Enter The Mystery: Emerald Disclaimer and Agreements

What is a Modern Day Priestess?

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Enter The Mystery: Emerald Disclaimer and Agreements

Financial Agreement Summary

Beloved, because of the very intimate and deeply committed nature of this circle, there are specific financial agreements that are required.


We understand the financial commitment is part of the initiatory framework that we enter when we come onto this path.


Once you choose to step into the Emerald Circle and sign the agreement contract you are also entering into a financial contract.


As a summary, when signing the financial agreement, you are committing to going the distance in this circle.


You can cancel your place in the circle within the first seven days (one week) from the date that you register. Please note that there is a non-refundable deposit fee of $500 – even upon cancellation.


After the seven day cancellation period, you are responsible for the full financial amount of the Enter the Mystery Emerald Circle. If you need to miss an initiation (online or in-person) for any reason, or for whatever reason do not complete the initiation, you are still morally and financially responsible for paying for the whole amount of the ordination.


If you miss a retreat, there may be an option to join the same retreat in another year so that you can complete the Initiation Circle; this is dependent upon available space. Elayne Kalila will do her best to include you, but cannot make assurances of when this will be available.


Disclaimer Summary

As a summary, please note that the Priestess Presence Enter the Mystery – Sapphire Circle, part of The 13 Moon Mystery School, is an initiatory process for spiritual training. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues, you agree to consult with your medical practitioner before joining the circle.


This program requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. This work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous, and not for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, have suicidal episodes, or are presently in therapy. Upon entering this program, you are responsible for your own actions and boundaries.


The Priestess Presence Temple/Elayne Kalila Doughty and The 13 Moon™ Mystery School and its founder, Ariel Spilsbury, are not – and will not be – held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. You are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training – or perceived practices –  are given in good faith to the highest known safety standards within this discipline.