Join us for 4 Days of Free, Online Guidance, Support, & Sisterhood
October 31-November 3rd

You are invited…

To a powerful, 4 day free experience to explore how the skills gained by becoming an initiated priestess support you to become more fully present within yourself and with all life … even (especially!) throughout these deeply challenging times.

During our time together, you’ll be held in a journey—with Elayne Kalila and the temple’s archetypal mentors—that reveals the gateways of the Divine Feminine archetypes and their powerful ability to help us:

Ground powerful, practical, and effective spiritual practices in daily, real-life circumstances—
      in a way that feels safe, so you can embrace whatever is real, in each moment

Focus your mind, intention, and energy on what you are creating so you can be in the midst
     of chaos, confusion, and overwhelm—while simultaneously trust the unending cycle of
     creation, letting go, preservation, and re-creation (within yourself & in the world)

Become present by gathering/cohering all of your energy to be in the here and now—to stay
     awake!—regardless of what you are experiencing

Center your energy in your heart so you can see the bigger picture of your experience(s),
      listen to your inner guidance, and transmit its wisdom in your daily life, moment-to-moment

Access profound, grounding support from your blood & archetypal ancestors

Love yourself in all of your humanity (your challenges AND your gifts, equally), love others’
     humanity/imperfections, and have compassion for this beautiful, aching world

Our World is in the Process of Death & Rebirth

…Consequently, it’s ever so important to cultivate skills that help us be present with ourselves—and with others—as we go through this incredibly uncomfortable phase.

Because: We are not through this current initiation; we are deep within it.

And what’s true is that we are being initiated into bringing our full presence to the totality of life, death, and rebirth.

How can we be with its intensity?
How can we be with the feelings of fear?
Is it possible to be with what’s emerging and lean into possibility—even when so much is dying?

It takes gravity and levity … and that takes skills.

When you join “The Path of Priestess Initiation,” you will receive:

Opening Ceremony on Samhain to part the veils

5 live “gateway” temple initiations (30 minutes each) with our senior priestess archetypal
    mentors in our Enter the Mystery program

Experiences of what it’s like to be in an initiatory, archetypal temple

Knowledge about how the divine feminine archetypes provide skills and tools that help you be
     grounded, focused, present, centered, and loving as you face life’s joys and challenges

Closing Ceremony and an invitation to join the temple’s year-long priestess initiation/mentorship

Opening Ceremony on Samhain to part the veils

5 live “gateway” temple initiations (30 minutes each) with our senior
priestess archetypal mentors in our
Enter the Mystery program

Experiences of what it’s like to be in an initiatory, archetypal temple

Knowledge about how the divine feminine archetypes provide skills and tools that help you be grounded, focused, present, centered, and loving as you face life’s joys and challenges

Closing Ceremony and an invitation to join the temple’s year-long priestess initiation/mentorship

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate (transmute) all that
is dark and negative in yourself.

Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
—Lao Tzu

Staying Awake: The Modern Day
Priestess’ Initiation

In order to stay awake and present to all of life, we require a set of skills and practices … practices that you know from an ancient intelligence within—a memory you can almost touch, beyond the mind—that remind you to adeptly interpret the symbolic, archetypal world through dreams, visions, symbols, language.

It’s a mystery that you can trust, with the depths of your heart, when you have the skills to listen and respond with wisdom and clarity.

As you travel this unknown path (as the collective travels it, too), training your consciousness to connect with equanimity and stillness allows you to cultivate an inner sanctuary … one in which you can then see the bigger picture, attune to the interconnection of all life, and listen to your inner gnosis.

As priestesses, we are needed to find this inner calm in the eye of the storm and find our way back to ourselves and one another—even when we feel lost, afraid, and confused.

When we do, we will births networks of innovation, propelling the Old Earth further into compost, thus nourishing the emerging New Earth.

We must be present to feel it all.

We must cultivate practices to stay awake.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth
across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.

Divine Feminine Archetypes Train
Your Consciousness to Be Present—
Even During Challenging Times

The Divine Feminine archetypes initiate and prepare you to stay awake (present) during the inner and outer cycles of life, death, and rebirth … the unfolding unknown.

Throughout our 4 day experience, we will use the structure of the 5 (macro) archetypes of priestess leadership to explore the 13 archetypes that actually make up these 5 faces!

The 5 faces of priestess leadership are an outer, external expression of how we “show up” in the world.

The 13 faces, that are their composite, represent the inner journey—the initiatory mystery—that offer tools and skills to help you embody these archetypal frequencies, becoming more and more present to all of life … while holding your center.

Discover Answers to These Inquiries…

What is an initiated priestess & why does this matter?

What are the tangible skills of an initiated priestess?

How does being an initiated priestess help you become more present in your life?

What is presence?

What is love, really? And how do we walk the path of love as initiated priestesses?

When you join our 4 day experience, you will:

Enter the mystery of Samhain & honor the thinness of the veils during this high holy-day

Explore how parting the veils helps to ground the birth, death, and rebirth cycle within yourself &
      in the world

Discover how Divine Feminine archetypes support you to become more present in your life & navigate
      the unknown
—even (especially) during these deeply challenging times

Learn the birth, death, and rebirth story of the Priestess Presence Temple (which began on
      Samhain 2014)

Enter the mystery of Samhain & honor the thinness of the veils during this high holy-day

Explore how parting the veils helps to ground the birth, death, and rebirth cycle within yourself &
in the world

Discover how Divine Feminine archetypes support you to become more present in your life &
navigate the unknown
—even (especially) during
these deeply challenging times

Learn the birth, death, and rebirth story of the Priestess Presence Temple (which began on Samhain 2014)

The Schedule of Live Gatherings

Join Elayne Kalila & the temple’s archetypal mentors for
4 days of dialogue on how to be fully present during challenging times

Replays will be available 


With the Enter the Mystery Archetypal Mentors (senior priestesses)

Parting the Veils: Life, Death & Rebirth
—12 p.m PST


Two 30 minute, live archetypal gateways

Ground: Meet the Midwife—10 a.m. PST

Focus: Meet the EdgeWalkers—5 p.m. PST


Two 30 minute, live archetypal gateways

Presence: Meet the Challengers—10 a.m. PST

Center: Meet the Mystics—5 p.m. PST


1hr live final ceremony & archetypal gateway

Love: Meet the Ecstatics—12 p.m. PST

Invitation: to our 12 month priestess
initiation training

Leading You On This Journey

I am Elayne Kalila, Gatekeeper and Focalizer of the Priestess Presence Temple, a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon™ Mystery School. I believe walking the Priestess Path is about being willing to dedicate ourselves to deepening our practice so that we can be present and serve the world. I am passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern lives so we can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

Because of the teachings of the Divine Feminine through the 13 Moon™ Mystery School, I have been able to priestess in some of the most dangerous and violent areas of the world, like the Congo. In those places, I have supported women to activate and remember their truth and power. I offer a real path of presence, empowerment, and transformation through awakening the Priestess within you.

That is why I am delighted and honored to invite you to join me.If you have secretly (or not so secretly!) wondered about the Path of the Priestess, how to deepen in Her sacred realms, and bring the Goddess into the modern-day context of your life, this special program is for you.

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Joining You: Enter the Mystery
Archetypal Mentors


Priestess Presence Temple Guide Trainer, 13 Moon Mystery School Trained Priestess, Feminine Leadership Coach, Spiritual Guide, Writer, Speaker & modern-day Priestess, is on a mission to help women ignite their “Feminine Fire” the 3 flames of POWER, LOVE and WISDOM that are the key to awakening the new feminine evolutionary consciousness that will heal our world. She helps women burn away limiting beliefs, align with their feminine moon rhythm, and embody their mythic purpose in the world.

Aurora holds honors degrees in Literature and Foreign Language, along with a professional certification in Coaching. She is a Priestess Initiate of The 13 Moon Mystery School and has been on the path since 2012. Her experience in the Emerald Circle powerfully catalyzed the awakening of her own divine feminine fire and helped her burn through fears of visibility, unworthiness and self-doubt as she stepped forward in deeper devotion to awakening the divine feminine in others.

As a Temple Guide Mentor of the Priestess Presence Temple, she mentors women in how to create sacred space and become Temple Guides in their communities. She is a co-author of three books in the The New Feminine Evolutionary series: The New Feminine Evolutionary; Pioneering the Path to Prosperity; and Sacred Body Wisdom. She is also a featured writer and artist in the upcoming book, Voices Of The Avalonian Priestesses.


Chloe has been part of the Priestess Presence Temple & School of Sacred Arts for the past 5 years, both as a Priestess Initiate and team member.

Chloe is a Mystic, and keeper of the Hearth. She is passionate about holding space for women and holding the lamp so that they may see the way more clearly, stepping into the deeper realms of their internal landscape.

Outside of her roles within the Temple, Chloe is a breathwork facilitator, and co-founder of the business she shares with her husband -Tree House Candles. Specialising in making pure beeswax candles to adorn people’s homes, altars and ritual spaces.


Dianne Chalifour is a passionate, transformational guide within the healing arts, a Priestess Initiate of the 13 Moon Mystery School through Priestess Presence, and a Temple Guide Trainer with Priestess Presence.

She is the owner of a wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast born through her passionate calling to offer tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul inspired life. In addition to in person and remote 1:1 energy healing sessions, Dianne offers in person anointing sessions.

She also guides in person temple circles to allow women to come together in a safe space for inner work and re-connection with their feminine body wisdom.

Dianne serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them. Through her own journey on her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her and being in service to the greater shift under way!

Dianne is co-author of “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”

Earth Harmony Wellness


Elsa Perez Dean is an Ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space for women to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you. After 20 years, in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul’s call to
reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to other’s lives.

Elsa’s personal healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is an Ordained Priestess and Apprentice Focalizer with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at


My Priestess skills have been honed over many years as a sacred space holder, workshop facilitator, and performing artist. A nature girl through and through, I live attuned to Mother through Her seasons and cycles. As a Challenger I empower through alignment and resonance. As a Mystic I connect the dots, decoding symbols and trusting intuition. As an EdgeWalker I know my body is my temple, my divine channel, and my alchemical crucible.

My passion is to help women hear their soul’s voice, awaken the Goddess within, and step into their unique feminine power. Let’s do this in devotion together!


Astara Jane Ashley, MA, is the embodiment of every fractal of her journey. As daughter, wife, and mom, she navigates this dimension holding space for love and empathy.

As a Priestess Initiate of the 13 Moon Mystery School through Priestess Presence and a Temple Guide Trainer with Priestess Presence, Astara holds sacred space for transformation and archetypal embodiment. She deeply supports women through their journey to remembrance and in the embodiment of their truth.

As a publisher, transpersonal psychotherapist, and leader in the rising Divine Feminine movement, Astara understands her role as a lightworker. She knows the importance of collaboration and community in these uncertain times and embodies a deep knowing of her purpose on the planet: to midwife women’s books to the world and support them in their quantum leap into more visibility, leadership, and impact.

Her thriving online private writer’s group, “Published Priestess,” supports women to write from the heart and clear all blocks to authentic self-expression—while being deeply held in an atmosphere of inclusivity, love, and no judgment.

Astara leads a popular group writing program, “Divine Writing Journey: Write Your Book in 6 months,” twice each year. She is the creator of the best-selling “New Feminine Evolutionary” collaborative book series, consisting of seven books and hundreds of contributing authors. Through these potent writing collaborations, Astara holds a sacred container for women to claim their power and their voice—all in the safety of sisterhood.

Astara knows the hurdles in balancing relationships, self-care, time with family, and running a 6-figure business. She is devoted to centering the voices of women of color. Her upcoming collaborative book, “Ancient-Future Unity: Reclaim your Roots, Liberate your Lineage, Live a Legacy of Love,” features the voices of 30 black women and will be released in early 2021.

Astara’s passion is to support women to elevate their consciousness, lives, and businesses by distilling their essence and creating resonance and connection through their message—to a place they never dreamed possible. As they break through perceived barriers, they discover more joy, connection, and purpose in their lives.

Learn more at
Private Writer’s Group:
Free gift:


Lettie Sullivan is a Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, whose mission is to anchor energetic activism centered in Love, Divine Feminine wisdom, metaphysical principles and cosmic time cycles. Lettie is also an inspirational speaker, a professional organizer, a life coach, and a bestselling author.

Lettie is a senior priestess and mentor in Priestess Presence, and has been leading Eclipsing Injustice, a series of ritual events to heal ancestral trauma and amplify love.

You can find her online:


I have worked in mental health services in the public sector for the past twenty years and continue to do so. I am a psychotherapist, passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation, its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. I delight in supporting people finding the space and strength to gain clarity around patterns of relating and ways of behaving, which may no longer serve them. In the 5 dimensional reality, I have thrown everything known in the air and 18 months ago, moved from London, my home and comfort zone to Hereford, 1/2 mile down a single track lane. I am mediating and enquiring in the new iteration of the witch at the end of the lane, supported by the Priestess Presence temple and initiation in Enter the Mystery circle. To the one heart. ♥️


My Priestess skills devotion and dedication, I love holding Sacred Space for Sisters with deep loving arms, I am a Nurturer, also I love to serve your heart so you get to truly know what is holding you back from fully living from your True Essence. I love to go there with you so you can Liberate yourself into Freedom through that clarity of knowing both your Shadow and Light as we all return to love.

I hold the Primal Goddess as my home Archetype so I love getting wild as we return to our Freedom to fully release our bodies from shame and the chains we often place around us to keep us small and confined. I am here to serve your Heart Sister as we return to Love.

© 2021, Priestess Presence. All Rights Reserved.