What is a Modern Day Priestess?
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1:1 Divine Feminine Archetypal Mentoring
“How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light against its being,
otherwise, we all remain too frightened.”
~ Hafiz
Dearest sister,
Are you called to awaken and remember your inner wisdom and remember that you are human and divine?
Do you feel ready to let go of that which no longer honors your true Essence so that you can be Love,
embodied, and serve from a place of devotion?
Are you yearning to create a new story for yourself—and the collective—and feel in your bones that you’re
here to fulfill your life purpose?
…If so, then I invite you to join me on an intimately powerful, 4 month 1:1 journey to awaken and activate
the Divine Feminine within you.
During our sessions, you will:
- Connect with the archetypes that are most/least expressed within you
- Begin to access and deepen with the gifts and medicine the archetypes hold for you at this time
- Be held in a deeply loving and transformative space as you enter into the main initiations that you are currently facing in your life
- Receive potent, empowering archetypal challenges that will stretch your current version of yourself into a bigger and fuller expression of your Soul Essence
- Clarify what you consciously choose to create in all areas of your life
- Transform and transmute old stories that have held you back or limited you
- Become fluent and deeply connected to your personal symbolic language-giving you access to your Essence’s voice
- Deepen your capacity to attune and listen to your inner heart knowing
As your soul midwife, I will:
- Walk beside you and hold your heart
- Support you to step out of your old, small stories and into your Essence
- Mirror who you truly are
- Guide you to clear old energetic contracts that have kept you stuck
- Prepare you to become a clear channel for the Divine Feminine
- Be your soul ally
- Initial 2hr deep-dive session (online or in-person)
- 2 monthly sessions for 4 months (8 sessions)
- Divine Feminine Archetypal Assessment
- Individualized deepening practices
- Email check-ins between sessions

Awaken Your Inner Temple—
9 mediations to create an inner sanctuary

Answering the Call:
9 Essential Skills & Practices
for Being a Priestess

Sacred Call of the
Ancient Priestess eBook—the temple’s #1 best-selling book
In full: $4,000
4 payments of $1,025
Disclaimer: This is an educational program into Divine Feminine Archetypes. There is an emphasis on meditation, visualization, deity embodiment practices and guided journeys for the purposes of self-development. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues, please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program.
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