Called to go Deeper?

Registrations are now open for Enter The Mystery.

Join the Discussion

Join us in the private Facebook Temple
to discuss the content

Share With Your Sisters

Meet the 1st Year Mentors


Lettie Sullivan is a Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, whose mission is to anchor energetic activism centered in Love, Divine Feminine wisdom, metaphysical principles and cosmic time cycles. Lettie is also an inspirational speaker, a professional organizer, a life coach, and a bestselling author.

Lettie is a senior priestess and mentor in Priestess Presence, and has been leading Eclipsing Injustice, a series of ritual events to heal ancestral trauma and amplify love.

You can find her online:


Transpersonal Psychotherapist and book designer turned accomplished Creative Director within the realms of a larger international publishing house. In my tenure, I realized how the voices of womxn were far too sparse and the barrier to releasing your message into the world was too complicated for any modern goddess with an enriching and healing story to share. I wanted to be an author advocate and uplift the voices of womxn. I knew I needed to create a container where they could be fully supported while writing their groundbreaking manuscripts and developing their body of work—whatever that might look like!

I now spend my days supporting writers, like yourself, to birth their stories, market their books, and become bestselling authors who are seen as experts in their field. In my spare time, you’ll find me writing, making art, and walking on the beach in Connecticut with my writer-husband and our 3 multi-passionate daughters, or playing cards with my elderly parents down the street. I am a seeker who loves exploring life’s mysteries, especially through the Creative Arts, ceremonial plant medicine, and Sacred Travel.

As a Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School, The Rose Mystica Mystery School, and a Spiritual Mentor, I am devoted to walking the path of the open heart and supporting womxn to embody their sovereignty, elevate their consciousness, and breakthrough any internal barriers… to a level of presence, passion, and power they never dreamed possible.


Leadership style: Mother, Challenger, Mystic
Blood Ancestry: Germanic, Welsch, Swedish, Celtic, European, original man
Priestess Specialty; Extrasensory Gifts, Manifestation, Oracle/Channel, Crystal Healing, Flower and Plant Wisdom, Symbolism, dreamwork, ceremony, anointing priestess, feeling navigation and empath

Amanda Starshine is and apprenticing focalizer and priestess of the 13 moon mystery school. She is a medium, mystic and practicing medicine woman. Starshine works in the mundane world of western medicine and the world beyond the veils. She is a blend of science and magic and can bridge the gap between those two worlds. As a certified flower essence practitioner, crystal alchemist, aromatherapist and scent priestess she works with closely with mother earth’s plants and crystal allies.

Creator of Instar Arts Starshine runs her own programs in reawakening extrasensory gifts, programs in divination and a dance troupe that is allows others to be creative in both form and formlessness. She is very familiar with creating a safe environment that allows for personal expression and creativity which leads people to discover their authentic voice.

My deepest desire is hold and witness you along your own individual journey to re-member your past and alchemize your journey. I want to help you catalyze your own journey back to you and connection with your body, spirit and mind. I am overjoyed to be on this path along side you!

Education includes: Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Certified Alchemist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Dance Instructor, mother of 2 Leo boys ☺
insta: shewalkswithstars


​​A psychotherapist for the past 20 years, she is passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation and its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. Sarah is also a current member of our temple’s Hive Council.


Michelle Long, MA, is the founder of The Practice® for Women, a sacred business that supports women as they step more into their truth and claim the life they desire. Michelle has been a teacher of feminine spirituality, yoga, and women’s leadership since 2002. She has a master’s degree in Holistic Health Education, is a certified Women’s Wholeness Coach, and owned and managed a women’s yoga and healing center for ten years. Michelle has served thousands of women over the past decade through her transformational programs both online and in person. She now owns and runs a temple space for women near Portland,Oregon.

Michelle has been deepening within the 13 Moon Mystery School since 2015, and is now on the path of Apprenticing Focalizer. She attributes much of her inspiration and education to the wisdom and initiations she has received through the Mystery School. Her dream is to continue to bring the beauty and knowledge of this lineage back to her local temple and community.

In addition to leading temples and supporting women, Michelle is a mom of two teenagers living a suburban life. She is on a mission to help every day women remember who they truly are, to find the courage to break old rules, and to live beyond the confines society tries to put us in. Her personal work has been to heal her feminine lineage and claim her gifts as a teacher, a soul midwife, and a modern day priestess.


Jeriann Rowena is a sacred woman. She is a transformational space holder, a temple guide and an archetypal mentor. She is trained as a scientist, innovator, facilitator, and sacred space holder. She bridges her Christian faith with the awakened feminine. Her deep passion is creating spaces where new possibilities can be manifest. She has published scientific research, holds patents, and has created award-winning mentoring programs for women and people of color focused on empowerment and inclusion from within.

Her leadership style is the mystic – challenger and the archetypal energy most expressed in and through her is the priestess. Her blood lineages are Afro-Guyanese and she has worked deeply with the 13 Moon mystery school archetypes for 5 years. Jeri’Ann has mentored women for 8 years and is a certified Temple Guide in the 13 Moon mystery school.


Leadership style: Ecstatic, Mystic
Archetype: Priestess, Goddess of Love, Queen of Death
Magdalene face: Sovereign Queen

Elizabeth is a Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School, a Scent Priestess in Rosa Mystica and a spiritual guide on a mission to help women remember the wisdom they carry within and awaken their soul voice. She is the founder of the Soul Voice Temple in Austin, TX where she holds intimate in-person temples and offers 1:1 training. She believes in the power of sacred storytelling and shares her journey through story in many forms.

For the last three years {and lifetimes, really} she has been on an inward journey through Enter the Mystery that has revolutionized the way she lives, the way she parents and her relationship with herself. Stepping onto the priestess path has brought her into deep remembrance, and finding her soul voice has been her great awakening. As a mentor, she is here to help other women return to themselves, remember their innate wisdom and honor their soul voice.

She has a strong connection to her motherline, reconnecting her to her Norse lineage including Danes and Danish Vikings. She also feels deeply drawn to her father’s lineage reconnecting her to the coast of England and Scotland. She believes that mothering and marriage are two of the most sacred spiritual paths and that her 6 year-old daughter and 8 year-old son are two of her greatest teachers.

She is the Temple Keeper of Lavender Oil in her Scent Prietessing, where she practices archetypal anointing as a way to reconnect to your body as a sacred being. She is a Certified Temple Guide who practices embodied divinity, guides sacred meditation, and holds sacred space for women to gather monthly to explore their soul voice through the 13 Moon archetypes. Learn more at


Leadership Style: Her primary leadership style that of the Estastic– as she
embraces all things of beauty and joy in connection with the Divine.

She also welcomes her Edgewalker archetype which has been calling from the sidelines for a while now. In order to affect positive change for humanity she is not
afraid to ‘push the envelope!’

She is a Lady of Communion, and a Red Maven. Kirsty is ceremonial priestess , speaker, trainer, author, transformational coach and Angel healer; teacher, certified Kundalini Yoga instructor of some 20 years, Akashic
record facilitator & healer, successful business owner & founder of several ethical recruitment companies.

She has strong links to the Celtic, Avalonian, and Druidic ancestry of the British Isles, and also has a strong connection to the Hindu Pantheon. One of her primary aims is to assist in rebirthing the balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies to our Earth, through healing, embodiment practices, and priestessing!

She is trained in the 13 Moon Mystery School as a ceremonial priestess and also has studied in Enter the Mystery and Rosa Mystica. Her path embraces the mystical
and the mundane and how to marry the two, to bring about the changes necessary for us to ascend to the 5D frequencies which are now available to us along our path
of ascension.

She is dedicated to walking the path of LOVE and in helping to guide and support souls who have newly awoken to their divinity and magnificence.
She is a channel, guide and facilitator of multiple modalities to help beautiful souls around the world get clear on what their true dream life is and guide them into actually creating it and living it.

As Kirsty has gotten her ethical recruitment company on autopilot, she is now blessed to be living in soul alignment yet again by dedicating herself to her spiritual calling.
She is not new to life challenges and experienced two initiations leading her to create this new work in the world. One was becoming a first-time mom at 46, then losing both her Mum and Step Dad in their sudden transition a year later.

These served as a wakeup call, leading her to finally answer the call and fully step into following her heart, her passion and her North Star, and help others to do the same.

An original free spirit and flower fairy child, she can be found living and playing with her beloved husband and daughter in the rural hills of Wales, alongside their fur babies, Shanti & Iggy, the Shelties and George, the tolerant tabby cat!

Connect with Kirsty at


Leadership style: Mystic, Goddess of Compassion, Priestess, Initiator

Blood Ancestry: American, Spanish, French

Priestess Specialty: Divine Weight Loss Journey; Enchanting Yoga Nidra Healing Journeys; Crystal Sound healing; Light Worker and Aroma energy healing; Anointing; Oracle; manifesting Temples with Moon and Cacao Ceremony


Grace Phillips considers herself a Mystic in this journey of life. She is a Priestess Initiate Apprentice of the 13 Moon Mystery School and a Certified Temple Guide through Priestess Presence Mystery School. She is also a Dove Oracle and Cacao Priestess through Seven Sisters Mystery School. Grace’s passion, love, and devotion for the healing arts opened the doors of her heart to be of service to others.

She guides men and women in person and online in a safe and sacred space, applying a fusion of the healing arts as a: Sacred Space Holder; Light Worker and Holy Aroma Anointing Oil Energy Healer; Sacred Crystalline Sound Healer; enchanting Yoga Nidra healing journeys (Modalities include: IRest; Divine Sleep; Amrit Method); Manifesting with the Moon and Cacao ceremony Temple guide; Sacred Cacao Chocolatier; Sacred Artisan Incense Crafter; Divine Weight Loss Journey Guide; Intuitive Spiritual Coach, Advisor, and Oracle; Breath work, Yoga, and Ayurvedic Cleanses.

For Grace, her own spiritual life is an evolving journey; prayer, meditation, love, gratitude, learning, ritual, ceremony, and devotion are key aspects to her spirituality. As an authentic, spirited, and heart-centered leader Grace guides and supports men and women in their path. Grace is committed to helping others in their quest for authentic transformation, bringing them back to their remembrance, their inner wisdom, connect to their own soul voice, and to raise their highest frequency of love, brilliance, and bliss.

With so much love and blessings. Om shanti, shanti, shanti, peace, peace, peace.


An Initiated Priestess and Temple Guide. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you.

After 20 years in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul's call to reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa's motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to others' lives.

Elsa's healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine as an Initiate in Devotion within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is currently on the path of Ordination and Apprenticeship with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at


Dianne is the owner of Earth Harmony Wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast, born through her passionate calling in assisting to bridge the disconnect within structures that hold us in a model of separation, to a more expansive, cohesive model that is calling us forward into a new way of being together in harmony in the world. She serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them.

Dianne is a gifted transformational and intuitive guide offering many tools from her over 30 years of study and personal experience within the healing arts. She is passionate and dedicated to her purpose of helping humanity by offering tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection, and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul-inspired life. Clearing and healing the energy body is the gateway that she uses to guide others to a clearer, deeper level of themselves, releasing what apparently stands in the way of wholeness. During a private session, one is held in a safe, high vibratory field of healing energy. As well as her own intentions and spiritual skills, Dianne may incorporate sound healing vibration, holy anointing oils, and the mineral kingdom, as well as an intuitive council in her sessions.
Dianne is an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and a clear channel for Divine Feminine wisdom providing a powerful path of consciousness connection. As an initiate on the Priestess path of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, she has vowed to continue to show up aligned with love and Divine connection. She offers various ceremonies which deepen our Divine connection and honor Rites of Passage. She serves as a mentor in the Temple Guide Training program through Priestess Presence. She is a certified Level 5 practitioner, as well as a workshop facilitator for The Melchizedek Method of holographic healing and a certified Usui Reiki Master.

Dianne has studied and learned much in the area of natural and holistic healing, from working as a Chiropractic assistant and learning about the body's innate healing wisdom, to herbal apprenticeships, essential oils, shadow work, consciousness studies, various forms of energy healing, and more. She has a deep passion for humanity's evolution and transformation to a more peaceful and whole world. She is a compassionate and nurturing healer with the ability to hold space for transformation, trauma sensitivity, and healing to take place.

Through her own journey into deeper surrender and courage of her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her. She is co-author of the 2019 release of Amazon#1 best seller “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”.
As well as her passionate engagement in her work, Dianne enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, cat and her love of nature and quiet peaceful reflection time.

Dianne is a Transformational Guide/Energy Practitioner/Priestess co-author Amazon best sellers by Flower of Life Press
"Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity"
"Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to The Masculine & Feminine, an Anthology"
"Voices of the Avalonian Priestesses: Hearing the Call of Essence"
"The soul knows no obstacles. It simply dances in a divinely orchestrated, co-creative entanglement for our highest evolution. We simply allow ourselves to be danced". ~ Dianne Chalifour

Meet the Year 2+ Advanced Study Mentors


​​A psychotherapist for the past 20 years, she is passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation and its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. Sarah is also a current member of our temple’s Hive Council.


Hi, I'm Flora

I’m a self-professed bon vivant. I live life to the fullest, love deeply, laugh out loud, and put my heart and soul into all that I do. I love being creative, traveling, and eating anything covered in pesto.

Born in British Columbia, Canada, I grew up surrounded by nature, music, and lots of love. My spiritual journey started young. I attended my first full moon women's circle at 14. That set me on a path of living my life attuned to cyclic earth and lunar rhythms. At age 15 I was reading Siddhartha, The Prophet, The Power of Myth, and The Spiral Dance.

Throughout my 20’s I continued my deep soul searching to understand myself, human consciousness and the meaning of life.

My spiritual longing and wanderlust took me around the world. I went to Colorado to study sound healing with Jonathan Goldman, and braved the conditions four times to immerse myself in the radical art community of Burning Man in Nevada. I visited volcanic power centres in Guatemala and danced at full moon beach parties in Thailand. I practiced Kundalini yoga and also performed with my band, singing in front of thousands of people.

Despite all this exploration, when I turned 30 I was still unsatisfied with my life. From the outside, I had things pretty good: a nice house and boyfriend, a decent job and even regular music gigs on the side.

I felt guilty for wanting more. I constantly wondered, “What’s wrong with me?”

As a Circle Priestess, Leadership Mentor, and Sacred Business Coach, I inspire women to awaken to their potential, embody their wisdom, and step into their power to create a life and work they love. I love helping disconnected women hear their soul’s voice, liberate themselves from feeling held back, and awaken the Goddess within.

I’m passionate about continued learning and training on my journey of self-mastery. I’ve studied:
Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman at his Healing Sounds Intensive in Colorado
Jade Goddess Tantra with Dr. Saida Désilets
Goddess Archetypal psychology with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen (Goddesses in Everywoman) in her Liberating the Goddesses In You program
SHE-led writing with author Lisa Lister (WITCH: Unleashed, Untamed, Unapologetic)
Circle Facilitation in Sacred Circle Foundations with Sora Surya No
Online business skills with Marie Forleo at B-School
Marketing & Business strategy with Profit Priestess, Kristen Jett
Priestess skills and Temple Guiding with Elayne Kalila Doughty, as an apprentice in Enter the Mystery

I’d love to spend time in sacred space with you, sister.


An Initiated Priestess and Temple Guide. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you.

After 20 years in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul's call to reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa's motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to others' lives.

Elsa's healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine as an Initiate in Devotion within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is currently on the path of Ordination and Apprenticeship with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at


Leadership styles: EdgeWalker, Challenger, Mystic
Blood Ancestry: Nordic (Finnish, Swedish; Sámi); English; Scottish; Irish

Rebecca is an ordained priestess and has the temple's oracle/scribe since its inception. She's a member of the Hive Council and is faculty in the temple.

In addition to temple work, Rebecca is a professional, international best-selling writer, business oracle, guide, and proudly autistic.

With her intuitive copywriting and oracular skills, she has helped small, heartfelt businesses--just starting out--grow to become multiple six-figure sacred businesses with long-term, loyal communities.

But what really matters to her is catalyzing and honoring wild sensitivity in others ... within their personal lives and in their sacred business.

Over the years, she has taught over 2,000 people the art of intuitive writing & copywriting in courses, workshops, retreats, writing circles, masterclasses, and in her Facebook group, Write Your Fire.

She lives on the edge of the ocean with her husband, daughter, three cats and two dogs, upon the traditional & unceded land of the Coast Salish people (specifically Squamish & Musqueam) in what's known as West Vancouver, British Columbia.



Leadership style: Ecstatic, Mystic, Midwife, Edgewalker
Blood Ancestry: Chilean, European (Spain, Belgium), Native American
Priestess Specialities: Blood and Amrita Mysteries, Feminine Mysteries, Eco-Ceremonialism, Elemental Wisdom and Plant Medicines, Energy Healing.

Catalina Rivera Dois is a Feminine Mysteries Mentor, Priestess and Eco-Ceremonialist. She holds the Gate to Our Blood Mysteries Temple: a sacred space dedicated to the joyful remembrance and rebirthing of our blood mysteries into modern day life.

As an emissary of Mother’s Love, she shares through simple heart/womb knowing, magic and fun. Catalina is also a Reiki Master therapist and teacher, women’s circles facilitator, registered nurse, wife and loving mother of 2.

Learn more at:
FB: “Fascinating Feminine Flow” FB group Fascinating Feminine Flow | Facebook
Instagram: @catalinariveradois
Gift: As a gift, I invite you to join me in offering our moon-blood to the Earth. Just click here Join Now | Our Blood Mysteries to download a step by step ritual you can do from home (special instructions for wise-women included).


Dianne is the owner of Earth Harmony Wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast, born through her passionate calling in assisting to bridge the disconnect within structures that hold us in a model of separation, to a more expansive, cohesive model that is calling us forward into a new way of being together in harmony in the world. She serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them.

Dianne is a gifted transformational and intuitive guide offering many tools from her over 30 years of study and personal experience within the healing arts. She is passionate and dedicated to her purpose of helping humanity by offering tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection, and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul-inspired life. Clearing and healing the energy body is the gateway that she uses to guide others to a clearer, deeper level of themselves, releasing what apparently stands in the way of wholeness. During a private session, one is held in a safe, high vibratory field of healing energy. As well as her own intentions and spiritual skills, Dianne may incorporate sound healing vibration, holy anointing oils, and the mineral kingdom, as well as an intuitive council in her sessions.
Dianne is an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and a clear channel for Divine Feminine wisdom providing a powerful path of consciousness connection. As an initiate on the Priestess path of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, she has vowed to continue to show up aligned with love and Divine connection. She offers various ceremonies which deepen our Divine connection and honor Rites of Passage. She serves as a mentor in the Temple Guide Training program through Priestess Presence. She is a certified Level 5 practitioner, as well as a workshop facilitator for The Melchizedek Method of holographic healing and a certified Usui Reiki Master.

Dianne has studied and learned much in the area of natural and holistic healing, from working as a Chiropractic assistant and learning about the body's innate healing wisdom, to herbal apprenticeships, essential oils, shadow work, consciousness studies, various forms of energy healing, and more. She has a deep passion for humanity's evolution and transformation to a more peaceful and whole world. She is a compassionate and nurturing healer with the ability to hold space for transformation, trauma sensitivity, and healing to take place.

Through her own journey into deeper surrender and courage of her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her. She is co-author of the 2019 release of Amazon#1 best seller “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”.
As well as her passionate engagement in her work, Dianne enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, cat and her love of nature and quiet peaceful reflection time.

Dianne is a Transformational Guide/Energy Practitioner/Priestess co-author Amazon best sellers by Flower of Life Press
"Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity"
"Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to The Masculine & Feminine, an Anthology"
"Voices of the Avalonian Priestesses: Hearing the Call of Essence"
"The soul knows no obstacles. It simply dances in a divinely orchestrated, co-creative entanglement for our highest evolution. We simply allow ourselves to be danced". ~ Dianne Chalifour

© 2023, Priestess Presence. All Rights Reserved.

Called to go Deeper?

Registrations are now open for Enter The Mystery.

Join the Discussion

Join us in the private Facebook Temple to discuss the content

Share With Your Sisters

Meet the 1st Year Mentors


Lettie Sullivan is a Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, whose mission is to anchor energetic activism centered in Love, Divine Feminine wisdom, metaphysical principles and cosmic time cycles. Lettie is also an inspirational speaker, a professional organizer, a life coach, and a bestselling author.

Lettie is a senior priestess and mentor in Priestess Presence, and has been leading Eclipsing Injustice, a series of ritual events to heal ancestral trauma and amplify love.

You can find her online:


Transpersonal Psychotherapist and book designer turned accomplished Creative Director within the realms of a larger international publishing house. In my tenure, I realized how the voices of womxn were far too sparse and the barrier to releasing your message into the world was too complicated for any modern goddess with an enriching and healing story to share. I wanted to be an author advocate and uplift the voices of womxn. I knew I needed to create a container where they could be fully supported while writing their groundbreaking manuscripts and developing their body of work—whatever that might look like!

I now spend my days supporting writers, like yourself, to birth their stories, market their books, and become bestselling authors who are seen as experts in their field. In my spare time, you’ll find me writing, making art, and walking on the beach in Connecticut with my writer-husband and our 3 multi-passionate daughters, or playing cards with my elderly parents down the street. I am a seeker who loves exploring life’s mysteries, especially through the Creative Arts, ceremonial plant medicine, and Sacred Travel.

As a Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School, The Rose Mystica Mystery School, and a Spiritual Mentor, I am devoted to walking the path of the open heart and supporting womxn to embody their sovereignty, elevate their consciousness, and breakthrough any internal barriers… to a level of presence, passion, and power they never dreamed possible.


Leadership style: Mother, Challenger, Mystic
Blood Ancestry: Germanic, Welsch, Swedish, Celtic, European, original man
Priestess Specialty; Extrasensory Gifts, Manifestation, Oracle/Channel, Crystal Healing, Flower and Plant Wisdom, Symbolism, dreamwork, ceremony, anointing priestess, feeling navigation and empath

Amanda Starshine is and apprenticing focalizer and priestess of the 13 moon mystery school. She is a medium, mystic and practicing medicine woman. Starshine works in the mundane world of western medicine and the world beyond the veils. She is a blend of science and magic and can bridge the gap between those two worlds. As a certified flower essence practitioner, crystal alchemist, aromatherapist and scent priestess she works with closely with mother earth’s plants and crystal allies.

Creator of Instar Arts Starshine runs her own programs in reawakening extrasensory gifts, programs in divination and a dance troupe that is allows others to be creative in both form and formlessness. She is very familiar with creating a safe environment that allows for personal expression and creativity which leads people to discover their authentic voice.

My deepest desire is hold and witness you along your own individual journey to re-member your past and alchemize your journey. I want to help you catalyze your own journey back to you and connection with your body, spirit and mind. I am overjoyed to be on this path along side you!

Education includes: Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Certified Alchemist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Dance Instructor, mother of 2 Leo boys ☺
insta: shewalkswithstars


​​A psychotherapist for the past 20 years, she is passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation and its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. Sarah is also a current member of our temple’s Hive Council.


An Initiated Priestess and Temple Guide. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you.

After 20 years in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to others’ lives.

Elsa’s healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine as an Initiate in Devotion within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is currently on the path of Ordination and Apprenticeship with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at


Dianne is the owner of Earth Harmony Wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast, born through her passionate calling in assisting to bridge the disconnect within structures that hold us in a model of separation, to a more expansive, cohesive model that is calling us forward into a new way of being together in harmony in the world. She serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them.

Dianne is a gifted transformational and intuitive guide offering many tools from her over 30 years of study and personal experience within the healing arts. She is passionate and dedicated to her purpose of helping humanity by offering tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection, and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul-inspired life. Clearing and healing the energy body is the gateway that she uses to guide others to a clearer, deeper level of themselves, releasing what apparently stands in the way of wholeness. During a private session, one is held in a safe, high vibratory field of healing energy. As well as her own intentions and spiritual skills, Dianne may incorporate sound healing vibration, holy anointing oils, and the mineral kingdom, as well as an intuitive council in her sessions.
Dianne is an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and a clear channel for Divine Feminine wisdom providing a powerful path of consciousness connection. As an initiate on the Priestess path of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, she has vowed to continue to show up aligned with love and Divine connection. She offers various ceremonies which deepen our Divine connection and honor Rites of Passage. She serves as a mentor in the Temple Guide Training program through Priestess Presence. She is a certified Level 5 practitioner, as well as a workshop facilitator for The Melchizedek Method of holographic healing and a certified Usui Reiki Master.

Dianne has studied and learned much in the area of natural and holistic healing, from working as a Chiropractic assistant and learning about the body’s innate healing wisdom, to herbal apprenticeships, essential oils, shadow work, consciousness studies, various forms of energy healing, and more. She has a deep passion for humanity’s evolution and transformation to a more peaceful and whole world. She is a compassionate and nurturing healer with the ability to hold space for transformation, trauma sensitivity, and healing to take place.

Through her own journey into deeper surrender and courage of her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her. She is co-author of the 2019 release of Amazon#1 best seller “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”.
As well as her passionate engagement in her work, Dianne enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, cat and her love of nature and quiet peaceful reflection time.

Dianne is a Transformational Guide/Energy Practitioner/Priestess co-author Amazon best sellers by Flower of Life Press
“Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity”
“Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to The Masculine & Feminine, an Anthology”
“Voices of the Avalonian Priestesses: Hearing the Call of Essence”
“The soul knows no obstacles. It simply dances in a divinely orchestrated, co-creative entanglement for our highest evolution. We simply allow ourselves to be danced”. ~ Dianne Chalifour


Meet the Year 2+ Advanced Study Mentors


​​A psychotherapist for the past 20 years, she is passionate about the process of change through the reclamation of our story and in the validation and its ability to support everyone in living the life that they wish to live. Sarah is also a current member of our temple’s Hive Council.


Hi, I’m Flora

I’m a self-professed bon vivant. I live life to the fullest, love deeply, laugh out loud, and put my heart and soul into all that I do. I love being creative, traveling, and eating anything covered in pesto.

Born in British Columbia, Canada, I grew up surrounded by nature, music, and lots of love. My spiritual journey started young. I attended my first full moon women’s circle at 14. That set me on a path of living my life attuned to cyclic earth and lunar rhythms. At age 15 I was reading Siddhartha, The Prophet, The Power of Myth, and The Spiral Dance.

Throughout my 20’s I continued my deep soul searching to understand myself, human consciousness and the meaning of life.

My spiritual longing and wanderlust took me around the world. I went to Colorado to study sound healing with Jonathan Goldman, and braved the conditions four times to immerse myself in the radical art community of Burning Man in Nevada. I visited volcanic power centres in Guatemala and danced at full moon beach parties in Thailand. I practiced Kundalini yoga and also performed with my band, singing in front of thousands of people.

Despite all this exploration, when I turned 30 I was still unsatisfied with my life. From the outside, I had things pretty good: a nice house and boyfriend, a decent job and even regular music gigs on the side.

I felt guilty for wanting more. I constantly wondered, “What’s wrong with me?”

As a Circle Priestess, Leadership Mentor, and Sacred Business Coach, I inspire women to awaken to their potential, embody their wisdom, and step into their power to create a life and work they love. I love helping disconnected women hear their soul’s voice, liberate themselves from feeling held back, and awaken the Goddess within.

I’m passionate about continued learning and training on my journey of self-mastery. I’ve studied:
Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman at his Healing Sounds Intensive in Colorado
Jade Goddess Tantra with Dr. Saida Désilets
Goddess Archetypal psychology with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen (Goddesses in Everywoman) in her Liberating the Goddesses In You program
SHE-led writing with author Lisa Lister (WITCH: Unleashed, Untamed, Unapologetic)
Circle Facilitation in Sacred Circle Foundations with Sora Surya No
Online business skills with Marie Forleo at B-School
Marketing & Business strategy with Profit Priestess, Kristen Jett
Priestess skills and Temple Guiding with Elayne Kalila Doughty, as an apprentice in Enter the Mystery

I’d love to spend time in sacred space with you, sister.


An Initiated Priestess and Temple Guide. She is the Founder of Intuitive Wisdom for Body+Soul, offering transformational coaching through soul nourishment and sacred wellness. Elsa is also the Keeper of The Sanctuary of the Radiant Heart Temple, offering sacred space to connect to the Divine within.

Elsa is passionate about inspiring women to reconnect to their inner wisdom, align to their heart compass and reclaim their power and joy. She believes in integrating all things beautiful and good for you.

After 20 years in corporate interior design, Elsa answered her soul’s call to reimagine her life. She pursued a degree in nutrition and became a holistic dietitian nutritionist, and wellness coach with the mission of guiding women back to their inner knowing and vitality. Whatever the vocation, Elsa’s motivation has been to share her gifts on a deep, spiritual level to bring meaningful change to others’ lives.

Elsa’s healing journey led her to deepen into the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine as an Initiate in Devotion within the 13 Moon Mystery School and the Priestess Presence Temple. She is currently on the path of Ordination and Apprenticeship with her mentors, Eden Amadora, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and Ariel Spilsbury. This inner work has reconnected Elsa to her mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa.

Elsa channels her joy by creating sacred spaces and offerings that guide women back to their divine heart so they may live in their fullest expression of beauty, love, and empowerment. Learn more about Elsa and her offerings at


Leadership styles: EdgeWalker, Challenger, Mystic
Blood Ancestry: Nordic (Finnish, Swedish; Sámi); English; Scottish; Irish

Rebecca is an ordained priestess and has the temple’s oracle/scribe since its inception. She’s a member of the Hive Council and is faculty in the temple.

In addition to temple work, Rebecca is a professional, international best-selling writer, business oracle, guide, and proudly autistic.

With her intuitive copywriting and oracular skills, she has helped small, heartfelt businesses–just starting out–grow to become multiple six-figure sacred businesses with long-term, loyal communities.

But what really matters to her is catalyzing and honoring wild sensitivity in others … within their personal lives and in their sacred business.

Over the years, she has taught over 2,000 people the art of intuitive writing & copywriting in courses, workshops, retreats, writing circles, masterclasses, and in her Facebook group, Write Your Fire.

She lives on the edge of the ocean with her husband, daughter, three cats and two dogs, upon the traditional & unceded land of the Coast Salish people (specifically Squamish & Musqueam) in what’s known as West Vancouver, British Columbia.



Leadership style: Ecstatic, Mystic, Midwife, Edgewalker
Blood Ancestry: Chilean, European (Spain, Belgium), Native American
Priestess Specialities: Blood and Amrita Mysteries, Feminine Mysteries, Eco-Ceremonialism, Elemental Wisdom and Plant Medicines, Energy Healing.

Catalina Rivera Dois is a Feminine Mysteries Mentor, Priestess and Eco-Ceremonialist. She holds the Gate to Our Blood Mysteries Temple: a sacred space dedicated to the joyful remembrance and rebirthing of our blood mysteries into modern day life.

As an emissary of Mother’s Love, she shares through simple heart/womb knowing, magic and fun. Catalina is also a Reiki Master therapist and teacher, women’s circles facilitator, registered nurse, wife and loving mother of 2.

Learn more at:
FB: “Fascinating Feminine Flow” FB group Fascinating Feminine Flow | Facebook
Instagram: @catalinariveradois
Gift: As a gift, I invite you to join me in offering our moon-blood to the Earth. Just click here Join Now | Our Blood Mysteries to download a step by step ritual you can do from home (special instructions for wise-women included).


Dianne is the owner of Earth Harmony Wellness center in the New Hampshire seacoast, born through her passionate calling in assisting to bridge the disconnect within structures that hold us in a model of separation, to a more expansive, cohesive model that is calling us forward into a new way of being together in harmony in the world. She serves as a type of midwife for her clients to reach deep into their own inner knowing and step forward empowered into the life that is waiting for them.

Dianne is a gifted transformational and intuitive guide offering many tools from her over 30 years of study and personal experience within the healing arts. She is passionate and dedicated to her purpose of helping humanity by offering tools and services to assist in the awakening, connection, and shifting of our human evolutionary process of living a soul-inspired life. Clearing and healing the energy body is the gateway that she uses to guide others to a clearer, deeper level of themselves, releasing what apparently stands in the way of wholeness. During a private session, one is held in a safe, high vibratory field of healing energy. As well as her own intentions and spiritual skills, Dianne may incorporate sound healing vibration, holy anointing oils, and the mineral kingdom, as well as an intuitive council in her sessions.
Dianne is an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and a clear channel for Divine Feminine wisdom providing a powerful path of consciousness connection. As an initiate on the Priestess path of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, she has vowed to continue to show up aligned with love and Divine connection. She offers various ceremonies which deepen our Divine connection and honor Rites of Passage. She serves as a mentor in the Temple Guide Training program through Priestess Presence. She is a certified Level 5 practitioner, as well as a workshop facilitator for The Melchizedek Method of holographic healing and a certified Usui Reiki Master.

Dianne has studied and learned much in the area of natural and holistic healing, from working as a Chiropractic assistant and learning about the body’s innate healing wisdom, to herbal apprenticeships, essential oils, shadow work, consciousness studies, various forms of energy healing, and more. She has a deep passion for humanity’s evolution and transformation to a more peaceful and whole world. She is a compassionate and nurturing healer with the ability to hold space for transformation, trauma sensitivity, and healing to take place.

Through her own journey into deeper surrender and courage of her continually evolving spiritual path, Dianne is committed to serving from her heart where her path leads her. She is co-author of the 2019 release of Amazon#1 best seller “Sacred Body Wisdom. Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity”.
As well as her passionate engagement in her work, Dianne enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, cat and her love of nature and quiet peaceful reflection time.

Dianne is a Transformational Guide/Energy Practitioner/Priestess co-author Amazon best sellers by Flower of Life Press
“Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity”
“Sacred Reunion: Love Poems to The Masculine & Feminine, an Anthology”
“Voices of the Avalonian Priestesses: Hearing the Call of Essence”
“The soul knows no obstacles. It simply dances in a divinely orchestrated, co-creative entanglement for our highest evolution. We simply allow ourselves to be danced”. ~ Dianne Chalifour

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