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Muse Manual For Alchemical Play

Are you Ready to align with Play as the way to ignite the flame of inspiration and manifestation?

All aboard the Joy Train… start to sing your soul song…. jump up and down and turn yourself around. The Muse is calling you to the Joy station where you will receive your golden ticket to ride the Joy Express unleashing your full expression. It is time to tap into the well-spring of joy that will bring the spring back into your step.

Joy is the frequency fuel that launches the creative mind.

Spontaneity and levity lift the veils of stagnation to exhilaration.

Are you ready to let go of the need to know, struggle and doubt?

Get your spray bottle of “Struggle and Doubt Be Out”… set your soul free to live ecstatically!

The way of the Muse is to move out of linearity into levity.

Lighten Up, Lift Up and Raise your Vibration by activating your Joy Body.

Joy is a choice. It is a state of mind and body. When we raise our vibration to exhilaration and celebration the fuel of joy begins to run the joy train.


“There is nothing that can make you happy if you choose not to be.
And there is nothing that can prevent you from being happy when happiness is your choice.

There is no need to delay the joy of living until some future, imagined, ideal time when conditions are perfect.
Now is when you are living your life, and now is your opportunity to live with genuine joy.

No position or possession or experience or set of circumstances will make your life good. Your life already is filled with magnificent goodness that’s yours to be experienced to whatever degree you allow.

Worrying about the future achieves nothing other than to rob you of joy in the present. Feel the wonder of your being, right here, right now, and fill your awareness with its richness.

Instead of looking for reasons to be envious or resentful, see in each moment all the opportunities for joy. Instead of avoiding or delaying what must be done, step enthusiastically forward each time you have a chance to make a difference.

Joy is a beautiful, life-affirming choice that you can always make no matter what. Choose to live with joy, and give yourself a life that’s truly rich.”  ~ Ralph Marston

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.

Activating the JOY Body 💣

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you,a joy.”  Rumi

Your body is a chalice, a golden goblet, filled with emotions that either inspire us or deflate us.😄😡

Begin to tap into the awareness of your Body Wisdom to activate your Joy Body.

Body Test

What lights you up?
What makes your body say YES?
What feels like it connects you to your soul shine and divine mind?
What feels better in the body?

Stop… slow down… drop down… and feel the body’s response to an inquiry about which way to go. What is my soul needing to know?

You will know because your body will tell you so.

Learn to trust the body wisdom as a tool for guidance.

“Live a life of Joyful thinking, beginner’s mind.
Live in a state of receptivity.

🌻Desire for absolute Joy to enter your whole being!!!!!🌻

Stop suppressing your blessings.
Stop rehearsing negativity.
Practice your best vibrational capacities of your life.
Then the ecstatic life becomes yours.

Live your life seeking more and more of who you are.

Wake up every day with the thought “there are mighty blessings with my name on it waiting to be opened.”

Do you feel that there is going to be a better time than right NOW?


What self talk is talking you out of living in your joy?

Joy Jump Start 🚀

O.K I know that some of these suggestions are going to sound pretty silly. That is the whole point. So get out your Silly Puddy and begin to mold a new life. One that is molded and shaped and takes on the imprints of images of what your heart truly desires.

Set your Fool free to watch the mystery. Surrender to the greater play that is trying to unfold.  Call in the Holy Fool, the King’s Jester, who shows the way through fools play.

Clear the timeline of you mind that holds the history of past experiences. Get out your white board that holds a clear white space that is ready for you to use your Magic Markers with the many colors that add sparkle to your life. Draw and Paint the picture of a colorful life that is full of magic and miracles.

You are the Artist of the Masterpiece called “LIFE.”

“We are shaped by our own thoughts. We become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”
The Buddha

Live an Ecstatic Life!

Sacrifice your suffering… are you addicted to suffering?
Suffering is the story of the separate self that experiences pain.

Who is telling the story?
Ask yourself “Am I loving a thought or is this thought loving me?”


Sacrifice suffering- where are you addicted to suffering?

Who is telling the story? Addictive personality?

Live a life of joyful thinking, beginner’s mind.

Live in inquiry, pose a question that is unanswerable.

Live in a state of receptivity.

Be Here Now!

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it. ”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Community raises your immunity from lower vibration’s toxicity.
Surround yourself with those that uplift and expand you, who are willing to play.

Hold on to nothing, feeling all is well. Keep laughing and laugh at yourself. Go to the well on a regular basis and fill your chalice with “ALL IS WELL.”

Laugh at the paradox, at the grand light being in a human incarnation. Being worried about anything is a waste of energy!

Levity lifts your vibration.

“Declare and Decree this is the best day of my life.”

Muse Alchemical Tools for
Transmutation and Transformation

Channel Changer

Get out your Channel Changer and change the station from the drama station to a comedy.

Ask yourself what station do I want to watch. What will lift me vibrationally? Sometimes it is a romance, or an adventure movie, or a mystery? Seeing life as a movie is a way to shift into the transpersonal witness, watching and then choosing the stations that uplift.

Rainbow Shower Head

Is it time to take an energetic shower and let the Cling Ons be gone? Get out your Loofah and Laugh sloughing away the dead debris that is limiting thee.

I have a rainbow shower head that streams rainbow light and it energetically shape shifts me to remember to live as a full spectrum being, allowing all the color frequencies to penetrate me and wash me clean so that I may shine like the Divine.

Play with the Patterns and watch them go.

Get out your Pattern Puffer Poofer and poof away the patterns that continue to play out the same old boring story. Say POOF every time the mind continues to try to thread the same storyline. See a wishing weed, a dandelion that has gone to seed and see the weeds in your mind’s being weeded out and  POOFED away.

Windex Wonder and Cosmic Squidgy

Get your windex bottle out when you continue to see the same reflection in your hall of mirrors. Clean the mirror and you will  begin to see life a little bit differently. Or get out your cosmic squeegee and clear the streaks from the windshield of your mind so you can see clearly that all is Divine.

Story Line Shrinker

When you  begin to hear yourself telling an old story, get out your Storyline Shrinker, shrink the story of the small self and stop telling the same old boring story.

Hokey Pokey

Clap your hands… stomp your feet… jump up and down and turn yourself around. Do the Hokey Pokey and see what it is all about.

Do a Jig and giggle away whatever appears to be in the way.

🌟🎊 Movement with sound and light-hearted play🎊🌟
gets the mind out of the way.

Practice the ‘I don’t know’ mantra

The power of the mantra “I do not know.”

‘I don’t know’ is a source of power, a declaration of independence from the pressure to know it all and to have an opinion about everything.

Empty your mind and lift your heart: “I don’t know”💛

Use it as a battle cry affirmation of our oneness with the Great Mystery:

“I don’t know.”

It’s fun to say… try it!😜

Brag Session Therapy

Pigeon Puff Up Asana.

Puff up your chest and Brag Boldly.

Give yourself permission to have a ten minute brag blast where you have a good listener time you as you boast extravagantly about yourself for 10 minutes. Don’t be humble or cautious. Go too far. Proclaim and Exclaim all the bodacious, outrageous, awesome things about you. GO overboard with praise and jump into the sea of the Holy Wow saying “I am AWESOME!”

As we allow ourselves to be witnessed and see the mystery, our manifesting ability starts to create even more AMAZINGNESS!

Dance your Feelings👯

For those who have years of built up longing, suffering, sadness and despair, I suggest another technique. I suggest you dance for your longing; dance for your pain. Give your shadow expression by moving it into being… scream, rant, rave and roll around, allowing yourself to fully express your deep despair through your physical body. Allow your feelings to flow through you with every movement you make while playing music which expresses how you feel inside. Real change doesn’t happen in your head, real change happens through love and when we are rooted in our body. Dancing encompasses both of these things and will help you experience a true pain body release.

Music and dancing help you access your right brain. According to Dr. Jill Bolt Taylor, author of “My Stroke of Insight,” “our right mind is spontaneous, carefree, and imaginative. It allows our artistic juices to flow free without inhibition or judgement. The present moment is a time when everything and everyone are connected together as one. To the right mind, no time exists other than the present moment, and each moment is vibrant with sensation.”

By embodying through your dance, and accepting your feelings completely in the present moment, you will naturally transform. It is at this moment you will become an alchemist. You will see the divinity and perfection in all that you experience. Once your feelings are seen, loved, expressed, and acknowledged, they will melt back into you and shine through you as your light and life force. You will feel enthusiasm for your life again and peace in your body.

“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It’s the rhythm of your life. It’s the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.”
~Jaques D’ambroise

😊The Inner Smile Healing Meditation😋

Begin by attuning to an inner experience of well-being, optimum functioning, and vibrant joy of living life. This will likely produce an outer expression that reflects this joy: a smile. You will likely feel your face relax and your mouth adopt a slight smile gesture as you proceed with the meditation.

Beginning at your crown, beam this feeling of well-being, health, and joy to each organ and region of your body (from the inside out, top to bottom).

Scan your inner physical reality from top to bottom, consciously focusing on each organ and location in the body. Send a beam of your Love-Light energy to each and every area of your body.

You can end with a laughter meditation; a few minutes of laughing for no reason will flood your body with happy hormones.

“In ancient China, the Taoists taught that a constant inner smile, a smile to oneself, insured health, happiness and longevity. Why? Smiling to yourself is like basking in love: you become your own best friend. Living with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself.” Mantak Chia

Share this meditation with others and watch the shift of energy when you offer another a smile. The heart responds and the body receives a blessing.

Make your life a Living, Loving, Light Hearted Meditation!

Awakening your Joy Body Brings
Laughter and Lightness into your Life.

While you are doing your morning yoga or exercise. Get the chi moving with some shaking and the emotional freedom tapping technique, which is to tap with your first two fingers lightly on the thymus gland right in the center of your collarbone. And while you are tapping bring to mind, or visualize, a time when you felt so alive, ecstatic, or an incident that made you laugh. Now begin to laugh and let the happy hormones move through your endocrine system, moving into each and every molecule. See your cells filled with light. turning into happy faces.

Turn your hands into healing hands with the Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho mantra. Tap in the vibration of joy enlivening your cells.



“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don’t bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicity. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.”  Carol Lynn Pearson

This is your Brain on Joy!
Laugh More…. Live More… Play More.

This is what happens to your brain when you laugh, it lights up!

Enlightenment is meant to  aMUSE you to see life as a grand play and learn to get the mind out of the way.

May this Muse Manual for Alchemical Play lead you on your way to living a life of ecstatic play, opening the way to the Muse within.

Sarah Uma Mystic Muse