Nisha Moodley is a Women’s Leadership Coach, the founder of Global Sisterhood Day, and the creator of Fierce Fabulous Free & The Freedom Mastermind.

Inspired by the belief that the world will be set free by women who are free, Nisha creates communities of ambitious women to support them in creating deep alignment between their hearts, lives and missions.


As a full figured woman who struggled with her weight for years, Sarah Jenks finally found the key that all diets were missing. After bouncing between fad diets and struggling with her body image, Sarah realized she had been “waiting on the weight” – waiting to be thin before she: got the great job, the great wardrobe or the great relationship.

When Sarah stopped waiting on the weight, she finally did all the things that she had put on hold for years: going for her ideal job, flirting with her dream guy, going out dancing and living a fully engaged life. In her words, the late night “pity snacking” ceased with all the joy and activity this new lifestyle brought, and she naturally moved to her ideal body.

Sarah’s success in creating a happy lifestyle, which also resulted in a dramatic weight loss, is what led her to create Live More Weigh LessTM, now the most popular non-diet weight loss program on the internet. It’s not about cutting out crème brulee, it’s about embracing the life you want, right now. Living a full, meaningful life is a great adventure; when you have adventure in your life, diving into a pint of ice cream seems less exciting.


Jeannine Yoder is a New York Times Featured Business & Feminine Leadership Coach For Coaches, Broadway Starlet, Founder of Mentor Masterclass, The Sisterhood Mastermind and The Captivate Retreat. Jey leads women around the world to become time, location, financially free and mastery trained life coaches. Through sisterhood, integration of the divine feminine/masculine energies within us and her signature RSVP method, Jey intimately coaches women to manifest a purpose driven business and lead from their soul essence. Her students have become sought after thought leaders in Mentor Masterclass, an all-in personalized life coach training program to help women learn from the best and launch their business with the support of celebrity mentors and a soul powered sisterhood. She believes you are destined to be of service through your unique gifts and self discovery is the key.

Visit for FREE instant access to Jey’s Self Discovery Week: 7 Days of Soulful Practices to Help You Become A Successful Life Coach. And, you’ll receive feminine business training through weekly episodes of her T.V show Wake Up Wednesday when you join the sisterhood and connect on


Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past twenty years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. She is a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, best-selling author, speaker, soul midwife, and ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage (

Elayne is the Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple — Powerful Women Changing the World ( This is dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School where she offers an in depth Mystery School training for women who are called to ground in real practice, devoted embodiment, and service in the world. Elayne is passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our very modern-day lives so women can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

Elayne is the co-founded The Global Gratitude Alliance ( which has a mission to empower and improve the lives of women, children and young adults through grassroots projects in some of the most vulnerable parts of the world. Her work at the Gratitude Alliance led her to create both The Safe Embrace Trauma Healing Program ( and the Compassionate Activism Training ( which is the culmination of many years of work with women survivors of trauma and gender based violence. These programs promote trauma healing and empowerment for women and children across the globe.

Elayne is currently musing her next book: The Sacred Call of the Priestess: Parting the Veils of Remembrance.


Registration is now open for our 2018 Priestess Initiate Training Circle : Enter the Mystery

Please click the image below to read the invitation.


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