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Why Training Matters & How
it Makes a Difference

A Free 7-Day,
Online Summit

December 8th—14th, 2018

You are being called present.
It’s been wild,

The world has shifted.
You are not who you were.

You shed what no longer serves,
opening to what has been hidden,
what is now revealed.

…And you want more:
To understand yourself more.
To love more.
To activate your personal gifts more.
To guide and lead more.
To be in sisterhood more.
To serve
from the deepest place in your heart.

This is what is emerging from within our collective wisdom
And this is what we need to lean in and listen to…

You are invited to

our Priestess Leadership in the World Summit.

Over seven days, you will receive inspiring interviews from sisters who share why priestess training matters, how it changed their life, and the ways it has supported them to embody their natural leadership … with their families, their intimate relationships, and their work.

These sisters remind us that we are here to remember, catalyze, initiate, amplify, and illuminate our sacred, innate power—sourced from our inherent talents and gifts—and activate it, consciously, from a place of service.

Will you join us to activate priestess
leadership in the world?

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This year has been intense.

Even during the past few weeks, we have experienced continued exposure to extreme levels of corruption whilst also witnessing a monumental uprising of women stepping into political leadership.

These events mirror our temple’s theme this year to activate a new kind of feminine leadership in the world—not only political leadership, but a priestess leadership that encompasses all aspects of our lives.

This year has been intense.

Even during the past few weeks, we have experienced continued exposure to extreme levels of corruption whilst also witnessing a monumental uprising of women stepping into political leadership.

These events mirror our temple’s theme this year to activate a new kind of feminine leadership in the world—not only political leadership, but a priestess leadership that encompasses all aspects of our lives.

What is Priestess Leadership?

It is not traditional leadership.

It is not based on competition or hierarchy, but on collaboration … a movement from me to we.

…It is a leadership that thinks and feels for the whole.
It is based on synarchy (harmonious collective rule) and gives voice to the extraordinary, innate, and often hidden or diminished gifts we naturally hold.

And, sister, our inherent gifts form the foundation for our roles as modern-day priestesses.

When we remember and access these gifts, we naturally begin to lead.

It is time to reclaim our gifts, initiate the priestess path
of leadership, and illuminate our Essence.

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During our free, 7-day online summit,
we will explore:

  • What it really means to “priestess” as a verb
  • How we “shape change” by consciously choosing to shape ourselves.
  • How our individual evolution is inherently connected to the way that the collective evolves.
  • How we are all being called to embody Priestess leadership
  • The merits of priestess training
  • Ways priestess training can support you to catalyze your leadership and illuminate your gifts
  • What your life has trained you for

You Will Receive:

Live Opening Ceremony — a ritual inquiry into our place within priestess leadership

Live Closing Ceremony — to harvest the gifts of our time together

4 panel discussions from sisters — discussing their experience with priestess training and walking the path of priestess leadership

Bonus 1:1 Diversity Conversation — with priestess, Erin Hawkins, Secretary General for the Commission of on Religion and Race for the United Methodist Church

First-hand, intimate accounts of how priestessing has catalyzed remembrance, initiated a personal awakening of gifts, and illuminated the embodiment of their true selves

It is time to reclaim our gifts, initiate the priestess path
of leadership, and illuminate our Essence.

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Summit Schedule:

Live Opening Ceremony: What is Priestess Leadership?
10 a.m. PST

Elayne Kalila will invite you to join her as she deepens into the question of how we can support each other to step more fully into priestess leadership.

We will discuss:

  • How transformation occurs individually and collectively
  • The importance of sisterhood  and authentic, heart-centered connection
  • How training frees our imagination so we can create a new world
  • The 9 core skills of the priestess and why these are critically needed in our world
  • Our personal gifts
  • Ways we’re individually being called to be of more service
  • The most common reasons we choose not to activate and illuminate our gifts
  • A vision of what our Priestess sisterhood is being called to in 2019

Panel 1: Catalyzing Remembrance
(pre-recorded and sent via email)

In this conversation, Elayne Kalila sits with three sisters who have been newly called into the priestess path and became immersed in its remembrance.

We talk about the:

  • Fears of choosing this path
  • Lineage keys that awaken when we step in
  • Ways that they are now being called out of hiding to more fully embrace their calling to serve in the world
  • Chloe Fielding-Smith
  • Joanne (Aerie) Fendt
  • Juanita Brigid McCarron

Facebook Live Temple Session: Developing the Skills of Priestess Leadership
12 p.m. PST

Join Elayne Kalila as she weaves and connects us to the priestess leadership work that the temple has been sharing this year.

We will:

  • Meet the 5 Priestess Leadership Styles: Midwife, Mystic, Challenger, Ecstatic, and Shaman
  • Learn about the gifts with each priestess leadership style
  • Discuss how the 5 styles offer us a language to speak about previously hidden—or undervalued— feminine gifts that we each hold
  • Discover how each of these leadership archetypes help you embody a style of leadership inherent to who you truly are
  • Midwife
  • Mystic
  • Challenger
  • Ecstatic
  • Shaman

Panel 2: Initiating Awakening
(pre-recorded and sent via email)

During this conversation, Elayne Kalila sits with four sisters who have been on the Priestess path for a few years; we discuss how being a priestess initiate is simultaneously challenging and offers profound healing.

We talk about:

  • The importance of engaging in a personal healing journey in order to be in integrity with who we they are and their priestess leadership
  • How a path of personal alchemy looks and feels
  • How ongoing support and training supported them to become more effective in the guiding those they are called to serve
  • Lettie Sullivan
  • Rebecca Cavender
  • Aurora Farber
  • Jane Ashley

Erin Hawkins and Elayne Kalila
(Pre-recorded video shared via email)

Join Elayne Kalila and Erin Hawkins, Secretary of the General Commission on Religion and Race with the United Methodist Church as they dive into the complexity of diversity, intersectionality, inclusivity, and priestess leadership.

Solo Discussion With:

  • Erin Hawkins

Erin Hawkins is a bridge between diverse worlds. She cannot be placed in a box: She straddles the realms of being a devoted Priestess of the Divine Feminine while also being an awakened, Christed woman and a leader in the United Methodist Church.

Erin refuses to stand for anything less than the universal truth that: We Are One. Simultaneously, she unconditionally embraces knowing that in order to recognize our inherent Oneness, we must acknowledge, honor, and respect the differences between us.

She values freedom and knows that we are at choice in every given moment; this allows us not to be defined by the experiences of our past, the roles that have been given to us, or the expectations of others; instead, we can choose to sit upon a throne of our own choosing.

Erin is a leader, redefining power as being the Voice of the Heart, possessing humility through compassion. She is revered for being a beacon – an ambassador – of graceful courage and strength, inspiring this in others.

Through creating a sanctuary of love, Erin support others in finding their uniquely authentic and noble spirit, encouraging them to embrace it and live life sourced from their inner divinity.

While bowing to her African American heritage, Erin accesses spiritual tools from diverse backgrounds and lineages, catalyzing women to surrender to the unknown and be an empty vessel of radical love so they may bestow that upon themselves and others, in service to all.

Panel 3: Amplifying Integrity
(pre-recorded and sent via email)

In this conversation, Elayne Kalila sits with four sisters who have been walking the path of the priestess and committed to the skills of truth and integrity.

We talk about:

  • How having a dedicated practice holds us accountable to who we choose to “be” in the world
  • Some of the most important skills for navigating modern-day challenges
  • How each sister is called to priestess in her community
  • What it looks like when we embrace priestessing as a vocation
  • Esmeralda Barnes
  • Laura Night
  • Jeannie Wand
  • Reesa Leyva

Panel 4: Illuminating Embodiment
(pre-recorded and sent via email)

In this conversation, Elayne Kalila sits with three sisters who have been on the Priestess Path for more than five years.

We talk about:

  • How in-depth priestess training influenced and transformed every aspect of their personal lives and their businesses
  • How they use, daily, the priestess skills they’ve been training in so they can walk as love with aligned, open-hearted priestess leadership
  • The importance of continued growth and their commitment to seeing life as an initiation
  • Nisha Moodley
  • Jeannine Yoder
  • Sarah Jenks

Live Closing Ceremony: Your Leadership Matters
12 p.m. PST

Elayne Kalila invites you to join her as we collect gems from the last few days of this priestess leadership in the world summit.

We will:

  • Be guided to connect into the journey of embodying a new paradigm of feminine leadership
  • Feel and discern which skills and practices we are individually being called to develop—as a way to be in more service
  • Explore how each of us can honor our diverse gifts and talents
  • Ask the seminal question of what each one of us needs in order to commit to walking in priestess leadership in our families, communities and world

Come, join the conversation and discover how you’re being called to serve in the world.

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