The Goddess Of Love Is Calling You

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The Goddess Of Love Is Calling You

Priestess Presnece

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lalita titleA Special Online Retreat with the Goddess of LOVE

Sunday, July 19th 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. PST

Lalita, the Goddess of Love, is calling you.

She’s singing to you: Come, sister.

Immerse yourself in Her divine, sensual, and intimate temple.


Sister, have you been yearning to come closer?

Have you been wishing that you had a Goddess Temple to spend time in with your sisters?

Have you been aching to immerse yourself in the ritual, alchemy, and beauty of the Goddess of Love? This ache in your heart is holy.

Then we are here, the Goddess Lalita invites you to soften into the sweet nectar of your heart, to open yourself to being loved … and to being Love.

She will show you the radiant place inside where true beauty resides. She beckons you to step completely into your empowered, embodied beauty.

This temple immersion is a spa for your heart, soul, and body.

It’s a sacred space where you can renew yourself while taking the time to relax, breathe, and remember your queenly beauty.


My love, I have received messages from women all over the world who long to be present for an in-person retreat but can’t make it to my temple in California; so, I have decided to open the Priestess Presence Temple beyond our normal ritual time and offer the opportunity to immerse for a whole day together in an live online retreat!

During this divine, juicy day retreat, Lalita will saturate us in the vibration of eternal beauty so that we can fully embody it. We will immerse in Her powerful potency.

She is an aspect of all of us. When She is activated, she exudes a golden, rosy pink glow in our aura. She knows that beauty is not skin deep.

Lalita will awaken and reveal our essence beauty.

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And in Her devotion to love, She will melt away layer, upon layer, upon layer of self-judgement, constriction, shut down, shame, and comparison. Oh, She will intoxicate us with Her fragrant presence. She will open our temple to experience beauty.

Can you feel Her queenly sovereignty? It lives in the deep center of integrity, fueled by intense, loving passion.

Can you imagine sitting next to Her? Her rosy, golden essence infuses you with sensual pleasure and bliss. This loving Goddess fully embraces, adores and plays in eroticsm, intimacy, and divine sensuality.

Picture Lalita gazing longingly into your eyes, penetrating you with the vast knowing that beauty is not in our appearance, but is an experience. It is a felt sense. We feel beauty.

Beloved are you willing to open your heart and be filled with Her luminescent beauty?

Are you willing to FEEL your body, your beauty, your true essence?

Come Let’s step into Lalita’s lush, erotic temple:


Lalita40As you approach the doorway of a beautiful temple, the air is filled with the scent of roses. You are greeted by a radiant woman clothed in a pink silk robe. She anoints your heart with the sacred rose oil; it seems to penetrate straight into your heart, softening and melting you from the inside out.

As you enter the temple, your senses begin to dance. You feel your breasts swell and goosebumps radiate down your arms. Walking, wisps of your hair traces the back of your neck like a lover’s gentle fingertips, causing an energetic surge down your spine and up your crown.

Your inner Goddess of Love begins to awaken. She has been yearning for intimate time with you, to be celebrated, to be presenced, to walk with you daily.

The temple is filled with the scents of champaca, rose, and honey nectar. You sit, relaxing into a circle with sisters from across the globe. Take in this sight. Breathe it in. Let your crescent moon smile caress your face as we enter into the mystery of BEAUTY as a Pathway to the Divine.


lalita21Lalita, refined and blissful, sits in the center and unveils the outrageous, gorgeous, magnificence of who we truly are. She dissolves our barriers to intimacy. With each one of us, she uncovers and beckons our unique beauty to vibrate out into the world. We are here to make love to the world. We are here to infuse our world with Her loving, golden essence as She lives in us.

To walk in – and as – beauty, is to walk in integrity, for beauty is the truth of who you are. This is the integrity of self-love. This love generates passionate creativity, permeating and blessing each being we come come across. She drips into us like honey nectar, seeping out of our radiant pores.

This is how we make love to the world. This is holy work.


The invitation is here for you come and unfurl your beauty with us!

Contribution to attend $77

Current members of the Priestess Presence Sister Circle or Priestess Presence Mysterium please check your email for you unique discount code.


So, my love, this is a heartfelt invitation.

I am here to open the gateway of healing, softening, and opening so that we can step in a deeper, more intimate connection with ourselves, with one another, with this planet, with the universe, with Her.

Are you ready to enter the Temple of Lalita,

Goddess of Love, and receive Her?

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A Love Letter from Lalita:

Beloved Sister,

I am the beauty in YOU in all her myriad forms. I am the Goddess Lalita. I am the luminescent, breathtaking, scintillating light of the Divine within you. This light, this essence, exudes honey nectar, entering the hearts of all who behold you.

Love, I am the dance of beauty that shimmers in you.

I am the tip of your tongue. I am your breath between gasping moans of pleasure. I titillate you, singing you back to your brilliant, golden radiance. I dance in you, seduce you, and tantalize you into surrendering to your erotic spiritual beauty in physical form.

I am the allurement of your soul in delightful incarnation within this holy vessel of beauty that is your body. I am a fragrance that surrounds you and oozes from you, leaving trails of awakened senses and magnetic desire.

I take all that is mundane and transform it into sacred beauty. Everything I touch, I touch with the hands and lips and hair and eyes of beauty.

Lalita Goddess of love 13I am BLISS.

Will you awaken me on the path of deep devotion to outrageous beauty?

It is my desire for you to truly embrace me.

It is my desire that you will choose to walk as the divine BEAUTY that you are.

The world needs you, my love. The world needs your unique song of beauty … your fractal of iridescent light that beams and penetrates others.

When you claim, accept, and fully embody YOUR beauty, you free all women to do the same. What a powerful restoration! What a powerful nourishment for all women!

There is an aching within you, within every woman on this planet, to be seen for the magnificence that you are. But do you see it in yourself, my love? Do you see how perfect your beauty is?

Beauty transforms us. It’s an alchemical elixir, just like love. It’s a flavor of me, of all that’s holy and divine. You have the inner power to create this transformation. Yes, yes, you do. You have the power to create this healing within yourself, restoring beauty to its deep potency, radiating your succulent divinity from every pore.

Your perfect luminescent beauty will pour from you, seep into other women, and create transformation for all of us. This is a radical act of spiritual, erotic delight!

And we need you. YOU. YOUR perfect aspect of complete beauty.

I lay my hands of Love upon your heart and ask if you’re willing to let me, Lalita, Goddess of Love, bring sensual beauty to the light of your eyes.

Let me slip into your inner temple and transform it to a palace of adoration and ecstatic bliss.

I do not live “out there”: I live within your lush, fragrant being. So, my beautiful, divine aspect of love, will you consider allowing yourself to walk in your succulent beauty?

Will you come see the world, yourself, others through the eyes of beauty?

Will you come closer to me and know me – truly know me – AS beauty?

Are you ready to claim your natural feminine power through your inherent eroticism?

Are you ready to fully live in the source of your desire and creative passion?

Then come to my temple, beloved. Come..

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Sister, I am so looking forward to this incredible day retreat. I know the power of awakening and embodying this divine aspect Lalita within us. I know how profound an intimate encounter with her can be.

The nature of this retreat is intimate and It is important that you have a private space where you can relax, be alone, and RETREAT; this is called a retreat for this reason.

I know that we are all busy, and yet this temple experience is designed so that you can deepen into Lalita in a sacred, intimate way. If this is not possible on the day that we run the retreat live, you can always choose to set aside the time and attend the retreat during the recording. There is deep potency either way.

Here are a few details about the Temple…

During our time together, you will:

  • Invoke and embody the Goddess of LOVE in the form of Lalita through direct transmission.
  • Open your inner temple to receive Her as a direct FEELING of presence, healing, and awakening through you.
  • Open your heart and melt the ways that you habitually stay disconnected from the flow of love within you.
  • Explore how Lalita wants to move through you; this includes subtle movement practices.
  • Awaken and activate the essence nectar of BLISS as a way to be touched by the beauty of Lalita within you.
  • Understand Lalita as a revolutionary energy that awakens beauty as a radical path of healing.
  • Deepen into what BEAUTY actually is: a felt sense.
  • Clear the shadow of any BEAUTY MYTHS that you still carry.
  • Clear the Mirror of Comparison (guaranteed to relieve inner wrinkles and reveal a beautiful, tender pink glow from within).
  • Indulge in BEAUTY rituals that will aid with the connection and unveiling of this place within us.
  • Create BEAUTY potions infused with the frequency of LOVE.
  • Make a LOVE elixir to use in our own BEAUTY rituals.
  • Share intimate moments of connection.


How does an online retreat work?

  • We will be in retreat from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. PST. Remember to set this time aside so you can have privacy and truly RETREAT.
  • There will be a mixture of live video streaming temple time and time spent in guided solo practice.
  • We will open the day together, deepen in circle, and invoke Her, Lalita’s, presence.
  • We will break to eat a sumptuous lunch.
  • At times, we will be together as a whole circle and at other times you will be in solo practice, but held in the potent temple field.
  • During live temple time, we will immerse in ritual and practice together, deepening our intimacy.
  • During sacred solo time, you’ll follow a self-guided practice to go deep within your experience and connect with Lalita from the intimacy of your home.
  • Throughout the day, you will experience being held in the sacred temple crucible of deep love and alchemy that we co-create as you open your own vessel to receive Her within you.

Preparations before the retreat:

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  • If it is in your joy, please make an altar to the essence of BEAUTY. This could be as simple as a flower and a candle or more elaborate; FEEL into this and make it an act of devotion.

What to bring with you :

  • A favorite food to eat as a sacrament (chocolate, strawberries, blueberries are my favorites)
  • A small bottle – one that will hold an essential oil blend.
  • A small amount of almond or jojoba oil
  • 2-3 essential oils of your choice. These could be lavender, rose geranium, bergamot, jasmine, rose, neroli, ylang ylang, vanilla, sandalwood; choose ones that are affordable and appeal to you. You can find these at your local health food store or online ( I will provide you details once you register)
  • A flower of your deepest desire that speaks of beauty to you
  • Distilled water


I cannot wait to share this special Lalita retreat day with you, sister. How amazing will it be for each of us to really claim our blissful nature and our true beauty essence?

In love and devotion,


Elayne Kalila Gatekeeper & Focalizer of the Priestess Presence Temple


Contribution to attend $77

Current members of the Priestess Presence Sister Circle or Priestess Presence Mysterium please check your email for you unique discount code.
