue Moon in Taurus 
Birthing Through the Portal

During this final ceremony, we will:

  • Feel a stabilization of the center of the portal
  • Deepen in what is being called forward for the next 3 months
  • Connect with what wants to be birthed in the next 3 months

Meet the Ecstatic in 1 Ancestral Video

Beautiful PDFs

Ancestral Style Guide

Oracle from the Ancestors

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About Elsa

Elsa Perez Dean is an Initiated Priestess and Temple Guide. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you.

After 20 years in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to others’ lives.

Elsa’s healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine as an Initiate in Devotion within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is currently on the path of Ordination and Apprenticeship with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at

About Aurora

Priestess Presence Temple Guide Trainer, 13 Moon Mystery School Trained Priestess, Feminine Leadership Coach, Spiritual Guide, Writer, Speaker & modern-day Priestess, is on a mission to help women ignite their “Feminine Fire” the 3 flames of POWER, LOVE and WISDOM that are the key to awakening the new feminine evolutionary consciousness that will heal our world. She helps women burn away limiting beliefs, align with their feminine moon rhythm, and embody their mythic purpose in the world.

Aurora holds honors degrees in Literature and Foreign Language, along with a professional certification in Coaching. She is a Priestess Initiate of The 13 Moon Mystery School and has been on the path since 2012. Her experience in the Emerald Circle powerfully catalyzed the awakening of her own divine feminine fire and helped her burn through fears of visibility, unworthiness and self-doubt as she stepped forward in deeper devotion to awakening the divine feminine in others.

As a Temple Guide Mentor of the Priestess Presence Temple, she mentors women in how to create sacred space and become Temple Guides in their communities. She is a co-author of three books in the The New Feminine Evolutionary series: The New Feminine Evolutionary; Pioneering the Path to Prosperity; and Sacred Body Wisdom. She is also a featured writer and artist in the upcoming book, Voices Of The Avalonian Priestesses.

About Lettie

Lettie Sullivan specializes in life’s transitions. As a Priestess of the sacred arts, Professional Organizer and life coach with 13 years experience in private practice, she is a veteran at supporting families and businesses to create organized systems and to clear clutter. Both inside and out.

Lettie is a bestselling author and inspirational speaker. Areas of specialty include families with children on the Autism spectrum, seniors downsizing into assisted living, and entrepreneurs who work from home.

You can find her online: FB/INSTA @GoddessMinistry

About Elayne

She is an ordained Priestess and the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple — a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School which initiates women into the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine — in a modern context.Through embodiment practices and devoted service, the temple inspires women to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential.

Elayne specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. She is a psychotherapist, global social and spiritual activist (see — the organization she co-founded), best-selling author, speaker, and soul midwife.

While Elayne currently holds the frequency and gate of the Goddess of Love temple for the 13 Moon Mystery School, her primary archetypes are an alchemy of: The Goddess of Love, The Primal Goddess, and the Initiator.

About Aja

Solé (Aja Shah) is a Billboard Award Winning Hip Hop Artist, Sound Healer, 300 hr. Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, 250 hr. Certified Mystical Dance Teacher, Tantric Yogini (Shakta), Womb Sauna Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Black Belt in Kung Fu, Clinical Herbalist, Ayurveda Practitioner, Sacred Medicine Woman Wellness Coach, Birth Doula, Shakti Pre Natal Yoga Teacher, Pelvic Floor (Yoni) Yoga Teacher, Belly Dancer, Red Tent Facilitator, Taoist Jade Temple Initiate, Ordained Minister/Priestess, and has a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.

She is dedicated to raising the vibration of love and the healing of humanity through the reclamation of the sacredness of woman.



Goddess Temple of Love
Devi Tribe Wellness

About Rebecca

Rebecca is an intuitive writer & sacred business oracle.

She offers words and visionary guidance—as medicine—to catalyze your sacred self-expression.

Rebecca deeply connects with her Nordic and English/Scottish/Irish ancestors. She believes this healing supports us to write new stories for our future while honoring the past, ultimately reminding us of our interconnection.

Proudly autistic, she currently lives with her husband, daughter, two dogs, and two cats, on the Salish Sea, upon traditional, unceded land of the Tsleil-Waututh & Squamish nations, in British Columbia.

Discover more about Rebecca, her writing, and oracle services.


IG: @rebecca.a.cavender



About Diana

Diana DuBrow is a living treasure — a rare and precious elder in our 13 Moon temple community.

Diana has offered her Priestess counsel in retreats and trainings for over 40 years. Through her Emerald Temple, she offers the incredible gift of sacred anointing.

I have had the amazing pleasure of receiving the bounty of her deep wisdom and gnosis with anointing; she has personally assisted me in some of my most challenging life transitions, including the miscarriage of my baby.

She has a fearless, compassionate heart with a rare and potent combination of divinity and humanity that takes your breath away…So when I started dreaming into this pilgrimage, I received very clear guidance to invite her to join us so that we can weave her amazing offerings into our sacred time together.

Since coming together in this vision, we have been co-creating the itinerary of this amazing journey.

About Claretta

Captain, U.S. Navy Retired; Freelance Editor; Ethicist, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Data Safety Monitoring Board; Adjunct Professor of Advanced Bioethics, Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL; Chairperson, Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity Academy of Fellows (“Exploring the nexus of biomedicine, biotechnology, and our common humanity”)

Dr. Claretta Y. Dupree, PhD is a registered nurse with a wide variety of clinical and academic experiences in both the civilian and military sectors. She has served on active and reserve duty at naval hospitals in Philadelphia, PA, Naval Hospital Corps School at Great Lakes, Houston, TX, New Orleans, LA and in Milwaukee, WI from 1976-2005.

As a civilian, Dr. Dupree earned a Master of Science in Oncology Nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 1985 and completed a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Nursing with a minor in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee in 1998.

She is co-chair of the Race and Culture/Ethnicity Affinity Group of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, and is Chairperson of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity Academy of Fellows. She also currently serves as ethicist for the Data Safety Monitoring Board of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Dupree was an assistant professor at Medical College of Wisconsin, where she was the Director of Research of the Pediatric Palliative Care Department. In 2011, she completed the Palliative Care Education and Practice Faculty Development Program at Harvard Medical School.
In addition to advance directives and cultural diversity issues in ethics, her current research interests are hope, ambiguity in ethical decision-makers, research ethics, and moral distress among pediatric intensive care staff.
She is keeping busy in retirement, operating an editing business, learning to crochet, rooting avocado seeds, and studying music theory and healing touch.
Dr. Dupree calls both Greensboro, NC and Kenosha, WI home.
You can reach Dr. Dupree via email: [email protected]

About Linda

I work with women navigating their quest to spiritual freedom. This freedom aligns them with their inner power to intentionally manifest healing and wholeness for themselves and others—”to lay hold to the star in their wombs and make it strong in the splendor of the sun.” Moving toward this destination is accomplished by participating in the Journey of Auset: 9 Steps to Spiritual Freedom(© 2017).

The desired outcome of this journey is to increase the capacity for the spiritual freedom needed to fulfill our Divine purpose. Spirit Quest includes an exploration of timeless spiritual teachings from Kemet, African-centric and other spiritual and religious sources for 21st century living. Although this site is designed with women of African Descent in mind, all whose souls resonate with the spirit and intent of this site are welcome here.

I am an ordained clergy person, who completed the UM Two-Year Spiritual Formation Academy. My project from that experience is a ministry for Clergywomen of African Descent with a focus on health and wholeness called “Sacred Sisters.”

I earned an MDiv, and DMin degrees; my DMin subject was The Use of Ritual for the Spiritual Empowerment of Women of African Descent.

I edited a book called A New Dawn in Beloved Community and am a contributing writer to several other publications.

I am also a Certified Kemetic Yoga Teacher and practitioner, a Certified Scent Priestess, and a Qi Gong Student.

About Ejna

Ejna Jean Fleury is an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe in South Dakota and is their first Tribal Peace Ambassador. She co-founded her tribe’s first Kunsi/Unci Grandmothers Society and serves as their first Chairwoman. Her mother is enrolled with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. Ejna participated in the 100th Year Memorial of the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1990, as a Walker on the Big Foot Memorial Ride. She has ancestors who were killed at Wounded Knee in 1890 and the Mankato 38 Plus 2 Hanging the day after Christmas in 1862.

She is a founder of Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee and the Wounded Knee Global Ceremonies to heal the multi-generational and multi-lineal effects trauma; and is a Convener of Sacred Earth Council to honor and enjoin with the sacred in all things.

Ejna invites Sacred Presence guidance and conscious participation in our lives and future legacy through ceremony, prayer, meditation, and coming together to mutually heal, evolve and realize sacredness of who we are.

Ejna carries a sacred pipe in the lineage of the White Buffalo Calf Woman Sacred Bundle. The Keeper of The Sacred Pipe coming down through 19 generations is Chief Arvol Looking Horse. The main Pipe is housed at Green Grass, South Dakota.

A practitioner of meditation for 45+ years, Ejna is a certified meditation teacher and spiritual counselor, ceremonialist, minister, and priestess.

She holds a BS in Nursing and MA in Counseling Psychology.

She is the mother of 5 beloved grown children, 9 precious grandchildren and one treasured great-grandchild. Ejna is promoting our human legacy to heal so we can all create peace, joy, and celebration of our lives here on beloved Earth for all life and future generations.

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