We Were Born For This Time

Saturday, April 4th
12pm PST / 3pmEST
(Replay available)
Free on ZOOM

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We are calling the Council together.
The table is set.
Your seat is ready.
Take your place.

The Council is Convening

You are invited to take your place.

It is time to remember why you are here and step into your sacred leadership: Grounded. Harmonized. In union with your humanity and divinity. In sisterhood.


If you’ve “landed” here, on this page, in our temple, I trust you already know the answer:

You were born for this.

We are all being divinely supported at this time. We have never been less alone.

Perhaps you feel…

…the presence of your ancestors guiding you, activating your genius.

…pinpricks dance across your skin and you know in your bones that you’re one of many WayShowers called forward to help others navigate these unknown times.

The drums start: You hear Gaia holding the heartbeat of us all—showing us the way home to a new dawn.

Beloved Queen, you are here as one of many compassionate warriors of the heart. You’re being summoned to hold space, listen deeply, walk the edge, challenge, and LOVE.


Mystic. Midwife.

Challenger. Ecstatic.

I’m speaking to you.

It is time to gather.

We are needed.

Enter your name + email to join the Council

What to Expect

On Saturday, we will gather in sacred space and deep sisterhood. As an etheric temple, we’ve been doing this for lifetimes.

During Our Zoom Council, You Can Expect:

Experiencing the structure of Council so that your Essence can be revealed & shine forth

Connecting with your ancestral guides, including priestess archetypes

Catalyzing your inner EdgeWalker—the part of you that breaks patterns & creates something new from what’s dying

Listening to your inner Mystic to hear how you’re being called to serve from your Essence

Grounding your inner Midwife & discover her wisdom

Evoking your inner Ecstatic—the one who alchemizes fear into love, joy, and possibility

Activating your unique gifts & keys needed to mobilize your priestess leadership for these Times of Great Change

Awakening the flame of loving service in your heart

You will also be:

Challenged & initiated to take a quantum leap—a risk—and step into sacred service/ceremonial leadership,
        if you are fully resourced to do so

Offered gifts from the temple to continue listening to, connecting with, and amplifying your Essence and priestess keys

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What Is A Council & What Is The Intention?

When we gather in Council, we become galvanized. We come as equals for support and ask for accountability.

We remember that each of us carry unique gifts and keys.

Gifts that are greatly needed in our world.

Right now.

Together, these gifts are activated.

From this place, we are supported to initiate transformation in our personal lives, our communities, and globally.

Each and every one of us has medicine to offer in the world.

The Intention of this Council is that we bolster and ground one another so that we can serve—in all capacities, in all venues—once the world emerges from this global cocooning.

We are being called into radical collective responsibility. We are responsible for this world and for the birth of a new consciousness within it.

Let’s gather to awaken & activate a
new way of being in leadership together.
Let’s prepare ourselves to be in sacred service.

Enter your name + email to join the Council

The Bigger Vision

I feel the calling, the rise, of the Priestess in a powerful way.

…And the medicine I am here to bring is to make sure that we have fully trained, grounded priestesses who can:

navigate these unknown times

create temples on the fly

drop into empty presence

bring the medicine needed in each moment

Now is the time, sister.

So, if you are feeling catalyzed to help create a new world and priestess on the ground, I’m calling you to Council and challenging you to deepen your skill set, alchemize fear into love, live the fierce truth within your heart, and be a living temple.

We are being summoned.
We are here to truly Walk As Love…
because that is the only real power there is.
Will you take your seat?

Enter your name + email to join the Council

Join Us

This Saturday, April 4th at 12pm PST / 3pm EST. It’s free and on Zoom.

We’ll gather in intimacy, in connection, in Council.

If you can’t come live, there will be a recording.

© 2020, Priestess Presence. All Rights Reserved.