I seed a vision:
sisters being in circles globally,
in the frequency of the Priestess Presence Temple.
I see: a crystal light grid ignited by our presence.
We remember our ancient, sacred arts.
We hold space for transformation, healing.
We listen, dream, and catalyze new stories.
We devote ourselves to the nourishment of our soul

You are invited to join us, over 4 months, for our Temple Guide Training where you’ll receive practical skills and support so you can confidently facilitate temple circles in your community.

Perhaps you’re one of the sisters who is mission-driven, devoted to serve in others’ healing, and full expression, but desire structure to guide you through an idea—all the way to completion so you can serve in the most impactful way.

Maybe your heart is calling you to lead temple circles, but you don’t know where to start.

We’ll take you behind the scenes of the temple where you’ll access 30+ years of Elayne Kalila’s knowledge of facilitating temple circles, so that you can offer them to your community feeling confident, aligned, and in integrity.

Join the temple’s School of Sacred Arts & Training
for an exemplary opportunity to:

  • Remember who you truly are
  • Embody your essence+ the poetry of your soul
  • Walk as love
  • Share your gifts with others by creating temple circle


There is a deep need for a place to be with one another,
to receive collective wisdom, and nourish our souls..

Many of you yearn to create local circles so you can connect with sisters … and return to
being with others in blood, breath, and bones. To be in connection with the deeper poetry
and artistry of who we are.

We’ve listened. Our answer is this training.

It will support you to dream into, awaken, activate, and—very practically—create a local
temple circle so you can be with your sisters in person (or online).

Our Hearts Yearn For...

Connection to the Goddess

Our Souls Desire To…

Be in our embodied wisdom
Awaken our hearts and listen to them
Remember our healing ways
Celebrate and support
Mourn and grieve
Dive into ecstasy
Birth extraordinary visions of the world we chose to midwife

Sister, we are invisibly woven together in the heartbeat of the Mother,
navigating our way through the seen and unseen realms,
cheeks touching,
hands holding each other’s hearts.

We have done these things, always, as Priestesses.


...To re-member our inherent leadership styles rooted in the core values and grounded practices of the Divine Feminine.

...To re-member that each of us are unique; when we fully understand and express our sacred skills, we’re able to hold temple in a powerful way …
giving permission to other sisters to do the same.

...To re-member that through the eyes of one another, through community, we find ourselves.

...To re-member the sacred art and sacred technologies of temple. These sacred technologies make the difference between having a circle and
being in temple.

What is the difference between being in a circle and being in temple?

Well, we’ll cover that in the training … but here’s a peek into some temple qualities—
qualities that aren’t necessary for circles.

Temple Qualities:

  • Creating Sacred Space
  • Use of Archetypal Ritual, Ceremony, Structure, Flow, and Resonance
  • Invoking the Divine—Offerings, Rites, and Sound
  • Sacred Agreements
  • Temple “Gates”
  • Silence & Empty Presence
  • Mythic Storytelling
  • Guided Meditations & Journeys
  • Divination & Oracle
  • Sacred Theatre

But … I’m Afraid to Hold Temple Circles…

This is common, love.

Within our sisterhood, we have challenges, wounds, fears, and old stories around what it
takes to simply be part of a circle, let alone begin organizing a circle.

These wounds mirror our core sacred wounds globally.

They can look like these fears:

  • Not being enough—trained/experienced enough
  • Not being resourced—lack of knowledge, skill, time, or finances to pull off a circle
  • Shining too brightly/or not being noticed at all
  • Jealousy/comparison/competition
  • Power dynamics/hierarchy/being in charge/not in charge
  • Rejection & lack of trust: Not trusting intuition or how others will receive you

Based on your combination of priestess leadership styles, you may have some very specific fears arise—like worrying you’ll over-commit or burn out.

We will go through all of these during our training.

You’ll recognize your inherent leadership strengths that will support you to confidently hold circle for others … while acknowledging some of your challenges so you can
work with them when they occur.

When we are clear about our purpose and gifts … and have training ... we can create
transformational temple spaces to be in communion with others with confidence.

Why Does This Matter?

When we are in temple, we part the veils between the worlds, invite the presence of our higher Essence self and the Divine, then create the conditions necessary to listen and receive wisdom from Source, as She lives in each of us.

We have always gathered together - whether to mark the birth of a new baby, mourn the loss of a loved one, celebrate a young girl’s first moon, or “queen” a woman moving into her post-bloodmoon power years.

We have gathered to listen to the dark of the moon, amplify (and charge with expansive vision) during full moons.

We have marked the passing of the years—the ever spiralling growth of ourselves and our world.

We have been the oracle that shares dreams from the womb of a world being reborn … and we have brought healing not just for ourselves, but for our communities.

Are you ready to discover and remember what it means
to “priestess” as a verb
...in a very practical and hands-on way?

Are you ready to receive the training that will give you confidence
and a step-by-step approach to guiding temple circles?


Here’s What They Say…

“The beauty and richness of this offering
helped me create a clearer framework
for my creation of temple circles.”
—Michele Gagnier

“Thank you for this work; so beautiful.
WOW! I am blown away! I just
started my first circle, so I am
excited to deepen into how to hold it.”
—Jacquie Shenton

“Kalila is a master Facilitator.
Her alchemical processes are like nothing
I’ve ever experienced. She pulls
together extraordinary women.”
—Tanya Lynn

Our temple is not only a temple; we are also a school.

For over 5 years, we’ve been offering exemplary, all inclusive training—from basic skills, practices, and arts to full ordination—to women called on the priestess path.

More than 4,600 sisters have participated in our paid trainings and over 100k people have benefited from our free trainings and offerings.

The School’s Trainings Are Here to Help You:

  • Remember who you truly are
  • Embody your essence
  • Walk as love
  • Share your gifts in the world
  • Train in the Arts and Skills of the Priestess
  • Deepen onto a path of Priestess Initiation

...this powerful, 4 month training is no different.

In fact, the Temple Guide Training offers lessons from some of the very priestess sisters who have been through many of the school’s trainings.

So, in each module, you’ll have access to not only Elayne Kalila’s cornucopia of knowledge,
you’ll also receive powerful lessons from sisters who have mastered their specific
temple gifts—and share them with you.


This is a training offered by the School of Priestess Arts & Training, that supports you to remember and relearn the ancient skills and sacred technologies of temple circle.

The Temple Guide Training offers you practical, step-by-step teachings, tools, and activations to support you as you step into the role of “Temple Guide.”

During our 4 months together, you’ll be empowered to further activate and empower the Priestess role within your family, community, and business.

The 4 month Temple Guide Training provides action-oriented, practical insight so you can embody the archetypal leadership you are most holding in your consciousness at this time.

By doing so, you inherently “lead” and will be able to hold circles in a way that is most aligned with who you are.

You’ll be given sacred technologies, templates, frameworks, and guidance as you embrace your intuition and soul calling.

it’s time for the Priestess to be more present
in very tangible and potent ways.



Online Self-Study


Self-Study & intensive,
online group coaching


Self-Study, intensive online coaching, & in-person retreat—become a Certified Priestess Presence Temple Guide over 6 months

This Training Will Support You To:

  • Discover your inner calling to be a “Temple Guide”
  • Connect with your Priestess Leadership archetype(s) so you
    can tailor circles to your specific gifts
  • Learn the core skills of being a “Temple Guide”
  • Explore the art of creating transformational rituals & ceremonies—
    in person and online
  • Ground your skills so you can hold space for healing
  • Understand the sacred architecture of ritual space
  • Guide others in archetypal journeys and meditations
  • Create successful flow charts for your temple circles
  • Craft your own ceremonies and rituals—learning, step-by-step
    what elements are needed and why
  • Ground sacred leadership within your sacred business— including
    when and what to charge, how to negotiate boundaries, and
    create clear agreement fields
  • Call-in (manifest) a temple circle

You’ll Receive:

  • Access to over 30 years of Elayne Kalila’s combined spiritual and
    professional experience and knowledge
  • Lessons in each module from 5+ additional priestess sisters
    sharing their temple skills with you
  • 50+ Teaching videos—a treasure trove!
  • 20+ Ritual flow sheets
  • 9 Modules—step-by-step training on how to be a temple guide
  • Worksheets, checklists, and handouts so you can design and
    create your temple circles
  • Self-assessment tools—track your progress and see which
    skills you need to deepen
  • Seed Activation audio journey
  • “The Initiation” 3-part video series to help you discover how
    you’re being called to serve
  • 5 Faces of Priestess Leadership Assessment—uncover your
    top 3 priestess leadership styles
  • Practical solutions for the inevitable challenges and growth
    rings with running temple
  • Safe, loving container of sisterhood in a private, alchemical
    Facebook temple….and more!

Foundation Level

  • Online Self-Study
  • Access to 30+yrs of Elayne Kalila’s teachings
  • 70+ Teaching Videos

Value: $1000

  • 9 Modules
  • Your Sacred Calling
    • Your Initiation Gateway
    • Your Sacred Purpose
    • 20+ Ritual flow sheets
  • Worksheets & checklists so you can design & create your temple circles
  • Self-assessment tools: track your progress and see which skills you need to deepen
  • Guidance to create a personal, sacred medicine pouch to ground and support you

Value: $400


  • 3 Business Masterclasses from the Temple’s Team

Value: $300

  • Seed Activation audio journey
  • “The Initiation” 3-part video series: discover your sacred calling
  • 5 Faces of Priestess Leadership Assessment: uncover your top 3 priestess leadership styles
  • What It Means To Be A Modern-Day Priestess: 20 dialogues with amazing priestess sisters
  • Awaken Your Inner Temple: 9-part guided audio journey to connect with your soul language
  • Presence: Grounding meditation series you can use individually or in groups

Value: $500

VALUE: $2200
Your Contribution:$1,300

Immersive Level

Everything in Foundational Level Plus:

  • 18 Live Group Coaching Calls with Elayne Kalila & Temple Guide mentors
    • 10 Live Group Coaching Calls (90 mins) with Elayne Kalila & Temple Guide mentors
    •  8 Practice Circles (90 mins) led by a Temple Guide mentor—a priestess sister who will support you & yourcircle to practice your skills

Value: $1000

  • Private, dedicated FB group for 24/7 support & connection from Elayne Kalila, Temple Guide Mentors, and your sisters in the 3 month course

Value: $500

  • Constructive Feedback & Support for 1 Ritual Flow: choose one of the ritual flow charts; create one yourself and receive 1:1 constructive feedback around your creation

Value: $150


  • Final Assessment
  • Certificate of Completion after submitting all of your completion tasks—this does not grant you Certified Temple Guide Status

VALUE: $3,850
Your Contribution: $1,800

Certificate Level

Everything in Foundational & Immersive Levels Plus:

  • 3 Day, In-Person Retreat at Elayne Kalila’s home; you’re responsible for travel & accommodation

Value: $1500

  • 6 Month Certified Priestess Presence Temple Guide: awarded when you complete course, attend the in-person training, and pass the assessments, and reviews.
  • 8 Extra Live Group Coaching Calls (90 mins), with Elayne Kalila
  • 2 personal 1:1 Sessions with Elayne Kalila

Value: $700

  • 9 Modules of Advanced training & mentoring from Elayne Kalila that you can’t find anywhere else:
    • Learn how to recognize and understand trauma
    • Access to Trauma “first aid” skills in Elayne Kalila’s SETH (Safe Embrace Trauma Healing) curriculum developed for the nonprofit that Elayne co-created, the Gratitude Alliance

Value: $900

  • Priestess during potential challenges of temple members—including interpersonal conflicts, trauma, grief
  • Learn how to assess if additional support is needed, like therapy, for a temple member
  • 13 Archetypal Goddess Ritual Flows for offering archetypal circle based in the 13 Moon Mystery School; this is the only place to receive these outlines that will support you to create powerful archetypal circles in your community
  • Constructive Feedback & Support on 1 temple circle you run in your local community
  • 13 Moon Mystery School Oracle Cards gifted to you at the retreat


VALUE: $9,150
Your Contribution: $4,300

Which Level is Best for Me?

That depends entirely on what you feel within your being. Your body will let you know which Temple Guide Training pathway would support you most at this time.

But to help you, here’s a few things to consider when making your decision…

Foundation Level Is Great If You:

  • You love online self-study
  • Want the freedom to train at your own pace
  • Prefer not having a timeline to get things done
  • Are able to focus and complete a 3 month course independently—you will get email prompts and reminders from us to open each new lesson after you complete each one
  • Work best independently
  • Don’t desire to connect with other sisters who are also creating temple circles
  • Already have a sisterhood support network in person and/or online

Immersive Level Is Great If You:

  • Love having accountability and built-in support systems
  • Want to connect with other sisters who are also creating temple circles—who might become best sister-friends and future co-collaborators!
  • Think group coaching from Elayne Kalila sounds amazing
  • Thrive with individual and group support
  • Always wanted a priestess/temple guide mentor
  • Learn by doing, by being hands-on—you love practicums and practices
  • Are motivated by completion—and would LOVE a certificate of completion to show you finished your training

Immersive Level Is Great If You:

  • Love everything about the immersive level AND…
  • Want to train in-person with Elayne Kalila and your temple guide mentors
  • Want 1:1 time with Elayne Kalila giving you amazing support!
  • Desire to be credentialed through the Priestess Presence Temple, after being personally coached by Elayne Kalila and temple guide mentors
  • Are ready to go deep in your training to provide the most grounded, transformational,inclusive temple circles you can—this is a 6 month process
  • Would love the temple to support you and amplify your temple circles—be put on a directory of certified temple guides so other sisters can find you
  • Feel called to amplify the energetic imprint of the Priestess Presence Temple by becoming a Certified Temple Guide

Sacred Exchange

While the mystery and training do not belong to any of us–but to all of us–paradoxically they are are not free: They are priceless treasures.

The temple wishes to deeply honor you for being a clear YES.

You may step-in and join us in one of three different levels of training ... each of which has a corresponding heart contribution with the option of a sacred payment plan.  

Thank you for your heartfelt contribution. We are in deep gratitude and invite you into this beautiful, trans formative School of Sacred Arts.


or installments of:

4 x $325


OR a deposit of $500

& 4 payments of $325


OR a deposit of $500

& 4 payments of $950

You might be wondering how being certified as a Priestess Temple Guide will help you…


Becoming certified as a Priestess Presence Temple Guide is a path of deeper intensive study and action! We want you to succeed and so we will do everything we can to support you! It is an amazing opportunity to become an even more important part of our community.

Also, we want our wider sisterhood to know about you and your
offerings … so when you’re certified, you’ll have the chance to:

  • Be featured in our weekly newsletter that circulates to over 70k sisters—and growing
  • Share your offerings with our community through social media
  • Have your circles highlighted in our online forums

We will also list you on our website and directory of accredited
Priestess Presence Temple Guides.

And if you want more community, you’ll be invited to our annual Temple Guide Gathering so you can share inspiration, deepen your skills, and be in sisterhood with others who have been fully certified.


During this training, you’ll have access to over 30 years of Elayne Kalila’s professional, artistic, and spiritual knowledge.

Plus, Elayne Kalila collaborated with 5+ sisters she has personally trained within the Priestess Presence School. They will share their wisdom in multiple lessons throughout the training!

You’ll be guided, step-by-step, how to create a temple experience so that you can confidently open temple circles for people in your community, with all the tools you could need.

Discover and clarify your sacred purpose, intuitive gifts, archetypal
allies, and top 3 priestess leadership styles.

    Modules 1-3:

  • Your Sacred Calling
  • Your Initiation Gateway
  • Your Priestess Leadership Style

  • Video/Audio Trainings
  • Assessments
  • Worksheets

Discover the difference between temple and circle; explore why
ritual is the foundation to temple; understand the rare and precious
nature of temple as a space devoted to nourishing our soul essence;
bring inclusion, diversity, and equity into temple; and learn,
step-by-step, how to create a temple experience.

    Modules 4-8:

  • The Art & Practice of Ritual
  • The Sacred Role of the Temple Guide
  •  Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity
  •  How to Set & Guide Temple
  • Creating Your Temple Flow
  • Setting Up Your First Temple
  • Challenges and Growth Rings


  •  Video/Audio Trainings
  •  Checklists and supply lists
  •  Worksheets


Explore potential challenges with guiding temples—including
interpersonal conflicts, trauma, grief, and assessing additional
support for temple members, if needed.

    Modules 9-12:

  • Challenges, Initiations, & Growth Rings
  • Navigating Wounds, Conflicts, Resistance,
  •  Advanced Temple Guide Skills
  •  8 Live Group Coaching and Supervision Sessions
  • 2 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Elayne Kalila


  •  Video/Audio Trainings
  •  Assessment
  •  Worksheets
  •  Live Coaching
  •  1:1 Support

Are you called to remember being a priestess that honors
her deep, soul healings in order to serve others
in times of suffering, great change, and celebration?

Will You Join?


If you are here, I sense you’re feeling called to create and connect with community.

I imagine you have a deep heart-desire to bring sacred ceremony and ritual into your life and share it with others.

...Perhaps you haven’t known where to start.

...Maybe the details of finding temple participants and organizing a circle has felt overwhelming.

...You may even wonder if you’re “qualified” to be a temple guide and hold space in this way.

This Is For You If You Have Been Yearning To...

  •  Create temple circles in your local community
  •  Learn how to start a circle—from magnetizing members,
    to logistics and organizing, to facilitating the circle
  •  Bring ritual structure into your offerings
  •  Deepen your skills set
  •  Create a circle curriculum
  •  Offer ceremony to your family, friends, or within your work

This Is A Powerful Training For ...

  •  Priestesses
  •  Coaches
  • Therapists
  • Teachers
  •  Dancers
  • Thought Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  •  Doctors
  • Ministers
  •  Mothers
  •  Sacred Activists
  • Artists
  • Maidens
  • ...Anyone who wants to be in
    ceremony and ritual with others

This 4 month training is a potent rite of passage that empowers you to recognize your gifts and talents so you can create sacred space for you to birth yourself as one who—in devotion—guides and holds space for the healing and transformation
of others.

We are Priestess sisters being called to
bring our full PRESENCE in the world.

Are you are ready to enter this sacred Temple Guides Training?
Are you ready to stand centered and clear as you
embody the ancient wisdom of our collective priestess
sisterhood in devoted service to others?

Please reserve my space in the training.


During this 4 month training, you’ll access 30+ years of Elayne Kalila’s knowledge, professional and spiritual practices, core tenets, and principles combined to help you create a powerful temple experience for your community.

You’ll experience all the information she’s gathered as a sacred priestess activist, transformational ritual artist, psychotherapist, drama therapist, teacher, and clinical supervisor.

Elayne Kalila has worked globally, in diverse settings, from prisons, psychiatric wards, street theatres in Berlin, war-torn hospitals in the DRC Congo, and orphanages in rural Nepal.

Her priestessing has reached many people—including entrepreneurs and women survivors of torture and rape.

Elayne Kalila has uniquely woven priestessing into a grounded spirituality, combining skills and practices rooted in western clinical psychology (Jungian), married with ritual, ceremony, and temple work.

She is now ready to share with you the wealth of experience, gathered over a lifetime, of developing structures and practices that work across all cultures and in all settings ... as they are universal priestess practices.

Elayne Kalila felt called to bring all of these teachings together
to weave an exemplary training
that can be your stepping point
to offer your own ministry in the world.
Will You Join?

Elayne Kalila's commitment to going the distance as a loving and powerful facilitator, who tells the truth with compassionate and precise skill and holds you to your highest, sets her apart as a teacher of teachers and a leader of leaders. Kalila was an instrumental part of my training to become a 13 Moon Mystery School Focalizer. She nurtured me with clear, consistent guidance and was fiercely devoted to my rising into my own self-trusting and sovereignty. The training I received from Kalila led to me confidently holding my own in person and online circles. She taught me, not only through her impeccable direct feedback but from witnessing her masterful skill at holding others through challenging moments and celebrating their strengths and essence beauty again and again. I trust her discernment and ability to navigate with grace and wisdom to guide others through complex energy dynamics that arise in groups and circles. I feel so blessed and gifted by her lionhearted presence as my teacher and sister on my path of personal empowerment. I am forever gifted by having witnessed her and learned from her what a living example of "embodied love in leadership" really looks like.

Sarah Eden Davis

Elayne Kalila has an amazing gift for creating sacred temple space. Whether in person or online, she’s able to create an incredible ambiance that drops everyone right into the heart of the sacred feminine and allows us all the access the divine together.

There’s actually quite a LOT of learning and “behind the scenes” planning that’s required to create a space that’s truly sacred. And Elayne Kalila is an incredible Guide who skilfully paves the path for others who want to create their own local temple circles.

If you are seeking to create a deep and soul-filled temple circle - instead of a more surface level “chatty” group that doesn’t drop to the depths that are possible - then you’ll want to learn from Elayne Kalila. She’s truly masterful at her craft, and she can show you how to enter the mysteries with grace and ease.

Devaa Haley Mitchell- Co-Founder of The Shift Network

What Elayne Kalila offers is distinctively different than what other programs offer, in that she is not trying to fill you with more information “about” the Divine Feminine, rather she is assisting you in emptying out and being a divine living embodiment! She is transmitting the mysteries as a direct energetic experience, metaphorically much the same way a young Balinese dancer learns temple dance by being held right next to the body of the elder dancer to FEEL the transmission in her bones. THAT is something that cannot be taught with the mind. One has to have emptied out enough to be an open channel for direct transmission to move through. Elayne Kalila has done that work in consciousness and you can FEEL the difference in its effects.

Another gift that Elayne Kalila has immense skill with is being a systems analyst. You might ask “What does that have to do with priestess/ing?” Actually a lot! She has the immense gift of being able to look at how to break down any given skill set, in this case: “The Temple Guide Training in the Art and Craft of Priestess/ing” into practical ways to train and embody those skills. This is possible because she holds a fine tuned balance in her inner male’s gift with creating clear structures and her inner female’s gift with offering feeling transmission for direct experience and embodiment of those skills.

If your heart is moved to do this work with Elayne Kalila, I can genuinely recommend it because I know you will find delight and with your commitment, the fulfillment your heart seeks.

Ariel Spilsbury


By the End of Your 4 Month Training, You Will:

  • Be able to confidently create & guide a temple—from attracting circle members and organizing it to holding transformational ceremonial space for others
  • Understand what is motivating you to be of devoted service (your sacred “why”)
  • Discover your sacred purpose
  • Name your intuitive gifts
  • Identify your archetypal allies and top 3 priestess leadership styles
  • Recognize the difference between temple and circle
  • Understand the importance of ritual and how to use it in temple
  • Be able to guide several different types of rituals and temple gatherings—high holy-days, celebrations grief &loss, rites of passage, moon cycles, and many more...
  • Bring equity, diversity, and inclusivity in your temple circles


  • Sacred Theatre & Ritual Embodiment—To deepen transformational, ceremonial work
  • Elements—Work with & evoke them
  • Intuition—Develop & access your inner symbolic & archetypal soul language
  • Nature & Directions—Access & identify your animal and/or plant allies
  • Oracle—Strengthen your divination skills
  • Blood Mysteries
  • Altar Creation
  • Sacred Agreement Fields
  • Sound—Music, singing bowls, voice, chants, drums
  • Anointing Oils
  • Guided Journeys


  • Connecting with your legion of support—seen and unseen
  • Practicing the art of synarchy—leading without leading!
  • Accessing your inner wisdom & inherent priestess skills
  •  Grounding your spirituality into practical action
  • Step-by-step guidance on how to create a temple circle
  • Receiving ritual and temple flow sheets
  • Learning invocations to call-in your temple circles—use this for any area of your life
  • Training on how to guide archetypal journeys and guided meditations
  • Connecting to your top 3 priestess leadership styles—so you know your inherent skills and what types of circles will bring you the most joy while utilizing your greatest strengths

All shared from an accumulation of 30+ years of Elayne Kalila’s combined professional and spiritual knowledge along with 5+ other priestess sisters, supporting you in each lesson and module.

You Will Have Access to Knowledge Elayne Kalila Has Gathered From:

  • Being a trained, successful psychotherapist, teacher, trainer, clinical supervisor, actor, director, ordained priestess and spiritual entrepreneur 
  • Creating & growing the Priestess Presence Temple from a very small platform to over 80k people
  • Guiding thousands of circles over 30 years, across the globe 

In Each Module, You’ll Receive Lessons From Temple Guides—Other Priestess Sisters—That Have a Cornucopia of Experience Facilitating Temple Circles...

...Let’s meet these beautiful sisters

Will You Join?


or installments of:

4 x $325


OR a deposit of $500

& 4 payments of $325


OR a deposit of $500

& 4 payments of $950












Discover and clarify your sacred purpose, intuitive gifts, archetypal allies, and top 3 priestess leadership styles.

Module 1: Your Sacred Calling

Includes: video/audio trainings; quiz; meditation; worksheets


  • What is motivating you to be a temple guide?
  • Divine Feminine Archetypal Quiz—learn about your most and least expressed Divine Feminine allies
  • Exploring your gifts and growth edges
  •  Seed Activation Meditation

Module 2: Your Initiation Gateway

Includes: video/audio trainings; altar cards; worksheets


  • This includes a 4-part video training
  • Catalyze Your Sacred Purpose
  • Liberate Your Limitations
  • Illuminate Your Gifts
  • Initiate Your Life

Module 3: Your Priestess Leadership Style

Includes: lesson/dialogue with Temple Guide sisters; video trainings; quiz; assessments; guidebooks; worksheets


  • Discovering your Priestess Leadership Style and your top 3 (your unique blend)
  • Understanding the types of temple circles you’d be most attracted to guiding
  • Exploring your archetypal, animal,and nature allies



Discover the difference between temple and circle; explore why ritual is the foundation to temple; bring
inclusion, diversity, and equity into temple; and learn, step-by-step, how to create a temple experience.

Module 1: The Art and Practice of Ritual

Includes: video trainings; lesson (dialogue)
from Temple Guide sisters; worksheets


  • What is a ritual space, why is it powerful, and how do you create it?
  • The difference between temple and circle— and why do we need temples?
  • What is a Temple Guide? How is it different from being a leader or facilitator?
  • Discussion with temple guides about what it’s like to hold this role
  • What are the core practices & skills to be a Temple Guide?
  • The myriad of reasons why you’d call temple and hold ritual
  • Equity, diversity and inclusivity
  • How your presence makes a difference

Module 2: How to Set and Guide Temple

Includes: video trainings; lessons from sister Temple Guides; outlines/flow sheets; worksheets


  • How to set a temple, call in the directions, build an alter, and make an offering
  • What are Sacred Agreements and why are they so important.
  • What is a Temple Gate and why does this matter?
  • How to create opening, grounding meditations, invocations,
  • How to create deepening experiential practices
  • How to craft and offer potent guided journeys
  • Use of divintation (oracle cards), scent (anointing oils), sound (music, chants, singing bowls)
  • How to create closing rituals

Module 3: How to Create Your Temple Flow

Includes: video trainings; lessons from sister Temple Guides; outlines/flow sheets; worksheets


  • How to create a simple and powerful ceremonial Temple Flow
  • The core elements of Temple Circles, Rites of Passage and Ceremonial Ritual
  • The Blood Mysteries -How to work with women’s life cycle.
  • Detailed outlines for creating 20+ rituals and ceremonies like high holy-days; rites of passage; celebration of life; celebration of death; grief & loss; honoring the moon cycle; dream temples; forgiveness; elements; sensuality temples; naming ceremonies; wedding ceremonies; divorce ceremonies; healing rituals; water blessings

Module 4: Setting Up Your First Temple

Includes: video trainings; lesson (dialogue) from Temple Guide sisters; worksheets; checklists/supplies list


  • What is your intention & motivation for your temple?
  • What is your scope of practice as a Temple Guide?
  • How to invite others to your temple circle & addressing fears (what if no one comes, how do I let people know?)
  • How to pre-screen sisters to enter into temple circles
  • How to assess if a sister is not appropriate for a temple circle
  • Guidelines on how to ask for donations or heart contributions for temple circles
  • Money, abundance, and spirituality
  • How to prepare yourself for guiding your first temple circle
  • How to deal with possible challenges and wobbles.
  • Self Assessment
  • Temple Guide Scope of practice guidelines


This is an amazing opportunity to receive personalized in depth supervision, support and
mentoring with Elayne Kalila so you can receive full certification as a Temple Guide.

  • 6 Live Group Coaching Sessions with Elayne Kalila (value $600)
  • Elayne Kalila’s Review and feedback for up to 3 of your LIVE Temple Circles
  • 2 personal 1:1 coaching sessions (value $600)



Explore potential challenges with guiding temples—including interpersonal conflicts,
trauma, grief, and assessing additional support for temple members, if needed.

Module 1: Ongoing Challenges Initiations and Growth Rings

Includes: video trainings; lesson (dialogue)
from Temple Guide sisters; worksheets


  • Reviewing & assessing your first circle
  • Challenges, wobbles, and growth moments
  • Initiation of stepping-in
  • Facing & healing perfectionism
  • How to bring your temple circle back from spinning out

Module 2: Navigating Wounds and Conflicts

Includes: video trainings; lesson (dialogue)
from Temple Guide sisters; worksheets


  • How to work with the wounds of sisterhood
  • How to handle conflict and interpersonal dynamics
  • How to work with resistance and attachment
  • Advanced training in reading energy, group dynamics, developmental theory, archetypal medicine

Module 3: Advanced Skills

Includes: video trainings; lesson (dialogue)
from Temple Guide sisters; worksheets


  • What is tracking & why is it so important?
  • How to offer support in circle
  • Guidelines for working with trauma if it arises—recognizing it, basic healing techniques
  • How to work with grief
  • Grief cycle
  • How to know if a sister needs deeper support—your accountability & agreement field

We are gathering together again.
We are awakening, igniting.
Will you take your place as an amplifier of this temple’s resonance?


We light and illuminate a crystalline geometry:
the flower of life activated,
awakened as the
6-petalled rose at the
heart of the Magdalene

From Elayne Kalila’s combined, integrated experiences, the Priestess Presence Temple was born … and there’s a reason the name of this temple is Priestess Presence.

Throughout Elayne’s training and professional experiences, she recognized archetypal patterns and Divine Feminine practices help create the foundation of temple.

These patterns and practices can be applied in all circumstances of life—from parenting, to running a circle, to training, to intimate conversation with a friend or beloved.

It’s an energetic thumbprint that can be easy recognized and felt when you are in its presence.

It is the imprint of this temple.

Priestess Presence is a defined pathway of remembrance
of our sacred role as midwives
to ourselves,
to each other,
and to the world.


The same essence—or frequency—that creates “Priestess Presence” (or the clear presence of priestess energy) is infused in this training so that when you step out into the world, you amplify this energetic signature … in all you do.

The archetypal energy of “Priestess Presence” is at the heart of all healing and once understood, experienced, and mastered, becomes the structure around any offering you create.

So, when you train with the Priestess Presence Temple, you receive the knowledge and experience Elayne Kalila re-membered and infused into the temple to create conditions needed for deep healing and transformation—not just for you individually, but collectively.


5 Sacred Business Masterclass from the Priestess Presence Team


Elayne Kalila will bring you “behind the scenes” of the Priestess Presence Temple. She will share with you how to ground and hold an online temple space, including the sacred technologies and structures that transform an ordinary online experience into an extraordinary sacred, temple space. We will cover the use of Zoom, FB Live, lighting, music,and creating FB events—everything you need to know to support you to start to create an online temple space.


Rebecca Cavender, our temple copywriter and oracle, will share steps to create intuitive copy and aligned marketing—without selling out your soul. Receive guidance, and even checklists, to get started so you can clearly express your heart and share your offerings in the world.


Elayne Kalila will show you how she creates beautiful branding that is aligned with the vision of the temple and its offerings. She will guide you in how to bring beauty and coherence to your visual branding for all of your events.


Learn how to set up your sacred business for success. Tools and technical magic that that will rapidly expand your reach and create abundance.


I am Elayne Kalila, Gatekeeper and Focalizer of the Priestess Presence Temple, a dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School™. I have the great privilege and challenge to steward and guide this temple.

I have a mission to serve in a more impactful way … you might feel the same. Perhaps you, too, are mission driven, devoted to serve and heal.

...But there is also a way that we are needing to be held in a grounding structure so that we can amplify our vision and be accountable to what we create.

Our Priestess Presence School of Sacred Arts does just that.

Priestess Presence—the essence of this temple and school—is a defined pathway to remember your sacred role of being a changemaker.

When more and more sisters come together to run temple circles, more and more women will awaken their awareness of their purpose, their essence, and walk the path of love.

I believe walking the Priestess Path is about being willing to dedicate ourselves to deepening our practice so that we can be present and serve the world.

I am passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern lives so we can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

Because of the teachings of the Divine Feminine through the 13 Moon Mystery School™ (where I trained … and this temple is part of that lineage), I have been able to priestess in an extremely vast array of environments; from some of the most dangerous and violent areas of the world, like the Congo.

In those places, I have supported women to activate and remember their truth and power. I offer a real path of presence, empowerment, and transformation through awakening the Priestess within you.

That is why I am delighted and honored to invite you to join me to amplify our blessings, be in sacred circle with sisters, and bring the Goddess into the modern-day context of your life.


Elayne walks her path with passion, integrity and a truly abundant heart.
Elayne Kalila Doughty is the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of what it means to be a modern-day priestess. Her decades of professional training, deep study, and commitment to women’s awakening is as obvious when you encounter her as her magnificent, red hair. Elayne walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart.

Being a “priestess” isn’t some trendy new label to adopt; if you are a serious practitioner looking for mentoring on the authentic path of what it means to priestess, you would be well-served to lean-in here

Lisa Schrader

There are beautiful moments in life when large shifts occur within profound and potent settings. These moments touch you deeply, and from that point onwards you feel yourself carrying what is a gift of yours to carry more fully in the world. These moments change you forever and pull you closer into yourself.

In every program and temple circle offered in her care, Elayne Kalila Doughty creates spaces of transformation and homecoming with such grace and beauty. She is the real deal, she is legit, and she is someone who holds a treasure chest of guidance regarding the art of mentorship. If you want to know what is possible for the one precious gift of your life, sitting with Elayne in temple circle is the next step.

Leigh Senna

Elayne Kalila's work has led me into a deeper level of leadership in my personal and professional life. One in which I move with more confidence, inner knowing, deep soul trust, and integrity—with all that I have to offer the world. You cannot hide from yourself in the presence of this work. If you're ready to know yourself more fully and powerfully step forward, this is the path.

Julie Santiago


Your satisfaction with this course is my highest priority! AND we highly encourage you to enter into a deep meditation about whether you are called to this path at this time.

If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Temple Guide Training with Elayne Kalila Doughty, or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know BEFORE April 30, 2019 and you will receive a full refund of monies paid MINUS the $300 admin fee.



Your satisfaction with this course is my highest priority! AND we highly encourage you to enter into a deep meditation about whether you are called to this path at this time. If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Temple Guide Training or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know BEFORE April 30, 2019 and you will receive full refund of monies paid MINUS the $300 admin fee.


For those who are in the Immersion or 6 month certificate program our usual class schedule will be Wednesday at 12 noon PST. And then you will have a sister circle that will be also hosted - you will have a choice of which one you choose at a time that fits best with your schedule.


All temple sessions are offered on live stream video via your computer. These sessions are recorded so that if you cannot attend live, you can access the recording. During the live sessions you will be able to ask questions via the live chat.


This is a private Facebook group that is only for members of the Temple Guide Training. You will be able to meet and dialogue with your sisters all over the world. Elayne Kalila will be an active member of this group, so you can ask questions and garner her support in this forum as well.


Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all temple sessions on the Temple Guide Training page on the Priestess Presence membership site, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full sisterhood on the private online temple (on Facebook).


Please visit the Customer Support section on the homepage where you should be able to find help, whatever your question. And if you can’t, please submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you. The email address again is: [email protected]. We aim to respond to people within 48hrs but we don’t work weekends. If you do not get a response in that timeframe please resend your email.


The Priestess Presence Temple & School of Sacred Arts is located on the unceded and traditional territory of the Nisenan Tribe.

We honor this ancestral land and its original people. We give thanks for our ability to hold the space for this temple on their sacred land.

The area of Nevada City, California, where the temple resides, was repeatedly taken from the Nisenan people, without compensation or regard for the lives of the original people; and now, they have no land left.

The temple acknowledges it is on the ancestral homelands of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe. The Temple acknowledges we are settlers here—that we live, love, and work on land the Nisenan never ceded.

In order to help amend the tragic legacy, the temple provides a monthly contribution to recognize the sovereignty of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan and acknowledge their historic relationship with this land, their ancestral homelands. We give to CHIRP—CALIFORNIA HERITAGE: INDIGENOUS RESEARCH PROJECT. It was created to research, document, preserve, and protect California Indigenous Nisenan culture.

We are committed to translating spiritual concepts into devoted service and walking our talk.

The temple commits to being an anti-racist, inclusive space that honors all diversity. This includes: looking at and dismantling our privilege in all aspects of systemic racism, white supremacy, institutional/cultural imperialism, while alchemizing the truth that we, too, are One (without bypassing).

As such, we feel it’s crucial to be informed on the past and ongoing consequences of colonialism.

We encourage everyone to learn about the history of the lands they’re on and support Indigenous resistance here and across Turtle Island.

Learn more about the Nisenan peoples here and here.


The Priestess Presence LLC “Temple Guide Training” is a training to support the development of skills to guide temple circles. Agreement about how you can use this material & what certification means. You agree to assume all risk of choosing the right participants, holding non-ordinary ritual space, and creating events that can activate people’s fears, traumas, and deep feeling states. Guiding people in non-ordinary states is not for everyone. We do not advise that you do this, and this training is not enough of a practicum to assure that you can do so safely. Abide by all regulatory guidelines in your area. We do not use mind-altering substances in this work, and advise you to avoid them completely as well. While I have worked as a psychotherapist, this is NOT a training in psychotherapy. We will be covering how to create space for divine miracles to occur, but it’s not a mental health treatment or even therapeutic space you are holding. That is why I show you how to make sure that only healthy well-adjusted people come into this sort temple circle. You are agreeing to assume the risk around this, and to hold Priestess Presence LLC as harmless for entering space that can be charged with emotion. This training is meant to add to your existing training in holding space for transformative work professionally, not replace it.

This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes or are presently in therapy.

Each participant is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. The Priestess Presence LLC Temple Guide Training/The 13 Moon Mystery School and its founder, Ariel Spilsbury, and Focalizer Elayne Kalila Doughty, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Participants must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Participants must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

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